Sweet Love Story – Coding of Love
Photo credit: sullivan from morguefile.com
I met a girl I had never met before. We engaged us in talking, meeting and annoying each other. Later, thus, she gave me a hope, a confidence and strength. It was a Hope for Love to live my life in my way. We were in each other’s life like being tied or glued whichever might have it be personally or professionally.
In those days I weren’t who I am now. I had been in my worst time when nothing was going in my opinion. Whether about my career or family matters or any personal one, everything had challenged me, and, never favored me. The time had changed later as I always had a hope for betterment to my life. It wasn’t that I was in any kind of trouble or having jeopardy. In fact I was busy in my life that only had meant for making fun and enjoyment. But I hadn’t had any specific goal even after pursuing Engineering, at that time, if not at contrast, that’s been problem for me and my parents. It was reasonable too, as I had refused a decent job through campus interviews only because it had to make a contract for three years for work with.
What our mind is, or, why does it wander so randomly when we are in real fear or trouble? All and unnecessary thoughts had quenched to my skull. I was counting each of my breath and every fraction of seconds being in the traffic at Andheri-Ghatkopar Road in a cab. I was going to Hiranandani Hospital.
‘Can we take any other or different road? I don’t think it will sink soon. I’ve an emergency, bro.’ I asked, to the cab driver who has been patiently waiting for finding his way, restlessly.
‘Okay, sir… I think we can take only if we reach at Pipeline.’
‘Why do people honk so uselessly? We Indian can’t develop unless we change our behavioral mindset.’ I said to myself.
Anything I was seeing teased me, mostly that f##king traffic. Even for some time I forget about my real trouble. In early morning I was informed that my sweet girlfriend and forthcoming wife got injured as her car caught into an accident near IIT-Mumbai. And the driver passed away instantly. Anyhow she survived. Thus, then, it causes for my survival. They said she has little fractures in her elbow and wrist. But the major damage was done to her head.
‘Sir, if you don’t mind it, keeping your urgency, may I suggest you something?’ He showed him, in very polite way, looking at me through the mirror.
‘Yes, Mr. Yadav. Why not?’
‘There is huge traffic and it will take long time to pass. If you want, you can reach the hospital soon. It is at right hand turn on crossing the signal.’
‘Okay. Thank you so much bro.’ I said to him, leaving the car.
I rushed to the reception desk. Everywhere such an extreme silence was surrounded in the lobby. I could sense the pain and solace which patient and their family had.
‘Madam, may I know where the emergency ward is?’ I asked the receptionist who has a charming face, in pin-drop-silence environment.
‘Yes, sir. Just go straight along with this way then take right turn. May I know who you do want to see there?’
‘Thank you, Miss.’ I said, and, tried to check her name through the name plate. ‘I’m looking for Miss Archna Singh, who unfortunately caught into an accident earlier in the morning.’
‘I am sorry, really. For kind of your knowledge, she has now been transferred to the I.C.U.’ She acknowledged me after checking in her desktop, with a pleasing smile which acted for me somewhat relief. ‘It is on the first floor and follow guide posters which will let you up to there, later ask for patient’s name.’
Without saying anything I rushed to the mark. My heart beats and pulses ran quicker than normal. Although, I have been in hospitals before too, for long time in different spells since I had been born, but I never felt this fear. I reached there. I saw the board which reads ICU in bold letters in blue background.
‘Sir, I’m Shivansh, looking for Archana Singh and am her close friend.’ I asked to the warden seated on the chair near the gate and support desk where many junior Doctors were starring in white apron.
‘Room No. 121, take extreme right row. Just sign here, remember you can’t enter in now, she is unconscious since she is here or meet Doctor Sartaz Ansari for more information.’ The junior doctor in-charge said.
‘Where will he meet?’ I enquired.
‘103. There he is going. See, the tall and healthy bearded man with white skull-hat in an apron, he is him going for inspections.’
I ran behind him. Meanwhile my phone rang. I checked who he was. This was her father’s call but I ignored.
‘Doctor Ansari, I’m Archana’s close friend. How is she now, sir? Is she all right? I’m dying to see her.’ I asked and caught being emotionally sick but a sober by the doctor.
‘Oh. In comparison to how the accident was, she is quite OK.’ He said and patted on my shoulder to make me feel strong before what he was going to say.
‘Sir, just say she is fine’
‘Well. Did her parents arrive? We need to talk with them before we take her into advance stage.’ He enquired without looking at me.
‘Not, yet. But they are coming by a flight in evening. And what do you mean by advance stage?’
‘See, Shivansh. She has three or more than three fracture at least. Apart from this she is unconscious since she has admitted. We have examined for many tests and the results of reports are yet to come. We can say anything only if they are available.’
‘May god be with you, my dear Archana. Be well soon, please, yaar .’ I said crying as loudly as I could, as I saw her, my sweet girl lying on the bed wearing white patient uniform through the glass wall.
‘Shivansh, look, this is also a police case so you have to sign on the few documents too.’ Dr. Ansari said and gave the stationary me to sign as a first relative present before starting any treatment.
I forwarded them to him after I did as I was instructed by the doctor. He told me that he would come for next visit at 2.00 pm and by then the most reports will be available. And he also asked me to arrange few units of B+ blood too as they need them as soon as we could arrange.
Later, I called her parents and informed all that I knew. Also I urged to my colleagues to donate their blood if they are B+. The HR department assured they will do their best to arrange few units at least. And this was only something positive which I heard since I woke up that day.
‘Why are you weeping? Don’t be this weak to cry, please Shivansh. See, I’m having a lot of pain but smiling.’ She said with her low and sweet voice and tried to hold my hand.
I felt strange. What was going? I thought I was dreaming. So I lifted my hand to pick her. And I touched her fingers. I smiled to smile her. But the pain she was feeling I could sense.
‘Please, be well for me. Come for me. Speak for me. What would I do, if you don’t speak or without you, my Love?’ I said to her, gazing into her eyes. I saw the bloods still are flushing through the bandage banded over the head.
‘Hey, are you sleeping? Wake up, beta.’
Astonishingly, I stood up from the bench. Then I saw Dr. Ansari had come for her inspection with all the reports except for CT-SCAN. Then I realized I had then been having dream and she is still unconscious.
‘How are the reports, Dr.?’ I asked to him with a hope.
‘As per presumption she has four fractures where two are major ones at joint between neck and shoulder, and other one at elbow. But we can fix them with the help of a surgical operation only if she gets her consciousness.’
Dr. Ansari entered in along with his assistant and a nurse. I also followed them without asking for his allowance. It was first moment I was to saw her. Before this I’d seen her through the glass wall which had very small part visible transparently.
I was now in. I palpitated and trembled to see her. I cried so heavily but very silently with her organ’s aches. Her left hand was with wooden stretcher to make it easier to fix with shoulder and neck. Her head was tied with bands and the pipe line from oxygen cylinder attached with her nose for ventilation. Seeing her unconscious since eight hours I was losing mine. The doctors were chatting about their plans and strategies.
‘Shivansh, did you arrange the blood? She will need bloods by night.’ Dr. Ansari’s assistant asked.
‘Yes, sir.’ I said confidently. ‘Is she recovering, Dr.?
‘I think a bit but we can’t say anything more.’ Dr. Ansari said, lifting his hands combining to his chest like an Islāmic way to offer his pray. ‘Just pray to God to be with her.’
‘Thank you… For patients and me you the Doctors are too Like God. I’m offering my prayers to get her well soon with my each breath.’
Dr. Ansari went to his chamber asking me to follow him. He had a talk to make with me.
I reached Doctor’s chamber. There I saw a police officer and our boss. I mean Archna’s boss. He had come himself to donate the blood. He was also B+. The police had called him to present their employee’s/Archana’s record too. After completing formalities they left.
Dr. said, ‘If you want you can stay here. There is the nurse to take care of her. You can have little nap in the room right through the passage.’
‘No. Sir. I am Fine.’
‘Well, so, you are Archana’s friend. The friends are needs to be like you. You have paid a lot of money for her too.’ He said.
‘No, she is my girlfriend and we were to marry next year or a bit later.’
‘OMG! Love Birds. May my Allah bring her back to you the soon.’
Although, I wasn’t any faith in Allah, however, I prayed to him. We talked about various things like similarities and dissimilarities between our professions, our cultures and ideologies. Thus, I found him very friendly. I liked him and showed my faith with him that he would make my angel back well as soon as possible.
‘I too, had been in love with a girl from my college but I couldn’t marry with her. In those it wasn’t an easy task to make possible any love marriages.’ He told to me about his past. ‘How did you, find her and make your parents consensus?’
‘This is a long story. I am a Software Engineer who knows nothing but coding. But if you want I tell you briefly the ‘Coding of my Love’.’
13 Months Earlier from Present…
Our train had been ready to leave from LTT (Lokmanya Tilak Ternminus, Mumbai) for Varansi. We, my mother and I were already boarded in only five minutes before the scheduled departure time of the train. If the train hadn’t arrived on the very platform (No.1) aside the entrance gate we could have missed the train. Hurriedly, I was seeking our berths in the coach. Someone from behind me asked, ‘Which berths are Yours, Mate?’
‘Yes, it is B3 – 41 and 42.’ I said to him and myself and felt relief as I, would have found any big thing or like did extraordinary invention as I saw it.
The train honked… so said, ‘let’s start this journey…’
I settled the luggage beneath the seat and tied it with the chain and locked it to make sure the prevention from being theft. As many Indian do as for their own satisfaction. However, I had learnt it from my parents. I was to make my mother reach in village then to return back in Mumbai within a week where I live with my family. Mumma was to attend a prosperous worship-kinda workshop.
‘Shivansh, keep the laptop bag on the upper seat. It will be safe there,’ Mumma said, while making comfort on the lower seat. She would overlay a fresh light blue-white bed sheet which she brought from the home and smelled so well.
I lifted the bag and my magazines and newspapers to settle over. I astonished, in fact shocked, that I saw a ladies bag and a plastic carry bag. I reckoned it wasn’t ours. I thought this train had certainly been coming from the yard, so somebody or any woman would have surely left here assuming this berth hers. And the very sooner she will come to get it when she gets to know she’d lost her belongings.
Now, it had been more than six hours passed away since the train has departed from its origin. Neither anyone came claiming for this nor, I suspected about it.
I got up on my seat to get some nap in noon. I looked again at it. A brown Caprese – branded ladies bag and a poly bag. Then I thought whether it would be any illusion or a front— hide for any terrorizing cause. The more I thought my jeopardy got prolonged. The noises of the running train enhanced more when another train gets to cross it towards opposite direction. I had heard about many terrorist’s attacks. And finally, furnishing all my brave efforts, I touched it first but not complete fearlessly. My heart beats were running on the horse. Then opened it… perhaps, I was trying to catch my breaths, unknowingly I felt somewhat like any inexperienced bomb diffusive officer who is getting his first job without proper training and apparatus.
It was very beautiful bag. I assumed that girl who had necessarily been owned this were absolutely more beautiful than my any assumption. I didn’t know how this came. I just checked in whether it had any communicative link or material. But unfortunately it didn’t have any either. A white-smile size hankiii which was smelling so blissful and delight, a red clip, some cosmetic material like a lipstick, small rounded mirror, women’s deodorant and a packet of Stay Free and a HDFC credit card, were all I found in. I read card holder’s name on the card interestingly, as Archana Sharma. And later, I opened that poly bag. It had some academic documents and an envelope. On touching it clearly seemed that it had contained bundled money or a lot of money or something like this if not money.
There was no chance of sleep. Meanwhile I wished if it had had her mobile phone too. If yes, then somebody may have theft and left the rest here hastily. I wasn’t so sure about this. But I was sure I was not going to GRP to surrender all these stuff.
Although, without sharing this to my mother I had awaited to come her whoever would have owned these. Next day in early morning, our train was about to reach Allahabad, I asked to my mother to get her consent if I would owe hers belongings so that I could return it back.
‘Mumma, I’m going to keep it and search her when I would come back in Mumbai.’ I said, kept packing our luggage.
‘Is there any precious thing in the bag? No… Leave it beta… Any careless and poor girl would have left it.’ My mother said as simply as she was all known about her. I wished if she were known to Mumma… so that I could return it to her.
Anyway but I kept it with me.
We reached Allahabad. There were so much crowd on the station… We exited through exit gate… Moved towards parking lot…
Our driver Shivendra Uncle had come to receive us with our white Mahindra Boloro car. I was happy to see him, our very vehicle which Papa had brought on last DhanTeras.
The very same train was about to arrive at Platform No. 7 which had brought me Allahabad only two days before. Now I was going back to Mumbai. Definitely, I had no emergency to return sooner than my scheduled plan of staying a week in village. The train came, so I boarded in. I had booked sleeper class ticket in Tatkal Quota. Again I had allotted side upper berth (S3-8) like last time but now the class was different, in fact lower if I say precisely. I threw myself up on the seat to get some rest.
I recollect in mind how I’d find her mobile number from hers offer letter which, was from an IT company called IT secure as Senior software engineer to join after three days, putted in that envelope along with sum of ₹17000 in cash. She was a computer engineer from State technological university of Tamilnadu and PG in CS from MANIT, Bhopal. However I had tried to call on that number many times but never got connected. So I was sure, her phone had also been theft.
I checked it on Facebook and Whatsapp too, through her number. Oh! My god! I found her on FB. The happiest person on the earth was me, at that moment as I perceived. I saw her pic on her profile. I felt as if she were any nymph. Very beautiful and so sweet… But I shocked and choked when I saw her status being it’s complicated. I thought to send her a friend request but I denied and so did my mind and heart. In fact, then, I wrote a message her instead.
“ Dear, Archna…
I don’t know who you are and you too, don’t know who am I! But now, I think, I need to know who are you and where you live or where you could meet me. Whichever be the preferable, please tell me the sooner. Actually, I gotta tell you good news. If you are the same Archna Singh that I’m looking for and you have lost your some original academic documents and belongings, this message is for you. And, so am I all for you… I am coming from Allahabad for you as I all know about the value of your need and your helplessness.
I hope to get a quick response from you. And don’t forget to give your contact number—Shivansh ”
I reached at home. Nobody was at home as it was noon then. I plugged my phone in for charging prior to anything else. I was very tired. I had needed a long sleep as the journey wasn’t quite cozy that I would have preferred. But it was I who made me to go through this. I felt some freshness only when I got bathed. I switched my phone on. I’d thought to check FB if she had answered. But before I could do anything I got three messages…
Beep! Beep!
Beep! Beep!
Beep! Beep!
The first one said, ‘welcome to Maharashtra… Blahh… blahh…’
The second one said, “Hi, I am Archna… I tried to call you, but ur phn was swtchd off. If u don’t mind cud u meet 2day?
I’ll tell u the Timing n venue details in next msg… thnx… ☹”
The third message said, “I hope u reachd at home. Wlcm… If u r coming, then let me make you sure not to forget calling me before reaching. at 7.00 pm… KFC, near SVP Road, Girgaon, Mumbai-04. Bye… t.c.”
I just sipped a glass full of orange juice and rested my body on the bed. I’d set an alarm at 5.00 pm. When asleep along with me filled in the vacant room, I have no idea.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! … … …
‘What the hell is beeping? Who bloody idiot put that alarm uselessly?’ I yelled, being in half sleep. The dark and vacant room which was so conducive for sleeping, I had not only to ignore but to leave. I checked my phone I saw mumma had called me. I called her back. She was all wanted to know about me and being well. I made a cup of coffee and drank. I looked at watch. It showed 5.25 and so beckoned to do things hurriedly. I took her belongings in my bag pack. If I wouldn’t have taken so, I had certainly to feel awkward to hold a ladies bag in my hand.
I called Archna when I took a local train from Borivali to Charni Road.…
A long ring went…and the call got aborted… before I could call again, it rang. So I picked it up…
‘Hi, this is Shivansh.’
‘Yeah, and I’m Archna’. Her voice was so sweet as if it had composed with bit of melody, harmonically. ‘Where are you?’
‘O, I’m on my way, at somewhere near to Mumbai Central.’ I said, actually, I had not perfectly been finding proper words to convey as she was so fluent and keen at English. I felt a bit of nervous or more than bit. ‘Yes, I’ll be there within half-n-hour.’
‘Okay, Shivansh‘. See you soon.
As each step I took which was letting me near to her, made me more impatient, unstable and nervous. I reached at that KFC, so then I felt more trembled suddenly. Something in me made me feel shy as I had never met any girl before so. However, In fact, I didn’t have any hesitation. Also, nor I did have any embarrassment too. I stood ahead of porch to seek where she was. The very moment I got hers call. So I attended that call. There was no question about this. I realized she was very smart if she would have not beautiful at all.
‘Hey, I am inside at Table 4 in last row beside the side glass.’
‘Yeah, I’m reaching.’
I took more normal steps than any normal steps. I didn’t want to meet so soon, no matter I had returned only for this, however, anyhow I reached. I saw her. Her back faced me, and I was going towards her.
‘Hello, Archna. I don’t think I need to make any more formal introduction now, Right? I am very weak at this if I say honestly.’ As I reached she stood up to make me have a warm welcome.
‘Yes, of course. Shivansh.’ She said and given me her smiles, her facial expression was very comfortable for me.
I also returned her back a fresh smile. Like I had accepted hers and so did she.
She gestured me as to ask how came I this late. I found her more than more what I had guessed. She was a slim-average, fair and simple girl looking at me. This was she that I had seen on Facebook. A pretty girl, with higher sensibility and sense of humor, was only she who had restlessly been listening to me. She wore a white fitted top, and, blue denim skin-tight jeans. She held a fast track brand wrist watch in her right hand. Yes, I noticed it and liked it. In fact, I noticed every little thing which could have belonged to her as how she sat putting her thighs one upon another or how she held her cup while sipping that hot coffee. Each and every story I told her was very interesting to her like how did I get her bag and all. She was to listen to me carefully and much interestingly. She kept her eyes at mine on the other hand I didn’t centered my eye contact at majority of time I spent with her at that sweet KFC, initially.
‘Here, are the belongings, you owe for. Now, I’m feeling liquidated from my duties. Otherwise I was feeling restless.’ I brought out it and passed towards her. And she genuinely picked but didn’t check it.
‘You’re very brave and honest. Mostly, people would never have shown this honest like you did.’ She said and informed me that she had filed a FIR for losing the mobile phone.
‘So, Congratulations for you, and, for your job. I wish you a bright career ahead.’ I congratulated her and showed a thumb. I almost killed me doing so. I murmured in thought.
Till then we had spent almost 25 minutes, there wasn’t any single moment I had felt we were strangers before. I found her more familiar and so friendliness. Each word she spoke I would love to listen and garnish in my heart. She had her unique style. Hers lips owed a sharp red lipstick and it never deteriorated with any movement of her lips.
‘What do you do? Where do you live?’ Now, this was first time she asked about me.
‘I live in Dahisar (A suburb in Mumbai). I am an ECE from this year’s batch and yet unemployed.’ I all told and found myself as both victim, and accused. I thought I had ruined own impression. Actually, I didn’t want to let her know my failures or any negativity. But I couldn’t hide it nor I tried for it intentionally. Anyhow I retained positive.
‘Oh! Not an issue. Do register in Amcat or E-litmus. Or do join some certification courses soon. Remember to make me known when you need my help. And I’ll tell you if I find any suitable opportunity for you.’ She said, so often, explicitly and crystal clearly. And it was a tell and recommend , an order, and a consolation too, inclusively.
‘Yes, I will. I will do. In fact this will be a great help then.’
‘Okay, see I am not insisting nor forcing if you want you may take some money as convenience. You had to have unplanned so longed journey as well.’
‘No. I can’t. This is not the person am I! I never can do so. Some or whole part in me or my heart, of an unemployed engineer and humanitarian in me, told me to help the girl who is near to the gate of getting hers first job.’ I said and it seemed as if my head had especially due to such ideology been lifted straight up.
‘Yes, you’re having great thinker in you. I liked your attitudes and your bold and impressive characteristics. I liked you. It was nice to meet you. I wanted the more than this with you. I’ve to go to somewhere. Next time we’ll go for dinner. This is would be a treat from me to you.’ She said and checked hers phone and then watch as if she had instantly been waiting for someone else. May be someone would had to come to receive her. I guessed.
‘This will immensely be an honor for me. Madam.’
We left the table after nearly 40 minutes, she was very talkative than me. We had talked about our interests and hobbies. She also shared about herself but never asked much about me. Nor, I told anything extra. Finally, we were to leave. She putted her soft and cozy hand on my shoulder to say her final goodbye. I liked this, in fact, loved indeed. At that time this made herself unique and only hers, and so, thus, I became hers not sentimentally or emotionally but affectionately—if I say in one word.
‘Bye… Shivansh…’ She packed a parcel of hers smiles for me and lifted her hand and beckoned.
‘Yes, Bye… Bye… Hope to see you soon.’ I too, returned her smiles back.
4 Months later from Meeting Her…
Archna and I were in touch since our first meeting over Facebook and Whatsapp. Thousands of messages would exchange between us. It was almost two-n-half months passed since I was working as In-Turn under guidance of her in the very same company she does work for. Day by day our conversations got enhanced and warmth. The curiosity in us after each messages, got worsened to get a reply. Meanwhile she went Banglore for training for 20 days. I remember these days were worst as she couldn’t manage enough time for talks except for in nights.
After all she came and made me surprised. I hadn’t expected from her this at least not at very time. She arrived at Chatrapati Shivaji International airport Santa Cruze, Mumbai. I had come there to pick her. In those days she used to live in a flat-cum-apartment which she’d rented in Vile Parle. She came out and called me to know where I was. I replied her to come outside of parking lot. And, she came out. She wore a black knee-length skirt and white formal-fitted shirt which had sleeves reaching just more than her elbows and a black blazer which had no sleeves at all. Her nicely shaped thin and fair legs, with black high heel sandals, were revealing the fact that she was more than only a beautiful girl. She was my Elf. I greeted her with fresh smiles.
‘It was too, ridiculous, and finally, ended. I’m happy for this.’ She said looked at me to speak me.
‘I also feel happy for this that you’re back. I mean in Mumbai.’
Later we reached at hers home. She would go to take bathe. I also switched the TV to watch Cricket Match being played between Pakistan and England. I didn’t notice when she came out. I was busy watching the match.
‘Why do you guys get sick of bloody cricket matches? Did they work for you instead?’ She had always been hated me watching so much cricket.
‘Okay, it is just going to over.’
She came and switched it off. She seemed being angry but I didn’t resent. Later, I realized she also wasn’t. Only then I saw her in yellow semi-silk and semi-cotton night cranky printed top and white short. She made a chignon with her hair.
We cooked ours food. Then, I started to cut the Salads as I’m master at this while she would serve the dinner.
‘Shivansh, I’ve two news to tell you one for you, and, next about me. Which one, you do want to hear first?’ She asked, served the dal and rice in mine plate like she did for own.
‘O, that’s good. I hope both would certainly be the good for me. Tell me first, about yours, then.’
‘Ok… My parents have planned about my marriage. There is an engagement on 29 in this month. And, the second one is, you have now been hired by HR team, permanently. But I’m not sure how much they’ll pay you.’ She all said, after chewing her morsel, hurriedly.
I didn’t realized whether she was happy or sad for her engagement or mine job. The same wasn’t in my case. In fact, I was sure, I had choked up with that bloody news of her engagement and all. Although, I never felt before like I need to tell her about my feelings. Nor she thought ever so. Yet we were in each other’s life like being tied or glued whichever might have it be personally or professionally.
Till then we had dined and later washed the plates and vessels. I remember it, clearly.
‘So, are you, agree or I mean, ready?’
‘No. I need to take care about my career. This is my priority. This is me.’ She looked little sad sitting on her own bed beside me making crouch with her feet, thus, later a moment, said after finding her words.
‘Of course, you aren’t any dependent girl. You’ve own life. You may or must live it like you do want.’ I said, this time I got some relief but something in me, people could say it love or affection I won’t know or mind, or my sentiments or emotions, got melted. A few tear drops ran through my eyes, which was surely due… for my solace, and consolidation…
Thus, then, with low intense voice, I said to her, ‘I have never been worried, nor even once thought but a very sudden fact which meant only for my separation from you and your life made me a vain and worse. How could I survive if you would have said, Yes.’ She didn’t react as being surprised. So it was, then, surprising for me. But, perhaps or whether she knew about it or not, I had no idea at all.
‘Oh! Great! Then I don’t need to worry. I’ve someone at least, to look after me.’ She said, started annoying me, ‘You’re still my junior assistant, right?’… ‘However, I would not mind to have someone like this…’ She added and threw her own hands in mine I didn’t know when.
‘I want to tell you. That, I ought for being only yours.’ I felt cherished and lightened but not hesitated at all.
‘So I want.’ She defined her and her acceptance in very three words but used quite differently.
I could realize then, only her delicate, smooth, pink and gentle lips so close to mine but not how did it come. I initiated, she joined sooner and held my head in own hands while I did vested mine on her vest, so we kissed in ecstasy and complacency, revelry and hilariously. I don’t have any other words better than those to express or convey how had I felt. But we hadn’t slept until we would not hold ourselves.
I felt like I had had a Dream.
‘We don’t have any objection but few conditions. If you agree we agree.’ Her father said, putting own plate and cup which had filled with lemon tea on the fancy-wooden designer table. Actually, he has been a diabetic patient. So he’d preferred lemon tea while rest of us including her Mumma, herself and me took milk tea with light sugar.
This was the day I had to interact with her parents. Recently, she’d informed them that we were in love. And they had shown their consensus only after more than three months lasting resent and drama. She had advised me to come in suite to impact a decent impression on them. Thus, they could find me modern and educated by means of manners and behavior. So, I just wore a formal light Blue shirt and tie on black suite.
‘Okay, Uncle. I will have my love so I am for this, or whatever you ask. But I would say anything only if it will be acceptable as per my values and ideals’, I kept speaking without realizing their facial reflections, ‘We will be happy if you people feel happy for us’.
‘So nice of you Betaa (my son). I want you to settle here, only in this city (Mumbai). And just make sure your parents will not stay with you as I know my daughter is not kind of suitable for adjusting with foolish north Indian’s strict traditions and superstitions.
‘No… I’m not that kinda guy. People may live their lives following money or lust or both. I have my world. So I’m different.’ ‘And My world is my parents too’, I said to Archana’s parents and kept silent.
Every second I spent there were like swallowing poison. Anyhow, the unfavorable meeting found over. Thus, I felt rescued as anyhow I had found a way.
The nurse came hastily to us. Her breaths were riding with a great pace. She seemed uneasy and restive. She said, ‘Dr., that patient gets her consciousness. Please, come to see her’, with big smiling face.
‘Wow! That’s fantastic.’ Dr. Ansari said, standing.
I can’t write what I did feel at that moment when the woman nurse said that sweet news to us. It was like an extra energy or life in my heart and soul had injected by the divine. We ran towards that room which had she for curing her injuries and mine too.
I saw her trying to speak something and gazing and blinking here and there. But she couldn’t do anything except for letting her tears gushed down. She was in great pinch. I went close to her and stood there touching her fingers. It was somehow like she has tried to say sorry to me that she had injured her and she will be fine very soon. And these injuries can’t take us away or cause anything for our segregation. I also felt and hoped these are temporal and we will be as together as we were earlier.
‘So, this means she has not probably been found any major impact in her internal head.’ Dr. Ansari said, looking at some papers but so excitedly, ‘And she is recovering very well. We can go for surgery tonight if everything goes as per our plan.’
They went off. I kept there with the vigilance of a nurse. I was happy that she came to me. Now she has been able to react with her facial expressions. I slept there being seated on the long bench made of steel kept for visitors, holding her hand in mine. I had possessed her as I had never been done before.
By Anoop Pandey