Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
:Hari omm
:How are you aarya
: Bindas as usual
: How r u
: Not good
: Why what happened
: I don’t know why people react so much on such silly cases
: What happened? Will u tell me?
: Today I went to the market with my father. We were standing at the traffic. My father felt ill and he lost his control over bike n fall down. The people standing nearby also fail down. The mirror of his scooty was broken. Instead of helping my father to stand up he started shouting on him. My father told him to take the scooty to the nearby garage n get repaired. He will pay the bill. When we went to the garage the mechanic told it can be repaired, need not to buy a new. But he starting arguing to get a new one other wise he will break the mirror of our bike. This is ridiculous man.
: Ok ok cool down. Listen such cases happens in life. Ignore them. Five fingers are not same how can the mentality of two people will b same. U have your exam in next Two months. Concentrate on it. Ignore these things. I know u r disturbed but what can we do. We can’t change the mentality of all the peoples. A black spot of white cloth is more prominent. Likely when good people get hurt it is more pathetic. Leave it. How is your preparation going on?
: Not good. I am in tense
: U r always in tense. Don’t take tensions. Your mind is going to burst in tensions. I told you to ignore everything except your preparations. Why do u think so much useless things? Just concentrate on your preparation.
: Ok I will try. Bye.
: Bye
This was the conversion between me and my best friend in fact only friend Lopa.
Aha Lopa what a sweet name. She is also sweet like her name. We mate on Facebook through a status update. I send her friend request. After some days she accepted. We started chatting on Facebook. Usually I don’t talk to girls. There is also a reason behind it. I lost my girlfriend 4 months ago. She passed in blood cancer. From that day I decided not to allow any girl into my life. But I don’t know why this girl was different from other girls. She was innocent. She was caring. I have never seen her. But I can gasses she must be beautiful like LIFE. She was preparing for her medical entrance. We were in the same coaching centre last year. She was preparing for medical and I was preparing for engineering. I cracked engineering last year n got admitted to an engineering college. Unfortunately she could not crake. So she decided to prepare for another year. After she failed in the entrance exam she was so depressed that she lost her self-confidence. Through our conversion I came to know about it. I decided to help her to recover her self-confidence. I became successful to some extent but it was not sufficient.
I asked for her phone number. First I hesitate to do so but there was no other option. First she also hesitated to give her phone number. I don’t know why but finally she gave her phone number. May be she gassed I was a nice boy. I also told her we will only discuss over her problems n never about her personal matter. I also gave her my official number and told her to share her problems. I added I will never call her first. She has to call me. Actually I was hesitating to call her as she was a girl n didn’t know much about her. She might take it in a wrong sense. After that day I was waiting for her call.
One evening I was sleeping and my phone rang. It was her. I saw her name in sleepy eye. I could not understand what to do for some times. The phone was ringing. I picked up.
I said
: Hari omm
: Hello, sweta here
: Hum, I know
: Actually I need a favour
: Ya said. I will be happy to help
: Can u recharge on my phone number
: Ya sure why not. How much
: A top-up of 20 Rupees and a net pack of 16 rupees on 9861******
: Ok ok I will do it. Bye
I hung up.
I called to a retailer of voucher who used to recharge my cell phone. His phone was switched off. Then a buls**t thought came to my mind. I thought for the first time she called me n asked to recharge that of on another number. Is she trying to cheat me? I was cheated by another girl before. So I tried to conform. I traced her number, what the hell was that, the navigation system is showing a place far away from her place. Then I called from my friend’s number. It was her. I felt guilty. I had forgotten that all the girls are not same. There are also very good girls like her. Anyway I decided to help her. Again I called to the retailer. His phone was still switched off. Then I called to one off my college mate to recharge. After some time he conformed that his local retailer was out of station so he could not recharge. Then I called to my brother. He said he is busy with his work so it will take some time. I agreed and informed her about this. Then I was working on a robotics project. My guiding professor called me and I went to the industrial automation laboratory. I was doing my work there my brother called me. He told me that he had recharged the top-up but couldn’t the net pack.
I had promised her to recharge. There is only one way left. I had to go to the nearby market and recharge. But this was not so easy. I was in first year. In my college first year students are not allowed to go to the market. If u r caught by any senior the u will be nowhere. There was not any option left except going to the market. I requested my guide to allow me to leave the laboratory early. It was the first time I requested for an excuse. My guide was well aware that robotics was my passion. No matter its Sunday or Monday. No matter it’s raining or cyclone I never neglected the robotics. Unless it was too much important I will never asked for an excuse. He allowed me and I left the laboratory. I was so hurry that I forgot my tool box and note book in the laboratory. I had written the information regarding the robot in that copy. I had to represent it next day. There was a seminar next day.
I entered the market in disguise as if I was a terrorist and I was entering to the defence headquarters. Somehow I managed to reach at the retailer shop. I asked to recharge on the phone number. Actually that net pack was reduced by one rupee so did my brother couldn’t recharge. When I put my hand in my pocket for my wallet the world appeared to move in twice the normal speed. I had forgotten my wallet in the laboratory with the tool box. I had never met that shopkeeper before. No one knew me in the market neither I could ask for a help from my senior. If I do so they will surely rape me instead of helping me. I tried to convince the shopkeeper but he was not ready to help me. Everything he was wanting was his 15 rupees. I tried but failed. At last I gave him my gold ring n told him I would pay his 15 rupees next day n would take my ring. The gold ring which my grand maa gave me. The ring which is the symbol of my family. When giving that ring to the shopkeeper everything in my mind was that what if he refuses to give it back. If so my father would kill me. But I was helpless.
Although I was sad I was happy too because I was helping someone who asked me for the first time. The tragedy was not over. I was coming back to the laboratory someone called me from back. I was feeling like hell. I knew that was another tragedy in the form of senior. I stopped. He came to me and asked my year. I just said “first” a super duper slap was printed on my chick. Then he started showing the power of being senior. I was in anger and in tense too. I was angry because my parents never scrolled me but a student slapped me that of because I had broken the f**king law made by the seniors for the first years. I was in tense because it was already 9 pm and the laboratory closes at 9 pm. I too wanted to get relief from that senior. I requested him. I begged him to leave me. He might felt the urgency of the situation n left me.
I started running as fast as I could but everything was in vain. The laboratory was closed. My copy was inside on which the future of my project depends. The project in which I had spent all the income till then. A sum of around 2 lacks. Also the reputation of my college also depends on my presentation. I saw that the gate was locked and my project was in dump yard.
I called my guide professor and told him about the copy. He told that he had a duplicate key of the gate. I saw a beam of light. But he could not come. I had to go to his quarter, give a undertake, bring the key and keep the key with me till the next evening. No other options left. I started walking towards his quarter. I remembered about her. I called her n told her that I had recharged. That time I wanted to kill her. Everything those happened with me that evening was because of her. I controlled my anger and hung up. I brought the key, Took out my copy, Thanked god and went to my hostel. This was the first meat with my best friend.
That night I gassed what was going to happen if she would be in my life. I decided to kick her out of my life.
I was preparing my presentation for the seminar, my mom called me. I knew if I talk to her I will be caught. I can never hide my emotions from my mother. Again I thought if I don’t pick up the phone she will be tensed. So I picked up the phone. As expected I was caught. She asked me about the matter. I told her everything. She was silent for some time. What she told next was beyond expectation. She told me to bring back the ring next day and not to leave her alone. She told that she needs my support. I was the only person who could help her without expectation. Next she wished me good luck n hung up.
There was also a reason behind what she told. First thing we are Aryans. Helping others is our duty. 2ndly I lost my girlfriend 5 months ago and I was in a unstable state of mind. She might have gassed the future of the story. Anyway I never disobeyed her. How could I this time.
The next afternoon I was taking a nap my cell rang. It was her. I pick up the phone
: Hari omm
: Hello, its sweta
: Hum I know
: Thank you
: For what
: For your help last evening. It was urgent so I asked for your help. Actually I wanted to talk to a school hood friend so I asked for a favour.
: Its ok yar, Never hesitate to ask for a help next time. I will be happy if I can help u.
: hum, if u don’t mind can I ask you a question.
: Ya sure
: did u give my number to any other person.
: No, why what happened
: After I called you last evening two boys called me searching for u.
(I gassed what was the matter. After I asked my brother and my college mate for the recharge, they called on her number separately thinking that was my number. There thinking was justified. I never asked them for a help and the important thing was that girls in my life, impossible. I was a heartless emotionless bookworm. There was only one girl that was my girlfriend. After her thinking a girl with me was peculiar.
When they heard a girl tone they smelled something fishy. They did not tell me about that because I told them not to call on that number. If they had told me I would have killed them.)
: Oh Han those were my friends. I told them to recharge on your phone. Don’t worry they will not call u again.
: hum, someone also called searching for Bulu vai. What’s about that?
: That was me
(Seeing her worried slept from my tongue. Not only slept it exploded a nuclear bomb)
: That was you????
: Hum that was me
: What did you want to prove by asking for Buluvai?
: I was conforming weather u r a spy agent or not
(I could not tell her the truth. I was afraid if I told her the truth she might be hurt and may broke the newly booming relation)
: What??
: Ya I work for IB and for the purpose of security I just investigated.
: You work for IB????
: hum. We are on a secret mission. So I was conforming
: How can you join in such a teen age?
: Patriotism never depends on the age. It depends on the size of thinking.
: I was thinking u are a spiritual personality
: Ya that’s right I am too spiritual. An extraordinary spiritual which says Nation First
: Arya I am very lucky to have a friend like you. I got to go. Talk to you latter. Bye.
She hung up.
I just recalled what she told. Did she tell “Arya”? There was one and only one person who called me “arya”. That was my girlfriend. But she was no more. How could she know that name? I was thinking again my phone rang. This time my robotics guide was calling. He called me to the laboratory. He had some work so he wanted to leave soon. So we need to work from 1hr before seduced time. Also he told that I got a sponsorship for our robotics project. He hang up and I prepared to leave for the laboratory.
At 10:30 pm I came online on Facebook. She was also online. We started chatting.
: Hey what’s up?
: Hi arya. Nothing just chatting with friends
: How is your preparation going on?
: Good. But I don’t think I can creak the entrance
: Why do u think so? Haven’t you studied hard? Why do you think like this is so difficult? Why such –ve thoughts are coming to your mind. The person who will top is one of us. If he could top why not u. God has given you equal potential. You have to just utilize your potential. Recognise yourself. Everything is within you. If you can’t no one can. Believe in yourself.
: Arya the way you talk is unbelievable. Really arya I had lost my self-confidence. After talking to you now I think I can succeed. Thank you arya. Really I am the luckiest person in the world to have you as a friend.
(That night the way she talked and mentioning arya again and again had a great impact on my mind and brain. That night I gassed she was different from others. She was unique. She was special. She was the best. She believed me a lot. If a person believed me so much how I can hurt her, how can I lie her? I gassed this relation was not bound in just helping her. This should go far. I decided to tell her the truth. I don’t know after I tell her what would be her reaction. Whatever it may be but I will tell her.)
: I want to say you something. After I told you your mood may get off or may change to a magical one.
: Han arya tell me
: I don’t work for IB. I called you because I wanted to conform weather you are cheating me. I am sorry I doubted on you
: Araya I never doubted you. I believed you like anything. I was not expecting this from you. I hate lies. You lied me. I can’t believe this arrya.
Those sentimental lines made me more upset. I was regretting but those lines turned them in to pain. I realised what I had done. But what to do now. I tried my best to convince her but failed. She went off line and stopped the conversion. Now this was even more pathetic. The person whom she was saying the best person now she don’t want to talk to him. That night passed but I couldn’t sleep. I am a hypertension patient and was advised not to take any tens but what could have I done. The night passed. I was sure that that relationship was no more. Anyway in the morning I tried for the last time. I messaged her. After two hour her reply came. What a surprize was that. She had forgiven me. That was the good morning message in a real sense.
Around 1:30 she called me. Again I appolised her. She told me to forget those things and we were still friend. That day we chatted for 1 and half hour. That was the longest time I talked over phone. Never before I talked for so much time over phone. I have no friends. If anything matters for me was only my books and physics. We had talked maximum 15 minutes over phone.
That day I shared so many things with her. Those things I never shared with my girlfriend. After a long time there was someone who had interested in me. That day she asked me about my girlfriend. I told her the bitter truth that she left me alone 5 months ago. She asked me weather I am interested in falling in love further. I told that I loved her so much that I can’t think about another girl. That was also cent per cent true. I had given up the idea about falling in love. That day was also very special. I laughed after a long period. Actually I was enjoying her company.
With passage of time our relation grew stronger and stronger. We started talking everyday even twice and thrice a day. From stranger to friend, friend to good friend and now best friend. We started sharing everything. Talked about our families, friends, past loves etc etc. We have never seen each other but we are best friends.
One day I thought to meet her. Her place way 400km away from my college. How to travel such a long distance. I made a plane. That time there was a tecnocultural festival of a college 21 km away from her place. I told my parents that I want to join that festival. They agreed. I requested my father to make a free journey pass from her place to my college. I know how much I had tried to manipulate him to do so. I was sure that after I got the pass I will visit her regularly. I got the pass. I was very happy. I called her to inform her that I was coming to meet her. But she refused. In small towns a date with a boy whom u know for a few days was a big topic. I understood her problem. I tried to convince her but I failed.
I Borden the Konark express from Bhubaneswar. I thought I will convince her. I reached at Berhampur station. Again I called her and tried to convince her but everything was in vain. I didn’t tell her that I was just 21km away from her. I didn’t want her to be tensed. What will I do now? I couldn’t go back. I told my parents the festival was for two days neither I could go to attend the festival. Everything was clear. I was sandwiched between her and my family. I had to stay for 2 days there. How could I manage a shelter for me? I decided to go to a hotel where I can live for the left two days. I reserved a cab and told him to go to a nearby hotel. I told him to first go to an ATM. There was only one atm. I went down at the atm. What the hell was that? That atm was out of order. I came back to the cab. I told the driver about the atm. He told that maximum time most of the atm have the same problem. I asked the driver about the next atm. That was 3km away. I was not sure that weather the atm was working or out of order. I didn’t have much cash with me. I didn’t take risk. I told him to go back to the station. By that time I had decided that I had to sleep at the platform for rest two days. Atm was out of order. No one knew. Everything happened due to my over confidence. I was in tense. How to spend 2 days in a railway platform. But nothing could happen.
Two days passed. Finally the day came on which day I had to return. Only i know how I have spent those days. In those days I never used bathroom. Although these tragedies happened still I was happy. I was happy because there was a friendship booming up. I was happy because I was bearing these because of that person who understood me. Who made me laugh? I never let her know about these situations.
I came back to my college. As before we were talking. Chatting on Facebook. One evening she was upset. She asked me to tell some jokes. Jokes and me he he. This was the joke. I was a serious boy. But I tried my best to make her laugh to some extent. Next she demanded was another surprizing for me. She told me to say some Sayeries. There was only one person who had interested in my sayeri. That was my girlfriend. Who was no more? How could two people be so similar?
I use to write sayeri but not in a systematic way. I wrote them here and there in my diary. It took me some time to gather them then a told her one by one. She praised my sayeri. Those sayeri touched her heart. Why not I have also written them from bottom of my heart. She demanded for more. From where would I bring? I managed her by saying that I didn’t find them where I have written. I promised her to message sayeries. From that day writing sayeri had become my daily duty. I neglected my study to write sayeri which I never neglected throughout my life. I forgot to sleep but never forgot to write sayeri. Although I was in pressure as my exam was heading but I was happy.
In a pleasant evening she called me. We started talking as usual. The topic changed to physics. She asked some doubts on physics. I solved them. But the last doubt she asked, my answer was contradiction to the answer of her teacher. Although I knew a little bit more about physics but not everything about physics. So I thought I should not argue with her on this topic. I told her that I will refer to some books and let her know the truth. We did some as usual conversation and we hung up.
I am in b.tech. From where would I get the intermediate physics books? I thought I should go to the market n get some books. Now we are free to go to markets. I went to the market. As there was only a engineering college not any other colleges nearby, the book store had only engineering books. The nearest book store where I could find intermediate books was 60km away from my college. I reserved an auto n went to that book store. Fortunately I got the books. I came back n read the books along with Wikipedia and some journals related to that topic. It took me 4 nights and 3 days to collect the information. From those 3 nights 2 nights I slept for 4 hrs. and one night I was fully awake. For this reason my blood pressure was high. My whole body was shaking. I was unable to stand. In those days I never read a single Para from my course book neither attended the classes even my lab.
After I concluded I called her. Her phone was not reachable. I had no pasence. I messaged the conclusion and went to bed. That day I slept for 16hrs. After I woke up there were 32 missed calls on my phone. 8 from call centre, 14 from my mother,6 from my guide professor and 4 from an unknown number.
First I called my mother. Then I called my guide professor. He was fire on me. I had not gone to laboratory since last 5 days. We had a presentation in 1 week. I told him that I was ill. Somehow I managed him.
After I hung up the first thing I did was I laughed loudly. So loudly that the students of the side room rushed to my room. After all I was happy because after a long time I was happy.2nd thing was that I obeyed my mother. 3rd thing was that now I am an Aryan in the real sense. This was the whole story till now. How we became friend and how we changed to best friends.
An evening she called me. I was taking a nap in my room. I received the call.
: Hari omm
: Hi arya.
(She was quite happy.)
: Hey what’s the matter? U r very happy. What happened?
: Ya arya today I am very happy. I want to share this happiness with you. Every time I call you with my problems. But today I have a good news for you. I am in love.
: In love with whom.
(a strange feelings passed through my body)
: Well he is a friend of my sister. He is a nice guy. We mate on face book. Then friendship and then love.
Then she told the whole story starting from the beginning. She was very happy. Today he proposed him and she accepted.
I know what was passing over me. I don’t know what was happening with me. Do I love her or I was afraid of losing my best friend. I don’t know what was happening with me. Instead of being happy I was sad. I didn’t want her to know about this. So I congratulated her and hung up. I came to my room. I don’t know why tears rolled down from my eyes. I tried a lot to control them. But I could not. I didn’t want anyone to know about it. I rush to the bath room and I burst it to tears. I was crying like a child. I cried for a long time. Now I was feeling relaxed. I washed my face and came back to room. I opened my laptop and tried to engage myself with it. Then my phone again rang. It was her. I picked up the phone. I tried to control my emotion and to behave normally. But she caught it. She asked what happened with me. I said I was worried due to my exams which had already started. She smell something fishy. Exam and worry and again me. It as peculiar. She asked again. I said to leave it. She didn’t force me. Then she started talking like every day. Her happiness was clearly visible from her talking. Today she was talking, I mean only she was talking. I was the audience. She told me to send friend request to her boyfriend on Facebook. She had already told him about me. I agreed. Then she asked why I was silent. I said I had a headache. She told me to take rest and hung up.
That evening I sent friend request to his boyfriend. He also accepted. That night we chatted. But he took it in a wrong way. He thought it was a triangular love story. I too love her. He said it to Lopa. I didn’t know what was going behind me.
The next morning Lopa called me. She asked what I said to his boyfriend last night. I gassed what she meant. I told her I had my exam. I would talk to her after my exam.
During my exam I was totally impasend. God knows what I had written in my exam. I submitted my copy to the invigilator and left the class in 30 minutes. Every day I also submit my copy first that to very early but this time I submitted not because I had finished, I was impasence. I came to my room and called her. She picked up the phone. I asked about the matter. She hesitated to say anything. She knew I wouldn’t have done this. She didn’t say anything about this. She asked about my exam. I said it was well. We talked like every day and hung up. That day I didn’t take my lunch. I changed my dress and started thinking what had happened and how to fix it. Finally I concluded to take the whole responsibility on me. I didn’t want any fight between them. If her boyfriend thinks me as her lover. It will be better to leave her life. I didn’t want to be any hurdles in their relation. She was happy with her relation and I wanted her to be happy.
That evening she called me. My drama was ready. I acted as if I loved her and I am heartbroken seeing her in a relationship with anyone other. I wanted her to hate me. The more she will hate me the more she will be close to him.
What a surprise. There was no impact on her of what her boyfriend had told. She trusts me more than him. But now she is heart broken by what I had told her then. What to do now. I can’t say that I was acting neither can say her that I was only a friend to her. I also don’t want to lose a friend like her. I could not find what to say. How to manage the situation. I was silent. She was talking talking and going on. Finally to impress her I said I will write a novel on you. She said
: What did you said?
: I will write a novel on our story.
: Ok never call me unless you finish your novel.
(I just said to impress her. How can I write a novel on this? Again we can’t talk unless I finish this. She said good night and hung up)
Now I am writing this story since last 2 days. I have never taken a nap in these two days. I have only one target. Finish the story and call her. I don’t know what will be the result of my dedicated work. I don’t know whether she will like it or not. I don’t know we will be friend as before or this is the end of the relation which is the best relation for me till now. After I finish this story I will send her and will wait for her response. Hope for +ve response.
THIS IS MY UNTOLD LOVE STORY MY UNSEEN LOVE. I have never seen her. I fall in love with her and because of that unseen love now i am a writer.