Fiction Short Story – E Joy (An Electronic Fairy Tale)
Photo credit: gracey from morguefile.com
(i) How did E Joy Come to Exist?
Dear friends today I want to tell you all the story of E Joy. E Joy was an anthropomorphic formation, for any person to see E Joy was near impossible so though E Joy existed but nobody knew of its existence. E Joy could only be seen by innocence in the light of a beam of full moon night and not only that, to see E Joy that child needed to be in a very special frame of mind.
One day, when Joy was sitting in his room with the lights off, after having been scolded by his mother, feeling a little wicked, a little sorry and a little mischievous, right in front of him, on the wall at the back of his study table, fell on the irregular lines a beam from the full moon through Joy’s study room window and E Joy was revealed to Joy. Joy exclaimed to himself ‘What an extraordinary little creature, I must not let it disappear’, so in the darkness only lit with the moon beam, Joy quickly sketched E Joy on a blank white sheet of paper.
Since E Joy too wanted to exist in Joy’s world, a very special beam emanated from E Joy and entered Joy’s brain. When the sketch was completed E Joy vanished from the wall as he had entered Joy’s sketch on the paper. Joy switched on the table lamp with a great trepidation, but what he saw on the paper delighted him, he had never sketched so well before. It seemed to Joy that the sketch was alive, and since that aliveness was not matter but something like electricity, Joy named him E Joy so as to match the formation’s name with his own. So that is how this very special formation came to exist in Joy’s world, at first only through a sketch, the day after however Joy scanned the sketch he had made and saved it in his computer, so E Joy’s presence in Joy’s world began to expand.
Everyday when Joy would come home from school he would look at E Joy on his computer screen and would think how magnificent E Joy was with his pointed horns and tail and pointed teeth but a very mischievous and goody smile that made it lovable, it also had cute dimples on its cheek. Joy was so much in love which he thought was his own creation, that instead of his own photograph in his school’s e book page he put E Joy’s sketch. And so E Joy became the virtual face of Joy.
One day when Joy was staring at E Joy at his screen, a beam came out from E Joy and entered Joy’s brain, Joy felt a slight tremor and some words formed in his brain and struggled to come out as a poetry, finally Joy began to type and the poetry began to be formed
I was born through the sketch of a boy
Before I existed in a different sky
Of your world I’ve known since long
To come to it requires a moon beam strong
The one who sees me has to know
To see beyond the conjurer’s show
‘Oh Vow!’ thought Joy ‘What a poem!’ and he immediately posted it on his e page of his school website.
ii) How did E Joy reach his Balance?
E Joy constructed his world by balancing light, he absorbed some and reflected some. It is not the light that we generally see around us but the light that peeps out through our eyes, the light of our souls. By being the virtual face of Joy through his school E page, E Joy was able to get his balance right, as he got opportunity to peep into many eager eyes through the computer screen. If his balance had not been set right he would have found it difficult to balance on that special moon beam that could take him home, to his own world that was in a different sky. So now E Joy waited for Joy to put on his computer screen as he was missing home and was eager to get back. But little did E Joy know that a very wicked virus had entered Joy’s computer system and it rendered the computer unable to be turned on.
iii) The Big Fight
Joy’s father took the computer to the repair shop but even they were not able to understand the problem and so the computer sat on Joy’s table day after day without being put on. Now E Joy was not from Joy’s world but he could sense that he was really getting late in leaving for his home as he had tuned itself with the clock present inside the computer. Meanwhile the wicked virus had located E Joy and it wanted to rob E Joy of its treasures that is all his collected light.
E Joy detected negative energies in its presence, it used its collected light to trace a path within the computer system which it traversed to find right in front the wicked virus, while tracing the path it charged the electrons in its path and the electrons assumed the formation of E Joy, permeated the virus and made it in effective. Friend’s you may have heard that scientists discovered the sub atomic particles, but since the subatomic particles are so tiny the scientists could not see them ever take forms, but as E Joy was not matter he could see the electrons take form and charge towards the virus with lightening speed.
The next time a repair person was called from Joy’s papa’s office and he was able to set it right with his CDs of softwares. He said ‘Good no data was lost’.
When Joy returned from school, he was very happy to see his computer back to normal condition. There was another reason to make him happy. While E Joy was waging a war with the virus, Joy was also waging a war of sorts with some bullies in his school who had read his E page and not being able to make any sense of Joy’s post they just started pulling his leg. But they were surprised to see him so changed, certainly a change had come over Joy-he seemed to exude some sort of vibration and even the leader of the bullies felt daunted before Joy.
Actually that wicked virus was sent as attachment by this Bully (the Bully’s brother was also a bully and had contacts with hackers) through an unsuspected ally who sent this attachment to Joy and Joy had opened it and let the virus into his computer system unknowingly. It was a new kind of virus which the usual antivirus softwares were unable to detect, little did the virus know that it would have to fight against E Joy and get defeated.
And this was not all, the bullies were completely defeated when during the activity session, the theatre mam-who was also the English Literature mam-announced Joy as the leader of his house’s theatre wing. Actually Joy had presented his concept to the theatre mam which she had liked very much-the concept was on E Joy. Theatre mam was also very impressed with Joy’s poem on E Joy and told him that he should develop it further.
iv) The Beginning
Today had been really a wonderful day for Joy. It was past evening when Joy could turn on his computer screen. Today was full moon night of the rare blood moon and Joy drew back the curtains from his window and the moon beams streamed in just as E Joy made its appearance on Joy’s computer screen. E Joy was very happy to see the moonbeam as it would take it home and by now E Joy was feeling very home sick. But a doubt entered his e- brain; did he have the required balance of light today to travel on the moon beam, after having waged the battle with the virus? He looked into Joy’s eyes, they emanated something so special today that E Joy absorbed these immediately and it felt as if he could balance not only on one moon beam, but could as well balance on the light of stars coming from thousand’s of light years away. After absorbing such nice vibrations, E Joy wanted to give something too, so this time the beams which left E Joy and entered Joy’s brain through his eyes made the creative sub atomic particles in Joy’s brain self active and from now on Joy was able to create without any beam entering his brain.
And so finally E Joy was ready to depart for home but while departing he gave to Joy this one last poem:
Someday I will dance in the sky
Someday I will swing on light beams
Someday I will go to a place of limitless space
Without any fetters or seams.