Short Story – No Way Out : A Strange Place After-Life
Photo credit: Piresco from morguefile.com
2016, everywhere there was war and countries used weapons on each other countrys to deteriorat their resources using nuclear weapons, but i migrated to a safe place.
Me and my girlfriend were on a beach enjoying our holidays running behind each other laughing and loving, i bought a room on rent on beach side,
Blue Ocean
one night, i said to her we should go to a hotel, its underwater and not so far from here we can swim till there, she said ok and both of us started to swim into deep ocean, suddenly the black sea was filled with light and colours, one or two times we came on the water surface then we realised we can swim underwater without breathing it was something unbelievable experience, everything was blue and nothing was visible, i knew the way so i told her to follow me in straight direction, she trusted me blindly so she didn’t argued, then after sometime i saw a wall then a whole building inside the ocean touching its bottom, then we started looking for a door to get-in but its useless to find a door, then suddenly some guards of the hotel surrounded us and told us to follow them.
Strange building
We got inside a lift and reached in hotel building, there was a hall full of loud music and girls and boys were dancing, i also found a friend and said hello to him, he said to me this place looks good but its totally weird, i ignored him and started dancing then i approached a girl but she turned into a mannequin, i was really surprised, then i saw some stairs going to the roof, i held my g.f’s hand and went upstairs and stood against the boundary of roof, my friend also came there and told us that u cannot go out of this place there is no way out of here, i ran all over the place, here and there, downstairs in whole building, holding my g.f’s hand there were no doors in building, i came to roof again and looked every side of it, one side there was a house locked and empty, it was a beautiful house made up of marble floor, designed pillars everything was white but cracked and broken. Then i thought of looking other side of the roof, there was a road but the roof was too high for us to jump down, suddenly a girl and boy also came to us and they said we are also trapped here from many days,
Old lady
then i saw a old lady, she was watching us, she was wearing a old dress and everybody in that hotel followed her order but i didn’t know why, she came upstairs to the roof and she never talked to us and nor willing to, i asked her if she could tell us the way to get out of there but she didn’t replied and disappeared, then i thought my friend was right its a weird place
We found a way
i don’t know how the night turned into morning, some other friends found a way to get down to the road from other side of the roof, my g.f shouted and said to me come here we found a way, then i saw they were helping each others in getting down from the high roof, i jumped from the roof after them but nothing happened to me, we saw a empty road full of smog, we started running, we felt suddenly we all were free, running with our full energy like we never wanted to see that place again, suddenly a sewer plate popped between the road and there was a big hole and a strong hurricane rushed from underground and it started getting bigger and bigger and took all of us in it, there was mud all around and all of us were in air and then it stopped and dropped us on that roof again, i was frustrated and asking myself why i came here, what is this strange place, what’s going on here, we spent the next night on that roof, my g.f was crying and i said to her everything will be ok.
Is that a bus????
Next day when i woke up, there was no one on that roof, i knew that they would be downstairs and finding out way to get out, there was fog all around and i was standing and looking towards the roof of other house, i saw a bus running on roofs of all house and i shouted dear come quickly there is a bus, the bus stopped on the other roof, i ran and jumped over the boundary and got into it, my girlfriend also came upstairs and started running to get inside the bus, she jumped and hugged me and the door closed, i was out of breath i found a seat and i saw the bus was too small, there were some old people, some were sleeping, somebody was reading bible, i went to the conductor to get ticket, i asked him for ticket, then he replied
“the next stop is hell?”
” ek narak ki de du ”
my heart was in my mouth, i realised we were dead, and it was a wrong decision, we should have stayed on the roof to wait for our turn. God send something to take people to right place, it may be heaven or hell, the old lady was the messenger from hell, we died in a poisoned ocean.