Devil Short Story – Intangible
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
There was this beautiful girl who lived at the corner of our block. She actually was a married woman of 25 –years of age but her innocence and charms made her look younger .She looked like a girl of 16 years. We had spoken to each other sometimes during communal festival gathering and birthday’s parties. The interaction was limited to weather and current gossips.
However, the other day I was astound to hear reports about her extremely unhealthy condition. I naturally asked how she fell ill; I had seen her hail and hearty just the previous evening. The reports which I got were not only disturbing but unbelievable. There are things which are tangible in this world with facts and figure and others are intangible with no proof and basis but still it is hard to ignore them or discard them as they never have existed nor ever will.
Everybody was talking about Mrs. Gupta; people were saying that something evil got into her. I didn’t believe in such superstition, hence decided to pay visit myself and dissuade the family members of such notion and get proper medication. As I entered the house Mrs. Shambahvi Gupta, the mother –in- law of the said Mrs. Maya Gupta came out to meet me.
She seemed quiet unsettled, so I asked to see her daughter-in-law so that as a physician I would be able to give immediate advice for some medication. She took me to her daughter-in-law’s room .As I entered I felt the gloom of death and decay, as if somebody was dying inside here. Doctor’s too have intuition and I perceived whatever may be the disease it must be serious. I went her bed as to check the pulse; she was asleep. The moment I touched her she jumped out of bed and stood at the corner of the wall and started shouting in a man’s voice.
She said “What do you want? I will rip her if you came near me.”
I was shocked to hear such growling and demonic voice out of that petite girl. I had no idea what was going on and then I suddenly felt as if my skin has been torn open.
I felt the intrusion of my body and I fought to get the occupancy of it. I felt that my body was on fire. The girl in front of me screamed; I saw my hands developing boils due to the inner heat. My voice changed in to a horrible drawl. I knew that the thing which had taken possession of me was stronger and powerful .I tried again to take the control of my body but it seemed I was suppressed within me. I saw my reflection on the mirror, my eye was red slits, and my face had infernal slimy quality about it. My body was twisting and turning against my will, breaking my bones and I could actually hear my own muscles being torn. I saw my nails grow long and black. And, then I banged my body against the wall. My long hair was being pulled by my own hand and I was just a silent, helpless spectator of this horror inside my own body. This demonic force then made me leap out of the window and I saw myself running on the streets shredding my cloths. I saw people reconciling in horror. ”What’s the matter with her? “They said.
I ran on the streets almost naked, scratching my own body. I could feel the heat of the ground. Meanwhile, I bent down in the middle of street, on both my arms and legs, and started rotating my head vigorously. I could feel that my head would fly off the tangent but I could not stop it. Nobody came forward for my help. Then suddenly a fakir passing by the street started chanting something’s. I could feel the demonic thing inside me react to the frequency of those words. It bothered him. It made him angry.
To vent out his anger he gave a loud growl and stood up on the feet and started beating on the chest. He found out that it was a binding spell and he could not move. The fakir gathered few men and asked each one of them to bind me with rope and drag me into Mrs. Gupta’s house.
There were around 20 men dragging me, the demon in me felt annoyed and tried to break free. This resulted in about 5-6 men been thrown a feet up in the air and others being pushed to the ground. The demon ceased this opportunity and tried to take my body into the jungle behind my locality. In the mean while my consciousness suffered extreme suffocation. I felt the demon slowly encroaching the last speck of my consciousness but I was unwilling to vanish out without a fight.
Evening had set in, l was still standing in the jungle almost naked, the demon was hungry and soon complete night was about to fall. I was slowly feeling the surge of energy and power increase as the passing hour of the night. Suddenly, the old church clock announced it was 3 o’clock in the night. The demon knew that people who were looking for me had already gone home and now it was safe to hunt.
Then I came at the other side of the jungle where the road connected to a highway. I was standing there naked, cold with my hair pulled out mercilessly.
A jeep full of college going boys stopped looking at a naked woman at highway in the middle of night. I tried again to fight the demon to warn those boys to run away. But, I was helpless.
The demon, in its full strength, pulled the jeep into the jungle and snapped the neck of all those boys. I was still collecting myself at the horror of this when the demon with its extreme force tore the flesh of those boys and started eating them. They were total 8 boys.
As the dawn had almost come up I heard the fakir shouting names to the demon and calling it out; challenging him. I felt surge of anger swelled into me as I leaped to attack that fakir. What the demon had not anticipated was that fakir had planned to excoriate it in the middle of the jungle itself.
As I leapt forward, my body was again trapped by the fakir and he started the exorcism. I growled.
The fakir said “Leave the body of the woman! I command thee!”
I spoke in a horrible infernal voice “Who are you to command me? The master had sent me to prepare for the arrival of his army and I have done that. My job is done here.”
I was screaming for help but the sound which came out of my mouth was that of a demonic animal laughing. The fakir was stunned after hearing about an army, which resulted in weakening of his spell.
The force inside me took this opportunity and ran straight into the boundary fencing of a house laced with iron and glass spike and before passing out I knew it had left my body.
I didn’t die. I could hear people around me “She is gaining consciousness!”
I was released from the hospital after fortnight. I am recovering from multiple fracture, Muscles fracture, various scars and psychological shock.
But the horror of that day still haunts me. I can’t explain what happened there .But I know today, that science with all its advancement has still not found out how did we all come to be ,so perhaps there are many things we still need to find answers to.
I sit in my wheelchair and look out of my window thinking…..