Short Fiction Story Of GreyPlace
Photo credit: ARWilliams from morguefile.com
After world war 7 in the year 4039 a large new island appeared in the Pacific Ocean due to the nuclear explosives used. Navigators from all around the world went there to gather information about the climate and search for any new elements. There were mysterious creatures on that island that anybody had seen only in T.V or fairytales. There were creatures like dragons and wishing temples who would even talk to you in your language. Nobody wanted to settle there but one man named Fred GreyPlace who taught the natives about all the important things for civilization, trade system and living. The time he wanted to go to visit his family he was killed at the border of his own home country.
Rise of GreyPlace
When the natives came to know about the death of GreyPlace they were very angry. They decided to declare their freedom and voted to choose ten men who were the best in the matters of civilizations. These ten men were called The board of directors of the power. These ten men were supposed to decide what was good for the countrymen. They were Jeter, Kipon, Dilet, Peker, Nilet, Binger, Drate, Fengetr, Amster and Ligon. Now they had to choose a name for the island country. Depending on the emotional condition of the country they decided that the name of their country would be GreyPlace. Their national flag consisted of Brown area alongside blue lines covered by green spots.The green spots represent the greenery, the brown area tells that nobody could own there land and the blue lines mean that nobody was restricted to come in there land. The supposed date of birth of GreyPlace Clinton (23 august) became a national holiday. The date 31 December was celebrated as the DAY OF FORMATION OF THE POWER
The real story begins
The real story begins with the birth of a wizard named Agrate Betrick. He was intelligent, good-looking and a favorite amongst the dwarfs and the good wizards and witches always liked him. He used to study in Amster’s school of magic and math. His best friend was Hoggle Snerry who was the best student of Amster. He was a neighbor of Agrate. Agrate was very loyal and brave for his country. He used to live with one of the directors of the power Amster who was the main mathematician among the directors. He never appreciated Agrate’s wizardry because he could not handle his magic well. Agrate had many other ideas for himself. Sometimes he would dream of being a teacher in Amster’s magic and math school or a magical scientist. One day as he was returning from school he saw that a boy was saying to his father that he was ready to go on an adventure of magical world. He also mentioned some portal to other dimension where magical creatures called demibieng lived. He said that people used to go there and catch them with special balls called hollowballs. They were a lot like pokemons today but a lot more intelligent, free-minded, and powerful. They had six-chambered heart that is most advanced till today. Hearing all this Agrate went back home and told all this to Amster. He took permission from Amster and went in the magical dimension but first Amster told him to the man studying demibeings, Prof.Hamley. Prof.Hamley was a dwarf who had spent 21 years in the magical dimension and had a collection of facts about demibiengs. Prof. Hamley gave him a tablet containing all the facts. It also had a keyboard to insert or add information. This thing was called introduction to demibiengs. Prof.Hamley did also gave him a fast bike, named projection’s power. It had maximum speed of 599Km/PH.
Return of Agrate
After 9 years when Agrate returned to his dimension, he saw that his country was captured Dutch humans. At first he was curious to know that what had happened to his country (GreyPlace). When he was going to Amster he saw an advertisement board on which it was written “vote to choose your new king”. After reading this Agrate was curious to know that if the ten directors of the power had chosen to befriend Dutch humans. To know the whole story he went to Amster. There he found Amster dead and started weeping. Hoggle heard some voice so he peeped through the window and as he saw Agrate, he ran to him. Agrate asked him that what had happened when he was in the magical dimension. Calming Agrate down Hoggle told him the sad story of his country. When he was not there the Dutch army attacked their country and captured it. The families of the ten directors of the power were killed with them. Agrate became very violent and was going to attack the Dutch governors himself. Hoggle calmed down Agrate as he knew what emotions Agrate was going through as he had also passed through that stage. That night Agrate was not able to sleep in his frustration.
Hoggle’s Idea
In the morning when Agrate was sitting near the window he saw the sun rising and thought that he didn’t sleep the whole night. He saw Hoggle and his other classmates who were taught by Amster. They came near Agrate and sat with him. They started talking about the nice and memorable moments of there life but Agrate was not listening to them but was thinking about something else, something that he wanted to think about. It was a plan to terminate the Dutch governors. One of Agrate’s classmates named Porium asked that why he was not speaking anything. He told everybody of a plan to terminate the Dutch governors but he could not make any plan. Then Hoggle said that he had a plan which would take time but had a high possibility of being successful. He said that first they had to make a team in which only the people trustworthy enough will be involved. The members were – Agrate, Hoggle, Porium, Tiltus, Negrate, Angluze and Kramle. First they decided that they would practice everyday for atleast 4 hours at Hoggle’s place.
Discovery of powers
Everyday they went at Hoggle’s place to practice at 3:00 clock sharp till 7:00 clock. Everybody was very exited and enthusiastic to know there new powers. They wanted to check out what could they do. Tiltus discovered that he had super speed. Negrate discovered that he had super flexibility. Angluze discovered that he could turn his skin into steel. Kramle discovered that he had the power to control matter around him. Porium discovered that he could breathe in water. Hoggle discovered that he had super intelligence. Agrate discovered that he could have whatever he wished for but Agrate’s power had one condition—power depends upon the strength of his emotions.
The first step for freedom
After 10 days of regular trainings Agrate got a stupid idea to test their powers and attack the governor’s soldiers. Hoggle warned them not to do so but they didn’t listen to him. They went there and started to trouble the officers. They were not aware that the officers had automatic machine guns. So they were trapped inside a voice proof building which was surrounded by guards. Then Hoggle got an idea that Kramle could move the whole building and throw all the furniture on the guards. So they came out and apologized to Hoggle and thanked him for saving them. All the Dutch governors were very angry on hearing that seven people of GreyPlace Island had attacked their officers, so they ordered that if somebody sees those seven musketeers they must inform Dutch guards and he or she would get a reward of 10,000 Taurus.
Making of armors and weapons
After their escape all the friends reach at Hoggle’s house and decide to make powerful weapons so that they could fight the Dutch governors with full power. They had hours of hard work in front of them. Hoggle being intelligent, designed a armor suitable for everybody. The armor covered some sensitive places like eyes, urinal excretory organ, stomach and face. This armor was made of calcium and stainless steel but the eyes were covered with hard but transparent glass. There was only one person who did not wore that armor and he was Angluze.
The last battle for freedom
When they had put on their armors and practiced well with them, they left for the Dutch governor’s headquarter. There in the headquarter they saw 1000 of metal soldiers marching towards them who were controlled by Dutch governors. Negrate being flexible took Agrate on his back to fight the governors. Agrate wished to have the magical sword that could change the element it is made of. Porium, Titlus, Angluze and Kramle took the metal soldiers. At that time Agrate was fighting the main governor. After two hours fifty-three minutes and twenty-three seconds, all the iron soldiers were destroyed but the main governor was still fighting. Then the other six members also helped Agrate to defeat the main governor but they all could not defeat him when he had all his modern weapons. Then Hoggle got an idea that Angluze could go near the governor’s weapons and destroy them as the weapons would not affect him but when Angluze had destroyed the weapons one of the pieces of iron penetrated his eyes and Angluze died. Agrate could not hold his temper and so he took the magical sword and killed the main governor. After the death of the governor, Agrate was still very sad and wished in his mind if Angluze and Amster were alive. There they appeared.
Agrate‘s future
After the death of the governor the natives of the country chose Agrate to rule them and be their only director of the power. He became their president, director and their ruler. Then he joined the world of demibeing and Earth by expanding the portal. He was liked by all. By this time his country had made a lot of progress. They had achieved progress in every field. They had their own medals, prizes and rewards. Agrate had formed hobby to be a famous scientist and his latest invention was the sorcerer’s chair. This chair was the centre of Agrate’s house. He made it to guarantee that he could ensure the safety of his countrymen. He also declared that from then to marry each other they would just have to declare that they were married and have it noted in the official marriage register. After the news of the death of the Dutch governor the British were astonished by the bravery of Agrate. They knew that they had much more powerful and more modern weapons so the embarked on a quest to capture GreyPlace. They were multiple in populations. There were lacs and lacs of them. They were invading GreyPlace continuously and when Agrate got this news, he took The Sorcerer’s chair and pressed the red button at the hand-rest. The chair simultaneously converted into the projection’s power. It looked as if Agrate had converted it into a transformer and added special devices to it. It had a navigator, a weapons storage system and it had developed special tyres that could split up and they helped the bike to glide as well as surf on the ocean. He renamed the bike and named it – the transformation’s power. The new improved bike was very special to Agrate and Agrate provided special care for it. The bike had improved speed up to 1500KM\PH. It was especially designed to withstand such speed. There were 5 new programs on it. They were “activate super speed’’, “social net’’, “mimicking’’, “tech search’’ and “demibeing info book’’.
GreyPlace’s safety
Agrate used the bike and reached the eastern region of GreyPlace country. There he defeated the British soldiers and managed to get rid of them. The invaders were successfully terminated but the British succeeded in opening the secrets of GreyPlace to the outside world. Agrate felt very guilty because it was his mistake that he didn’t take care of it. He was still happy that he was able to create the most powerful and the most advanced energy wall around the world’s biggest island country (GreyPlace). He was still very much worried about the safety so he called an urgent conference to discuss these issues. This conference included the members of the squad that helped him during terminating the Dutch governors and Amster so all the members reached there. Jeter, Kipon, Dilet, Peker, Nilet, Binger, Drate, Fengetr, Angluze, Hoggle, Amster and Ligon appeared in the conference hall. They all gave their ideas but nobody could present a perfect plan. Then Hoggle said that he could form a perfect idea by using some part of everybody’s ideas. Everybody agreed with him so the final plan was “They would enter the dimension of demibeings and then train them to become so strong that they could defeat a whole army of dragons. Next they would use them as soldiers against the British.’’. After listening to this plan Agrate fell into deep thinking. He just remembered about the dragon he met in the other dimension. He also remembered the professor who helped him before going in the other dimension. He told everybody else about Prof. Hamley and asked that how would it be if he could help them by providing them with the bike Agrate had in the past. All of them were very surprised and doubted Agrate’s idea whether it would be helpful to them or not but at last everybody went. Agrate showed them the way to his research laboratory. They met the professor and discussed everything and Prof. Hamley agreed to give the bikes but first they had to help him find the bike’s blueprints. After sometime Hoggle found the blueprints and showed it to everybody. While Hoggle was having a look at the blueprints he had an idea that he could add laser guns and plane wings with super speed of 800KM\PH and streamlined body that would further help it to fly and resist much friction. Prof. Hamley was very much impressed by this idea and applied it to the blueprints. It took them 19 days and 5 hours to make 12 such bikes. After taking the bikes they entered the dimension of demibeings. Before going in the dimension they named their team “THE TRANFORMATION’’.
Agrate in the other dimension
The team of transformation went into the portal to capture demibeings with hollowballs to help themselves to defeat the Dutch invaders. They started catching demibeings with hollowballs. Agrate’s first demibeing was Teribeing. It was psychic type and it could also produce holograms and night mares. It also had the power to teleport anything from one place to other. Hoggle caught an XLRation. This was a great achievement for THE TRANSFORMATION. They were one of the most powerful demibeings who had ever been located or captured by any human. There Hoggle was very happy. He was having the fastest, most flexible and most intelligent demibeing in the whole dimension. Teribeing suited Agrate as it had psychic ability. Now, then Agrate had his Teribeing, his dragon and his bike he was very happy and found that if he used all of them at the same time, it would double up their powers. They returned to their dimension and found all the other members of THE TRANSFORMATION helping Prof. Hamley to develop some device that could make copies of living creatures. They also developed a Headquarters in central part of GreyPlace that could project information from distinct parts of the country. They had to hurry because the British army was overpowering them. They were coming closer and closer to GreyPlace and were constantly firing at the power shield to weaken it. Surprisingly Teribeing controlled his power and put all the parts of the machine at their places. The parts were at their places and the machine was ready for use. The British were at the border of GreyPlace when they had made many copies of the demibeings and sent them to different parts of the country to guard, protect and defeat the British army. The army was even bigger than they had imagined. They were very confused because they didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Agrate got an idea that they could make copies of his befriended dragon and use them to fight the British by attacking from above. Prof. Hamley told Agrate that the effect of that machine could only last 30 days and after making 50,000 copies they could not make any more copies of the same species till 50 days pass after the existing copies disappear. They would be very loyal to their creator. They would not eat anything or get wounded as they would not be tracked by modern devices but there was one trick that if the real creature was tracked down they would disappear at that same moment. They were very useful and very powerful but they were not perfect and could be useful for a very long time. The epic war started between the demibeings and the invaders attacking the island country of GreyPlace. The fight longed for 29 day and the British invaders were defeated and sent back to their land.
agrate’s Secret
After defeating the British army Agrate went around the country to understand the condition of his countrymen and convey the message of humanity to everybody. He was trying to repair the damage caused by the effects of war and as he was returning to his home he saw a young and beautiful lady carrying dry clothes to keep them in the cupboard. He felt in love with her in the first of sight. He did not want to have her but he wanted to see her happy and he wanted to keep this his little secret and he would have done anything to make her happy but he had to return immediately to his house as Amster had to have some serious talk with him. The time he returned to his town he received a call from Amster that he wanted to meet him immediately. Amster took a taxi and went straight to his house where Amster was waiting for him. Amster was waiting for him in a room where nobody was allowed to go. Amster told him that it was about his loneliness and he wanted Agrate to look for some girl that he would like to marry. Agrate agreed but he didn’t tell Amster what he had in mind.