Fiction Story – Astral Touch
Photo credit: xandert from morguefile.com
I get kidnapped all the time. Well, in the sense that am taken from my world and am forced to live in a new one that is. I’ve traveled several realms and dimensions throughout my ethereal time. My last and most recent experience, however, was the undoubtedly most strangest. And of course, I don’t expect any of my incarnations to go smoothly, but it would be nice.
Five feet nine inches, that’s my height in this realm. In other worlds I’ve been two feet or eleven feet. Sometimes I’ve incarnated into realms where such measurements did not exist. Here, though, it does and I must be fully aware of it. My hair is reddish brown. My eyes are dark green. I was born with a blood type known as O negative FH. The deeply colored and visible aura of my skin is a light brown, or as it is known as here, my skin tone.
Now, I currently live with beings who call themselves my caregivers: my owners, my parents. Now I know this isn’t true, at least back at my real home. These beings are only temporary as I’m aware of. Actually, I’m sure. I’ve known them for an extremely small amount of time. Seventeen years. Compared to ethereal time, this is only but a millisecond. Even less if I may add.
As I was brought here through incarnation, I was given by the Divine the abilities and physical, mental and emotional possessions of humans. I can cry. I can laugh. Only when I need to. Because I know in this mission, such is not important.
One cloudy afternoon, I sat in my chair at my computer desk and looked out my window. “I wonder what you are thinking Father.” I referred to my real home and caregivers. Don’t misunderstand. My Father is nothing of these worldly religions and beliefs. He is the truth. He and Mother. “What is it I should do today father?” I asked him this out loud and then pushed my chair back slightly, sat up straight, and began to breathe deeply. I meditated. I left my physical body to reconnect to my higher self. “Lurien.” I was called by him, or me, my higher self. Lurien is my name. But in this world I go by Lukas. Lukas is more humane and people can understand this worldly name more efficiently than a spiritual name.
“Lurien. Come to the thrine stone.”
I knew what this meant. I allowed myself to return to Lucas’s body and shift my mind to a more natural human’s mind. “Welp.” I stood up. I was ready. I walked down into the dining room of our home and greeted my tiny sister who was being held by my parent; my mom.
“Good morning Lucas.” She greeted me. “Here take your sister for a moment I need to make a phone call.”
I held my sister Casshira. She drooled on me as I held her. “uhh mom I need to go somewhere.” I sat Cassie down in her high chair so I could begin to walk out of the house.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“I just need to do something I’ll be back.” I quickly walked out after saying that so she couldn’t have much of a chance to say anything else.
We live in an area that would remind you of British Colombia. The western part that’s closest to the ocean. However, I live in a place named Irusa. It is a small island located between the Philippines and Hawaii. It wasn’t discovered until 2017.
I walked down a grassy road between trees and lakes. My home was within this area. I reached a hill where the large, six feet, shrine stone sat at the top of it, shaped like two building blocks standing up next to each other with a horizontal piece on top holding the two together.
The time was seven fifty-six in the evening. That was when we met. Prior to this I was in the woods around seven at night trying to connect with nature as it was something that brought me happiness. I found a nice clear area in the grass beneath the tall green pine trees and lied down in it. The sounds were wonderful. Crickets were chirping happily and the wind was blowing peacefully. I inhaled deeply as I looked up at the starry sky where I saw a shooting star fly over my head. The moon was waning but it was beautiful. It was one of the most peaceful times of my life.
Suddenly I hear noises, noises that are not one with nature. The sounds are like footsteps. I cautiously lifted my head and used my special vision to see through the dark. Oh my God, I could not believe what I had seen. Who stood before me was a tall, beautiful woman who looked around my age. I am twenty-one and she looked to be around nineteen. She was glowing, literally. Wearing a beautiful loose red dress in which the bottom half was like a skirt that would twirl if spun. However, the dress looked old and torn up as if she had walked through many bushes and needed to clean it. With my vision, I saw something else that was remarkable. She had wings.
“Hello..?” I carefully called out to her and her eyes lifted from where she was looking down at her barefooted feet to up at me.
“Hello.” Her voice was magical and sweet. She reminded me of the willow trees that resemble mothers who keep you warm, safe, and at home. “Who are you?”
I stood up and wiped the back of my pants off and stood straight. She didn’t seem to realize who and what she was according to my psychic abilities. “I am Lurien, Angel of Hope and Security.” I attempted to reveal my identity to this being. She would be the first one in this life that I have ever told.
“What are you saying?” She walked closer to me and seemed undoubtedly confused about every word I murmured out of my mouth. “An angel?”
“Yes, I am one of you; you’re one of us angels.” She looked at me as if she was ready to burst out in laughter. And she did. I felt as though I had not known anything in that moment and as if I should be ashamed. But I knew that wasn’t the case. “Why are you laughing? Can you not see your own lavender sparrow -like wings?” She stood even more confused.
“How do you know that…? I mean, I’ve only had dreams about me having lavender wings… but they aren’t real.” She seemed to begin to understand.
“Ah but that’s where you’re wrong, my dear. You ARE in fact an angel and I have seen your wings with my own eyes. No one but your fellow angels can see them, along with yourself. My wings are chartreuse and look like sparrow wings. How can you not see your own?” I questioned her.
“I’ve only been able to see them in my dreams… I had no idea this was real.” She looked into my green eyes with here hazel blue eyes and squinted. “How do I know you aren’t lying to me?”
She looked behind her and claimed to see nothing. I then asked her to close her eyes and breathe deeply. “Spread your wings.” I told her. She seemed to blush slightly as if the sound of my voice was greatly soothing.
Before either of us knew it her wings had grown to their full potential and she was able to do as I asked her. She quickly spread her wings apart and they caused wind to blow on the sides of her. She gasped. She felt them and believed they were real.
“Turn around.” I commanded her and as she did so, her large lavender sparrow wings faced me. “Flap.” She did and the strength of her wings blew wing nearly blowing me away. I was surprised how strong her wings had been. Why hadn’t she known about these wings? They were obviously the wings of an old soul. Just about as old as my soul was and is. “Stay there.” I said to her as I turned and spread my wings then pressed my back against hers, evening my wings with hers.
Suddenly, there was an intense spark. We both fell forward. “What was that?!” We both exclaimed. “What just happened, Lurien?” She questioned me.
“I can’t believe it… you’re the one.” All of my existence, since my incarnation from heaven, I have been searching for her, my other half, my feminine half, or my twin flame. “You are Yulisa. It’s you Yulisa!”
Yulisa felt her heart rate increase dramatically and blood rush up to her head. “Are…are you sure..?”
“Yes. All of this time, I had known nothing about you but your name until now. God told me that I can only complete half of my mission until I found you. I would question when and his answers were always ‘In time, child.’” I told her all about my memories of being in heaven and how we were meant to be together as lovers and as workers of Light.
“Woah woah woah, are you saying we are lovers…?” She responded as if that was the main thing she heard me say.
I sighed and continued to speak. “Yes we are, Yulisa. We are lovers.”
She looked down at her hands as she twiddled her fingers and mumbled. “Does that um…does that mean we can…kiss..?” She turned around blushing and her timid character could not help but make me more attracted to her. I took a step closer to her and placed my hand on her shoulder, carefully turning her around. With her face bright red and her eyes beautifully big and hazel blue, I gently wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. I leaned in and pressed my angel lips against her soft cupid bow shaped lips.
The kiss was beyond what I had been expecting anything to be. It was magical and spiritual. Kissing her reminded me of home in heaven where nothing but peacefulness existed.
I slowly pulled myself away from her, barely able to because it was so wonderful. I looked into her closed eyes before they opened. She was calm and her wings began to glow brightly once again. When she did open her eyes, she spoke to me and said in a soft and sweet voice, “I remember. Lurien I remember now.” Her eyes watered as she slowly began to cry tears of happiness. “My wings… I can see them. They are beautiful…Thank you.. I am Yulisa, angel of Safety and Healing.” She pressed herself against me and cried intensely as I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.
Eleven twenty-seven at night, I had been with her that long. Shortly after looking at the time it was decided that we’d part for the night.
That was the night I had unintentionally met the love of my life, my other half, the one who will help me save this world.
From then after we each spent a great deal of our time together, eventually moving into our own home together. Yulisa and I, Lurien, were as happy as we could be with each other. I saved her by a mere kiss. Over time I learned that Yulisa was lost and homeless, which is why I found her barefoot in an old torn up red dress. She had lost her sense of purpose. Yulisa was suffering from an amnesia that we incarnated beings very often receive when we change astral realms.
However, I did not lose my memory at all. With the love we had for each other, our love for the rest of the world grew twice as strong and we worked together to spread this love. Our mission was to save lost souls and remove fear and unhappiness from this world to raise its vibrations. By doing this, the world would become closer to heaven and less of a dangerous place.