Creative Writing Competition 2012 India | |
CODE | 383 |
SETTING | College Canteen OR Restaurant |
OBJECT | Chocolate |
THEME | True Love Triumphs |

As Sweet As Love – Sweet Love Short Story
Photo credit: Jusben from
Love!!! it happens for once and lasts forever. The one who contradicts this may have never tasted the true taste of Love Chocolate, haaan! While talking about Love chocolate, I would like to say that True Love Triumphs always and its started for me too by Chocolate in my pretty cool college canteen,
I Wanna just take you all 4 yrs back to my college where I experienced my first love.
It was my first day in college, hawk eyes of seniors were wide opened hunting for juniors and of course Bulbul (girls) too . I was amongst the one who didn’t wanna get into trouble, so pretended as if I am one among the senior hawks, with all confidence walked briskly. But seniors caught hold of me red handed,with the typical trademark of first years,which is none other than drafter and chart holder.
I walked trembling with fear towards my seniors, it’s a Gangster Blue of Mechies, the very manly, bold guys and the terror ones of any college. Happy that above all adjectives are applicable to me too as I am one among those of first year Mechies. Myself, Gautham, First year Mechanical. All those heroic BGM’s, sounds, theme music resonated around me now,birds started flocking,dust storms,slow motion walking, hope the same imagination from you too when you visualize me. It lasted only for few seconds until I reached my senior’s place . Then suddenly, it turned into doordarshan music. Around 15 mins ‘muuchu thenara thenara’ (til I started suffocated) they ragged me.
I Started rushing towards my class looking at the boards hanged in front of every class, huuff, at last found my class. Adding flavour to the ambience,is that my class room was just opposite to IT department that had an excellent provision,when I sit inside our class facing green board, with just a little bend I was able to peep into windows of IT department.
First day, first class. It didn’t started as boring as expected. Our class advisor was such a kind, morale, supportive, encouraging and friendly person. He is the backbone of our department’s unity and ‘gethu’ (pride), still juniors of our college respect, fear and envy us for our Unity ,which we caught hold even today,
As time moved on, I started feeling bored and gradually moved into my own world of dreams travelling towards eden gardens. Then the windows of heaven opened with a breezy wind. Unseen beautiful hands with blood red mehandi and bangles with blue and green combo. Since the window was half opened, I was unable to see her face. Her long, slender, delicate fingers opened the wrap of a chocolate bar, and guided her fingers towards her lips. I am such an unlucky one here as my real live dream and the boring lecture came to an end with the barring sound of lunch bell, well its sounded like hell to me.
As my eyes started becoming like DSLR capturing every moves of her and atlast ended up with a disappoint as I wasnt able to capture her face alas, as my friends rushed me to canteen and i ended up in going with them with the hope that will meet her after lunch,
The next hour after lunch was full of lullabies from our chemistry teacher including all ketones, alcohols and acids spreading sleeping gas everywhere. My eyes suddenly turned left to have a look at her. Ufff…..It was her lab session I guess, the entire class was empty. With sad symphonies, I sat on my bench.
The day which started very worst, ended more worser. I was unable to find her after lab classes. The only clue which I got about her was, that she is very much fond of chocolates. Also, her hand was full of mehandi, blue green bangles and pretty slender fingers with a ring. This is all I could notice from the distance. Waiting for next day with no clue where, when and how I am gonna meet her…
Next day morning rush to class,waiting for her arrival,with all hopes that I going to meet her today,to add more happiness the window which is besides her was fully opened, I was so excited to see her ,waiting for her started eating my seconds ,everyone started entering her class, atlast the she came and sat on that bench,woow today its red and white bangle,she was in Red and white salwar, I wonder how girl’s are very much crazy about accessories, and hers seems to be as they were created just to suit her alone, still I culdnt see her face, same her dancing hanging studs and single streak hair which she always adjusted, today her nail was painted with nail polish,once again it all went in vain,when she turned suddenly and closed the window half,and started opening her chocy wrappers.
I was very upset, suddenly got an idea waiting for tea break to execute mine,rushed towards canteen,I don’t remember how many I pushed on the way to canteen, shop anna starred at me like anything as my adrenaline rushed out as breathing, bought a pack of chocolates and a sticky note too,rushing back to classroom,since it was a lab hour for her,none were there in the classroom as I went inside her class,sat on her bench,pasted the chocy and sticky note stated as
“The reason God put spaces between your fingers is that I can fill it with these sweet chocolates” and drew a smiley too in that sticky note
Came back to class without being noticed by my friends as I didn’t want to get their gossips right now,it may spoil my plan too, guarding the window and her bench to see whether my plan was getting executed properly,4 hour class went with all boring lecturers and my peeping too,lunch time everyone started leaving the room but I didn’t,pretending as if I got some work to do,I waited nearly 10 mins atlast she came,first she didnt noticed that,later on by glance she got a look into that and I could see her smiling face,with all joys,she took it,staring everywhere for who did that,I hid myself under the bench,she took out her marker, and wrote something on that sticky note and went out,
I rushed back to her classroom to see whats on that note,it was another two smileys and quoted “Thank you choo much choo sweet of you” I was overjoyed, jumped all the way to my canteen,
This continued everyday morning,days rolled on,nearly for 3 weeks I continued the same without identifying myself,after those weeks I went very early to college with new chocolate ,and googled a lot for catchy cute romantic quotes, today I wanna make something very clear as I got something in my heart for her so I quoted as
“Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off,it takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time.” I was bit scared while writing the quote with a fear how she would take this,I pasted it on her desk before she came and ran back to class,I was shocked to see her too early to class.Today she was dressed in grass green salwar with orange shawl, as usual matching accessories,she was very much excited after seeing that chocy and notes,and wrote something on it,but this time she pasted the note on that window panel,and left out to canteen to have her breakfast .I used this gap to see whats written on that,
“Lovely Quotes Mr.Sticky Note,next time include your name too J J” I was sooo happie to the core and replied back with my name,as usual guarded that sticky note to avoid anyone else using this opportunity,she came back from breakfast by the time half of the class was occupied,and she saw that sticky notes and looked my name ,smiled and kept that sticky note inside her bag,
I was so joyous today,each and every words of my lecturers are very pleasing and sweet as chocy to my ears, she too was very keen in listening to her class, hours rolled on, time for lunch I went along with my friends I got a chance to see her face this time,she was damn gorgeous, pretty, with sleek eyebrows, cute small eyes, sharp nose, and lovely sweet lips which always smell the flavor of chocolate, to add more beauty to her, she got a mole on right side below her lips, which adds more beauty to her,but still I dint know her name,and she don’t know my face,
As days rolled on we started chatting with sticky notes,we chatted with quotes,she became very familiar to my act of sticking notes on her desk and sticking back the same with reply on the window,in between all these days she didnt even uttered her name accidently and didnt even asked me for meeting too,we became nice friends,one of our quotes stated like
“I never met a chocolate,I didn’t like.” She replied back with
“All you need is love.But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” I was so enjoying these conversation,we almost become very close and next quote I wrote as
“Make a list of important things to do today.At the top of your list, put “eat chocolate.” Now, you’ll get at least one thing done today.”she replied me back as
“Its suits for you too, but instead of eat chocolate make it as buy me a chocolate” followed by a heart smiley
We shared our mobile numbers,contacts,it continued as message chat,night talks,FB request,skype etc,she finally ended up with saying I wanna meet you.
Slept very happily with the hope that next day morning was gonna be an awwwessum day in my life but I didnt happened like that, rushed to college very early with flowers in hand and bunch of chocolates, I was waiting for her in my class,hiding my flowers and chocolates behind me,my waiting made me irritated and excited too,everyone of her class started coming inside I didn’t wanna express myself right now,so packed my chocolates and flowers inside my bag,my eyes were keenly looking through the windows of IT department, I couldnt find her in her bench, consoled myself that she might took leave today so she wasn’t able to make,I shredded as like as the flower which I had, with all sorrows of heart my day went very unnatural today,
I waited for the next morning, she didnt turned out, another morning too,I nearly waited a week to get atleast a clue about her,I cant wait till this secret apple to ripe, so I directly went to her friends during the break,even they had no clue about where she was,since its only few days after college they dint got her home contacts too,I even wasn’t able to try from college admin too,I was totally cornerd in this situation,so I didn’t have any other way rather than waiting for her,its been a long time since I met her nearly 2 months since I met her after that day,as days rolled on my studies, started necking me,so I need to concentrate on those every day I used to peep into windows of her class,enquiring about her with her friends,everyday I got same replies,her memories started germinating inside mine,
Got some strong, strange feel that I was gonna meet her soon and I will meet her,and she is the one for me, so I don’t wanna miss her and in love waiting is the most precious gift for one,
My days of waiting for her,made me matured,calm,and even good writer too,started writing poetries for her with hope that one day or other I will definitely get a chance to utter those infront of her,
It’s a been a year since i joined college,and now I m a well noticed,identified personality in college and I m a Senior too, within a year college and my friends came under my control so its my turn today to rag back my juniors.
Next day morning,waiting eagerly in college canteen for junior bulbul birds,and ya obvious now I take the post of Senior Hawk,my eyes scanning each and every who was entering our canteen,as I faced the gate,to my back is the same stationary shop where I used to get chocy for her,the lovely sweet voice,which made myself tremored,suddenly turned back shocking its her,with the same red and white salwar, with same color bangles on her hands,pretty slender fingers with ring,hand full of blood red mehendis I was dumbstruck after seeing her back after such a long time,first time seeing her so close and complete,her lips opened
“Anna rendu dairy milk” I couldn’t find any words in any language to explain how I m feeling right now,I was overjoyed and went in front of her,but shocking she dint noticed me rather,moved away from me,I started walking behind her,calling her “heyy heeyy” but she got scared,as I am new to her she dint noticed walked fast towards her class,she dint attended one own full year so she was depromoted to first year ,thank god my classroom is opposite to her,I sat on my bench as usually she came sat on the same bench,once again opened the wrap of chocolates and started eating,she didnt even noticed me,I got very strange feel like why she avoiding me,since she dunno me as well,I texted her to her number as usual message not delievered,so I waited for proper time to enquire about her,during break time when I was about to meet her,her friend Priya came towards me,
“Gautham,sorry to say this but I have to,she met with some accident the day before she texted you last,in that accident she lost her mobile,and she was in coma for past 6 months,and she got Amensia,a kind of temporary memory loss and she forget everything which happened in past year,the fate lies here where she couldnt able to identify me too,she forgot everything everything which happened she joined college,she is like the one who is new to the college,and this atmosphere,I came to know all this through her mom now,I m sorry Gautham,I don’t how to help you or console you” she left after that,
I was totally became numb after hearing all these,my eyes expressed those as tears from my eye side,I was totally confused,I don’t know what to do too,I wasnt able to stay in college I bunked college went back home,I was with depression that my love is unnoticed,un expressed,and even started too,its all ended up where it started,I felt little annoyed as I m the most unluckiest creature,but i never losed hope and I wont too,as True lovenever fails ,and my love and feelings towards her is true so I didn’t wanna lose hope.With all confidence and preparation in my mind slept on my bed.
Next day morning rushed to college same this day a bunch full of chocolates,sticky note and a flower too,I wrote the same quotes which I wrote for on the very first day,
“The reason God put spaces between your fingers is so that me can fill it with these sweet chocolates”,with same smiley and flower stucked to it,and pasted the both chocy and flower on her table wishing she would come early today,but this time bit nervous,
I dunno how she gonna react to it,by heartbeated very fast when she came early to college,moved towards her bench,the same surprising reaction then followed by smile on her face,then she took the flower smelled,and opened the wraps of chocolates and wrote something on the note,and went out,rushed back to her bench,the quotes repeated
“Thaank you soo much,choo sweet of you”,
I was jumping to height of joy,craziness,and fulfillment got a hope that she will be mine back,I repeated the same act started loving her from beginning,with sweetest chocolates and quotes which created only for us,I don’t want make remember the past,so I decided to start from the first,I did the same from beginning everyday rushed early to college with different flowers,and chocolates,pasted those on her bench,this time I included those flowers too,
She continued her act of hiding herself from me without knowing the fact that I knew her before,I enjoyed those moments where we played Love hide and seek,I started admiring her innocent smile,naughty pranks,cute love,silly fights,I can happily say that I rejuvenate my Love,we once again started sharing contacts,messages,and numbers,
This new experience was thrill to me,I am loving the love which I loved in the past,present and in future,today we gonna meet up for the first time,I mean second but I consider this as first, in our same college canteen,I prayed all almighties for this chance,and its executed well too,
She came in Green salwar and with that orange shawl,with her wavy hair,bottom curled with colored streaks,her earring larger than her ears,with pinkish lip gloss,that blood red mehendis,and ya ofcourse her nail painted in green color with top white edges,with pleasant sweet smile came towards me
“Hii Gautham,Sorry for making you wait for these days” woowww those words which seems more sweetest in the world ever,gushed into my ears,which made me smile and introduce myself
“Hii,by the way whats your name,”
With pleasant cute smile,she hided her face with vekkam(which I wanna say in my language itself)and said
“I m Pooja,Gautham” the most sweetest chocolate name I ever heard,.
Till today I don’t wanna make her remember the days before her accident,she is very much comfortable with me,we share,we care,we trust,we understand and we Love eachother, as I always says
“True Love Triumphs”