Short Story Fiction – The story of little MMM
Photo credit: veggiegretz from morguefile.com
I am not saying that all the creatures in the world are ‘The little Mean Minded Men’ (MMM). But, I met these exceptional beings at a someplace (which I am sure everybody has access to visit and meet them) where they struck my fancy with their die-hard bigoted thoughts and feelings. I was left in shock with their puny little mind devising the next little things to feel superior about them.
So once upon a time I was lost and haggard , then at a distance I saw a great big building. It was a spectacular sight to behold. I was struck by its illumination and shine. The said building could hold thousands and thousands of people inside it. It was like if today would be the dooms day then, I would know where to come and hide, so that the devil himself won’t be able to find me here, you know. When I entered this great building the doorway was grand 6 feet high with smooth finely texture material doors where I could see the other side of it.
I was still gaping at the magnificence of this building with wide mouth when somebody tapped me from behind. I turned to see a little ugly human like creature wobbling to and fro. I asked what’s the matter with him is. He replied “You are not to be seen here! You are not to be seen here!”
He said with such venom that it left me astound. I asked “Why not, little MMM?”
He said “It my dominion you have no business being here! No business! Not to be seen here! Not to be seen here!” He clearly was very agitated.
I tried to pacify him. I said “My dear little MMM! Just relax! And tell me why should I not be here? I am here because I need some rest and work. After that, I will have enough to go home. I will not bother you. “
But he was inconsolable. He said “I will call my brother’s and not have you here! Not have you here!”
He went away and returned with 3 of his brother’s.
They were 4 feet creature’s .All of them was of same height, breath, shape and even looks.
They had bulbous eyes, with pot-belly, with smelly hair, extremely bad breath, they were of ugly shade of green with broken teeth and dirty brown lips.
Then the 1st ugly looking MMM said”Why are you here, Girly?”
Well, here I should mention I am well past ‘girly’ title but still I let him continued as I didn’t know what the matter with these MMMs, for their extreme intolerance towards me.
I replied “I don’t want to fight, dear little MMM.I come here with peace. I just want to have work so that I can take enough for my home.”
At this one vicious little MMM started shouting and pulling his hair he said“My wife didn’t cook for me today .Did you cook at your house?”
I was confused.
I sat down at bench and asked him to hop up and sit. He did it, reluctantly.
I patted his little head and said “Tell me! What happened?”
He began “I told my wife to cook and clean and wash my shocks. She didn’t do it and lashed me with hurtful word. She said ‘ Husband did you marry me to clean your shocks? I want to paint pictures, dear husband! Can I please do that?’ But I gave her my commands to be followed immediately. I said you will cook today and nothing else. But she was adamant. She said ‘Husband help me so that I can finish cooking and go and paint pictures.’ This was intolerable; she was not only slow and stupid but also pure evil. I called my brother; together we put her down and locked her into a dark cabin where no light, color or hope will ever reach. “Then this little ugly MMM smiled a slow sinister smile.
I was shocked. But the other little ugly MMMs, they gathered wobbling and made a little circle around the bench.
“Nasty business taking a wife these days brother! I am so afraid that I will meet your fate brother! God help me! What should I do?” Said the 2nd little MMM.
And they all shook their heads together.
Then the 3rd little MMM began” I made a very smart move brother! I brought my wife from a jungle and train her every day along with my dog. I found her hanging from a tree while I went on a safari. When the first time I ever saw her, I said these days no one will make me better wife than her! Paint Picture! Blah! What an idea?” And he spat on the floor.
The fourth little MMM was quietly listing. Then he said “I have beaten you all!” and then he happily clapped his hand.
He said “I went to a doctor who had made a cow vaccine, which when injected converts a woman into a cow. So, I went to him after my marriage along with my wife and got her injected with it. And now she follows and obeys me around like a faithful cow. This has saved my time for training, effort and money.”
Every little MMM was marveling at his brilliance and few of them took the address of this doctor.
And I was left alone in my thoughts.