Love Story from School – “DRAFT MESSAGE”
Photo credit: fiona_adam from morguefile.com
First day at his new office. He decided to use his personal email account for office use as well. He sat down to clear his inbox, filled with unwanted mails. But his draft folder happened to have more messages than his inbox. There were many a draft message. And he noticed that only then!
Resignation mails typed in anger, mails asking colleagues to come for lunch, mails meant to be shared with male buddies about a new beautiful colleague…
As he went through all those unsent mails, a bright smile was beaming on his face. Those mails took him back in time and he just couldn’t help but smile like a fool, thinking of the good old days. He didn’t have the heart to delete any draft message.
There was one more mail. A mail with diet plans prescribed by various health and fitness websites. He had copied the plan, pasted it and saved it as draft. He had gained weight now. But he still hoped to follow those diets someday. And so, that draft message too didn’t go to the trash folder.
He then realized that he was sitting all alone and giggling every now then. What would people think if they happened to walk into his desk? So he hid his face with his palm. And the smile hiding behind the palm kept getting wider until… his eyes stopped at one particular mail.
A few seconds later, his eyes were still frozen but hot tears rolled down his cheeks. The smile that was dancing on his face a minute ago had completely vanished now. He was left with nothing but pain.
“My dear aragiNi (pet parrot in Kannada)
The blue churidhar you wore today looked much better than the pink skirt you wore yesterday. Colours like blue, green suit you well. You look just like a cute parrot in green. After all, you are my dear pet parrot… aren’t you?
Why does that monkey follow you whenever you go for lunch? Why does he have to sit amongst girls? I know you are a very good girl. But I just can’t stand him, especially when he pulls your plaited hair. I feel like getting up and charging at him, throwing a punch or two at his face. I’m definitely going to thrash him someday.
I know that you get irritated when he pulls your hair; it’s written all over your face. Even then he doesn’t understand. Or maybe, that creep understands everything and yet deliberately irritates you. But you know what? Whenever you walk away from him, irritated, your cheeks turn bright red. You look even cuter when you get angry. Touchwood! He too is aware of this fact. No doubt why that maniac irritates you!
Okay, gotta go! Boss is heading this way. More to pen; will do that tomorrow.
– Forever yours”
After reading this draft message, he wanted to cry out loud. Cry as much as he could. But how could he weep in front of his colleagues?
The day he came to know that his aragiNi was to get engaged to someone else, he deleted all such mails meant for her, saved in his draft folder. But he missed out on this one mail. Just when he was about to click the delete option, he had this urge to check her Facebook page, one last time.
Her page was filled with her wedding photographs and images of her two cute sons. “I’m an idiot. Other than ‘hello…’ and ‘see you’,… She’s happy now. What more can I ask for?” he thought to himself as he was logging out of the site.
Just before he closed the window, he happened to notice the caption of her first son’s photograph- ‘My love, my son, my Abhiram’. From a distance, he could hear his colleague calling out “We are going out for lunch. Are you coming Abhiram?”