Short Story Fiction – The Year of Zombies
Photo credit: click from morguefile.com
Chapter 1: The emptiness I have
On the night of September 1st 2015
The first zombie was created .
It all started with my sister Jenny. She was a lovable person, the type bad things usually happen to. She is 24, 5 foot 3 inches, long black hair, and hazel eyes. She was a avid book worm though. She often stayed in the house. She helped out old folks as a job. Her boyfriend Odin was a librarian. They met from books. The connection they had was as strong as a brick.
She got sick a couple of weeks ago. Afraid of Doctors she refused to go. No one had the heart to take, she would start crying and then it felt as if you were killing a really cute kitten. The virus must of been doing something to mutate while we were messing around, putting off the inevitable. It only takes mere days now.
But on September 1st 2015 we took here there because she wouldn’t wake up. Well I took her there Odin was working late. After several hours of failed test she flat lined. Tears streaming down my face, Odin still wasn’t here and probably was going to be crushed. But then the predictable happened, well at least now it is. Her heart monitor revamped, her eyes opened, I didn’t hurry to her hug because it might mess up something. Glad i didn’t thinking back. She arose despite nurses orders and bit here. The she ate a bit, I ran not being stupid enough to sit there. The police would believe me and the guards didn’t either. I just ran out to my car, imagining that she was roaming each room biting, eating, repeat. All those innocent people, old helpless people, no escape.
I went to her house to tell Odin, but he was roaming the home mindlessly. In simple text he was a zombie. He walked at a simple 3 mile per hour pace. I ran to his room to go get the machete he got for a moment like this. I am strong but his head came off easily showing that this virus sped up the decaying process. I needed to go to my house which with my luck was not to far from the hospital. The car is loud so sneaking is out. I drove up as silently as I could, A migraine started to form as I came up to my house. I saw 1 of those things and got out my car, I killed it. I didn’t see any behind it of in front of it. It wasn’t my sister.
I hurried into my house locking the door. I lived alone. Love always eluding me during this period and the death of my mom made it worse. I spent my weekend hunting all alone, anything could kill me but I had no one but family and my sister was preparing to move. If I had died at that moment during hunting it would of been good. But it didn’t work like that. I checked every where for zombies. I grabbed all my hunting rifles and the 3 pistols I had. I work at A gun range and taught people how to shoot. This came in handy later. I saw about 10 zombies out there, 1 near my car and the others mid way. I was not eager to move, quickly and die. Not only that i have no food and water. I went to go load up. A whole case of waters and canned foods. I dropped a can of food. I dropped a f**king can of food. 1 of them heard me. It followed the sound and so did the others. They easily took down my door. I took two down and then went out the back to my car. My lungs burning with fire, but i made it.
Over the next few weeks the virus spread we were in a area of small city’s where the most the police carried was batons as everyone knew each other. And no one usually visits as they don’t know it exists. They had pistols but they were at the stations. City after City got taken down they got large enough shut down states. People fled to other countries, families torn apart limb by limb. Food rations eventually stopped and no trade happened in the U.S with other countries. There were rumors of infection in other countries. Countries with no infection shut down borders.
I live in the wild now. My skills took me a long way before loneliness and depression set in. I tried to kill at least 10 of the f**kers a day. Always go for the spread out zombies. I can silently kill them and it works. It’s 10 of the less at least a day. I have a theory though. In the summer time because there rotting the heat should speed it up and kill every single one of them. I want to go to Africa in the future because it is usually hot. But until then I am stuck with these zombies for a year.