Article – Will the World End-Part 1
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
I am not a scientist……nor a writer , I am just a student some 17 years old. I always thought what will happen to the life when our civilization will come to it’s fate. I know that you will feel that whatever i am writing is worthless , nonsense and Hypothetical. But it will occur , may be tomorrow or thousand years later.The Our world is near to it’s fate not only in present or future but we were even close to our fate.We come to know that our forefathers explained the mythological theory of doom’s day, Mayan calender ends on 21.12.2012, it was very popular in media.
In 2008,I always thought that we have 4 years to live.I always heard that the astronomers have discovered a new asteroid named Apofis which will collide with earth,the concept of 2012 was so popular that the Hollywood made an expensive film on it. On that day I went to bed just after the hour hand touched 12 midnight, as I wanted to see my fate.
In Hindu mythology, Brahma god is creator of Universe,Vishnu is the caretaker and Shiva will end it.The religious word ‘Om’ has meaning related to this theory. In Bible and Islam too the concept of judgement day is present. My Grandmother always said that one day the god will destroy Humanity for his sins, and then a new life will arise on this earth,he will clean this earth….It is also said that God’s may be late but not wrong! In Mahabharata it is written that “Jo bhi hota hai acche ke lie hota hai” like something…Many Philosophers have supported this theory.Steven Hawkins have scientifically explained this theories,from Natural calamities to nuclear was and destruction of atom. So a question arises Why should we bother of today? The answer is that ‘Tomorrow depends upon what you do today’
With the inventions of Computers in 70s, our world changed dramatically, it is quite impossible to imagine our world without computers.Computers not only helped in scientific research , civilian works but it has also helped us to save lives and fight wars. I love to play computer games, the thing that amazes us is the intelligence of the character in a computer games. Such an Intelligence is called Artificial Intelligence.The Word is quite interesting , simply as AI is a technology or program that give intelligence and the ability to think to the computer program. This AI have helped us to calculate millions , Predict the unpredictable and has totally changed our live .
In Modern times we have smartphones and laptops which are integral part of our lives ,we can easily say that computer is man’s best friend not a dog ;)…….but let us imagine our future….some 50 or 100 years later . Human have designed Robots which are much more intelligent and powerful than humans, humans are using them for their own purposes but having thinking abilities they become rebels and they started to kill Humans.
Now a question must have raised in your mind that why don’t we destroy such Robots…..Let’s think deeply…..Now,with the help of their AI the robots have reprogrammed their self-destruction and are no more controllable, and they started creating Robots for their own army and with help of our researches they use all our technologies against us.In such a terrible situation we can neither hide nor survive.They will search and kill the humans. The cruel robots will then create such robots which have fusion of Life and Machines, they will create biological weapons which will automatically Vanish life from earth. As the Robots will get energy from Sun,Stars and Nuclear power , they will never think about Eco-systems and earth. Even if we think of least bad situation the robots will lead us , as they will have higher thinking and physical abilities they will treat us like slaves.Thus we will not be able to survive longer.
In 2008 i was suffering from fever when the LHC experiment was being conducted , a 12 years old boy lying on the bed and my eyes were glued on TV screen as the time come closer to 12 noon (Indian Standard time). The day before that day I news was showing. LHC….Scientist have took 2 decades to make world’s largest experiment.It was widely rumored that the experiment would create Black holes which would destroy earth … and the topic was widely debated on News,On one hand they were saying that we will know the theory of Big Bang…..our creation…..and on the other hand news were saying that our fate is near.
Once I also believed that scientist must not have conducted such an risky experiment…but because of that I didn’t got fever. One news channel called Priests and Scientists and called for a debate, which turned out to be a aggressive fight between science and Devotion. On that previous a Aunt advised us to sleep under the bed to save us from earthquake during night, which was never followed. Months later I heard that the Magnetic equipment have failed and thus many people felt relaxed in India.
Let us think about an experiment …Science have genetically engineered a bacteria that create a useful hydrocarbon and it successfully used but however a small about of bacteria is released in atmosphere and due to several factors including survival to the fittest theory it transforms into a bacteria which is highly tolerant to harsh conditions and reproduces rapidly but eventually it releases a extremely toxic compound . Scientist also thought that the Trinity test(1st Nuclear test) would ignite the atmosphere .Our view towards science is quite mixed…..thus we can’t say that science is good for humanity.
On 9th August 1945 , 2nd Atomic Bomb was dropped on The Japanese City of Nagasaki, about 11 am, the silence was crushed by sound of an American plane, which fly from the Blue Skies of Japan.Nagasaki have Military and Naval bases which have great importance during World war. Alarms were raised but they failed to use the Anti-aircraft guns , the Bomb was dropped on city and within seconds Thousand of people lost their lives ……that was the last use of a nuclear weapon in a warfare.But this is not the end…5 years after the war.The Cold war was kicked off after the end of wars and U.S and Soviet union remained the only superpowers, after the world war many countries such as Germany and Korean Peninsula was divided between Communist and Democratic world. North Korea invaded South Korea and which started Korean war Million civilians and troops died during the war,and the period saw a Nuclear Crisis during the two blocs.In 2013 I saw a film of X-Men series named X-men days of future and past which portrayed The Cuban Missile crisis of 1960s, a very close situation of Nuclear war.
At the end of 20th century India developed it’s nuclear weapon and within next few months Pakistan developed it too, people of India thought that having a nuclear weapon will give us protection and avoid the possibility of war….but they were wrong, Kargil war broke out in Kashmir but however we defeated Pakistan and having a shamed face Pakistan decided to attack with a Nuclear missile, but eventually the war ended with a cease fire.
So far we have not widely used Nuclear weapons in war, but are we enough smarter to not use it. Non-Peaceful nations like North Korea and Pakistan have nuclear weapons,Jokes are often cracked in Indian media that Pakistan has handled it’s nuclear weapons to Al-Qaeda and Taliban…the term is often considered as Nuclear Terrorism . Dr.H.J Bhabha (Founder of Indian nuclear program) once stated that During wars we can’t stop our self from using Nuclear weapons.The statement is quite right as we will surely use those weapons in 3rd World war, and the theories of brotherhood and Non-violence will not work. Albert Einstein once stated that 4th World war will be fought will sticks…..On that day it is sure that Nuclear winter would occur Thousand of Nuclear Bombs will heat the atmosphere, and cover the sun which will trap the light…freeze the Earth and Cause Radiation illness ….millions of us will die within days and others will starve for years until death is reached.
We often hear the story of UFOs and we relate them to Aliens,few months earlier,Me and my friends saw a bright shooting star like structure flying in sky and we thought it as a UFO but later on we concluded that actually that was a Fighter Jet.The stories of UFOs have decreased rapidly with the start of Internet age in late 90s, I think that they didn’t like publicity on internet so possibly they are not arriving earth.There is a theory that Our evolution from Monkeys is not very easy and we can’t become Smarter so easily…..just imagine is it possible for a caveman to Construct Pyramids within a short period of time.Many theories have been given that when the Aliens arrived earth they developed our brains or they have matings with those apes which gave birth to smarter humans.You might have heard about ‘Wow !’signal,it is most important question that does life exist in Universe,Copernicus once said that Earth doesn’t occupy a unique position in the Universe…..Scientist have found planets which have ice and even water ,earlier it was thought that Venus has a tropical form of life but it was unsuccessful, thought,Titan a moon of Saturn also has possibilities of life in microbial form.So we have not got any answer about this question .
Biology gives us an important Knowledge about the Aliens, If they are smarter than us then it is possible that those aliens are carnivorous and cruel as we know that Lion is smarter than deer , Pentagon of USA has plans to tackle Alien Invasion,but unfortunately Aliens will be able to tolerate our weapons,their Spaceships will not get even a scratch from our fighter jets.The Last weapon is Nuclear Missile.Alien’s spaceships will be so advanced,because they have passed through stars,Black holes and Asteroids they can tolerate Nuclear attack.They will take Animals and trees from our lands.They will use our DNA mechanism to generate disease which will vanish humans from this earth,possibilities are also that they may suck our Atmosphere or Oceans. A person said that America and Taliban will together fight against those aliens.Once Stephen Hawkins said that we should not try to contact any extraterrestrial bodies.
During springs it look at night sky and i always try to discover stars,their patterns and colors. I looked at Betelgeuse of Orion Constellation and I thought whenever Betelgeuse would die it will also bring death to us.It’s Bright Red color tells us that 1000 light years away it is his twilight and a gamma ray burst or a massive black hole will engulf earth into it.In 2011 I heard in News that a Photon wave in approaching Earth and it will interrupt the communication and electrical grids on earth.Sometimes News channels of India……I remembered 2010 when there was a solar ellipse…News stated that Ellipse will bring problems in peoples of particular Zodiac sign and it was flashed whole day…a reputed News channel called Saints and Science experts and stated a debate on this topic.There are large number of rumors spread all around when ever such a incident takes place.But Now I will tell you how much are we safe from the Sun….Earth is suspended in this vast universe surrounded by fate every where, the nearest is our Sun itself…..In very late future the sun will become old… as it will be aged it will surely expand severe times than it’s original size and engulf earth….Let’s go back into time….about some thousand of years in future, Sun will become so hot that it will destroy life on the earth.When The Sun will burst it will create a massive explosion that would disintegrate earth and other planets into pieces…
Let’s go a little far away….Possibly near Jupiter.The Asteroid belt near Jupiter is often credited for Bringing water on Earth but certain number of
Asteroids collide with earth ever ranging from small sized cars to large sized Statue of Liberty. One such Asteroid, Kilometers in diameter will approach earth in year 2021 several scientist have predicted that the possibility of collision is small but they are quite dangerous….If such a collision occurs then it will be as powerful as thousands of Hydrogen Bombs exploded at a time,very deathly!If it fells in Ocean it will bring Tsunami which will kill millions.
There are many Black holes in Universe , may be possible that they will destroy earth or a Big Galaxy collides with Milky way.Thus Death is all around us, we call night sky beautiful and calm but in reality it isn’t.
Two days earlier before writing this i have thought and imagined this theory but this theory is really discovered by a scientist…the credit goes to him but if I would have discovered it earlier , may I was credited……This theory is quite interesting and difficult….Let’s take an easy example, when we eat food we consume energy from plants and they consume energy from Sun suppose there is no sun then if We eat plants then we wont be able to return them energy and they will vanish and after that we will also die thus energy remains conserved after all dies and becomes equal.Let’s take another example suppose we take two beakers interconnected with each other and lets pour water quickly in one beaker then it is sue that water will rush in another beaker and then they will become equal …. after that there will be no any exchange of water…Now let’s understand theoretically…Every thing that happens in this universe is due to imbalance in energy from working of an cracker to a Nuclear weapon, every thing in this universe tries to occupy it’s lowest possible energy then let’s assume that when all the energies in Universe becomes equal then there will not be any mechanism and thus every body will remain in absolute stability and this will be death of universe, even a star will not shine,gravity will not work and even atom will disintegrate.There would be a Dark world which will extremely cold…but the good thing is that life will not able to survive before this incident occurs thus we should not bother about this.
During 20th century astronomers discovered that stars and galaxies are moving away from each other, later on scientist researched on this theory and named it as Expansion of Universe.Since Big Bang our universe has be expanding with speed of electrical current and is also calculated that it is accelerating. In such a case after billions of years stars will be very far from each other , and all the Hydrogen in this universe is used hence after death of Last Star the universe will be in absolute dark and cold, this is called Big Freeze.
Another Theory is theory of Big rip which will occur Billions of years in future due to dark energy which cause expansion in universe due to it’s increasing force a time will come when no gravitation will work and later on it will be as powerful as electromagnetic forces, which holds atoms and molecules and thus all atoms will disintegrate and this theory is most possible to occur in future, and thus even if we survive death will occur within a moment. Thus once universe will come to it’s end , so life will not exist in universe too.
part 2 is currently in progress hope you were Thrilled by this Article Please read part 2 also