Fiction Short Story – A new START from an END
Photo credit: diciu from morguefile.com
The dawn broke out when he opened his eyes.He is lying at a sea shore of anew place.With great effort he rose up and started walking away from the shore.The atmosphere is so pleasant that as though nothing happened .He is recollecting the days passed which ended in large destruction
He came to Europe on a project duty from America.He is in the Department of Research and Development in NASA and a visiting professor in the University of TEXAS.He has got enthusiasm to connect ancient science and spirituality to the contemporary technology and space science . He has a great belief over Indian mythology which he learned through an orphanage in India while he was young.At the age of 12, he was adopted by an American couple.They wanted to adopt a few children from some selected nations for some unknown reasons.They named him as William Chrisne. Chris cultivated the notion of Global brother hood. He used to live with children of different nations Greek , Arab , Afro , Europe….etc.Chris has a wide-eyed wonder towards the sky which led him to R&D dept. of NASA.It is his dream project, over ancient space shuttles which made him to fly Europe. It is only happened after 6 hrs he landed the news channels scrolling “USA missing in the WORLD MAP.”
A shocking news spread like a poison over the globe .Some proclaimed that it’s a Tsunami, some said that it’s the movement of tectonic plates at the moment are the cause.Many fake news makers, announced it as a judgement day for America for their before doings.Many people in rave spoke expressing their bilious statements.some said that Russia would be the next victim.
Anticipations all over the world are different but the last message is the same-‘Don’t be PANIC‘ – people are really panic with this message and running hither and thither towards sacred places.Some are marching in a long procession and made some prayers and offerings.”Bribe to god can’t postpone Dooms Day.Better keep money with them.”some atheists emphasized. Angry Young men accused government for their inefficiency in predicting the devastation.Old and rich renounced valuable things to please the deities.
The next pawn moved…..
Tsunami attack to Europe and Siberian cyclones in Russia started simultaneously.
That is the last scene he can recollect and now he doesn’t have any identity neither the land does.
The land has no boundaries,it doesn’t belong to any country .
The only mark remained same is the one common with ages ,..the Rising Sun ..East .
There is no sign of life for a long distance.He removed the clothes which are wet and uncomfortable and dried them far from sea.He is walking in search of nothing. Suddenly a triplet of statues ,which are semi-built ..might be , caught his eye. The statues resembles some Indian type sculpture which indicate that he may be in the land area of IND-AFGHAN-Thai circle .But he is not sure because the sculpture may came in the similar way he does.(Floating through ocean ).
He prayed the god to show some other creature at least to arose his desire to live.As he is moving away from the sea the land changed into brown color. He found a river flowing towards sea.His eyes caught some new breed fish which he has never seen .His hunger pounced upon them.He went back to the beach and wore his garments.Now Chris is thinking of his brothers .He doesn’t know whether they are alive or not.As America &Europe vanished , He even don’t know whether the rest of the nations were there or not.
…..Let their souls Rest in Peace……….
He is thinking of the lost past, where some nations for dominance, some for territories,some for their religion fought and made commotion.here, now it’s a war for survival.He appreciates his being not else things .The days of pandemonium are now just stories.
Suddenly he rose to his feet with the sight of the eyes of idols he seen.They are just like… wheels, early invention of man which led to a revolution in transportation.He collected some branches from nearby woods(that are fallen in the devastation) and made a flat plank to sit on and a marker down wards to mark the land .This arrangement is helpful to retrace his path back when he found lost.
He used to use the wheel to travel but he has nothing to create fire and else things.He knows what science and technology they have had but as the proverb goes “Necessity is the mother of invention”. His essentials are limited thus he has no other thought creating those detritus.
The life keeps moving with the fish as food
Once while he was praying to the wheel eyed idol he found something curious at his pedestal and shook it.At that auspicious moment the momentum is perfect and Newtonian mechanics holds good and a new structure opened which has a great number of books(some literary) that wrote on something which he has never seen.He took a bunch of papers out of those.
He can’t identify the language but he was able to understand the meaning after a lot of mental work (like hit and trial /trial and error method)At first it seemed as though ,an impossible puzzle but later he caught the root(similar to deva nagari) and found everything easier.The book got wonderful things , a new science.He procreated with the techniques mentioned in the book and created 6 pairs of different species .He used the technique of telepathy to communicate with them.He made them to learn the science ” Nothing to Everything‘ The secrets /science mentioned in the book are so powerful that one can construct a world of his fantasies within a fraction of seconds and even can destruct if used in negative sense.So he gave the moral and ethical values to those species and asked not to create or build anything unless until it becomes essential.
He made a long search for any other creatures in the world he knew a long years ago.He found two families and he brought them with his verse power(mantra Energy)and asked to learn the knowledge from following the 6 pairs and go back to their respected places.they found him as Omnipotent & Omniscient.Thus they asked him what they should call him in a spiritual obedient tone.The question which came after a long years of existence.he thought for a while .Chris forgot his name,he has nothing to do with his name all these years .He recollected and answered ‘Chrisne”. This sounded as ‘Chrisn’ for one and ‘Krishna’ for other. They called in the manner they listened .For either it sounded like the savior,the preserver .
Chris still haven’t completely read the papers he took out.He knew for sure he has some things left.The book still has some curious pages left.He understood the working of universe, Aliens ,Space science.He even found how the last known best configuration of earth he lived obliterated.He practiced all the arts that arose from that book,all the sciences,Technologies etc..In the world he used to live has many weapons .But now here only his intention is the weapon and his mind is the infrastructure.He can move to any place /any world he pleased, just with his wish.
He at last with great effort tried to read the last verses of the papers and finally succeeded in breaking the code in it and understood.For once…. he heard the heart beat from the idol and he suddenly vanished .He traveled through ages and times towards the origin of space and time.
There is no need to read what the remaining papers has.They may be the other ways to reach the same science which the last age people did.There may be still million ways to reach the science and advent.It is believed by the 6 pairs of species and humans that Chris /Krishna is the Omnipotent,omniscient,omnipresent….God himself ….who came here to teach them the KNOWLEDGE.