The Story of True Love
Photo credit: allyeargarden from morguefile.com
It was a time of magic. Most were human, but among them lived fairies and witches, enchanters and wizards. They lived amongst the common folk, in disguise. Some even married us humans. But the couples could never stay together for long, for in those days True Love didn’t exist. All that thrived was darkness and cold, bare love, without the ‘True’. This love fed on fights, quarrels and marrying for fame, money and wealth.
This was what True hated. She was a fairy, one that had the power of Light. She was born to two humans. Her grandmother from her father’s side was a fairy too, but he had never known this. True lived with her mother because her parents had been divorced almost three years now.
When True was born, her mother kissed her on her forehead. At once blue light flew in sparks from her forehead and for a brief moment there was happiness in the room, although no one knew why. Later when her Fairy-Grandmother came to visit her, she explained to True’s mother that True was a fairy.
‘This is because, I myself am a fairy.’ her Grandmother had said, all those years back. ‘She has the power of Light. Whenever she is kissed, she will emit an energy, and the atmosphere of that area shall be happy and filled with Real Love. As she grows, this effect shall be enhanced. But she must never kiss anyone.
‘For if she does, then she shall die and kill all those in the radius of one mile with her. But the person who she chose to kiss shall survive. But there is a good side to all this. And that is that the world shall have everlasting Real Love and happiness.’
Melody, who was True’s mother, loved her daughter dearly. Hence, when she was old enough Melody told True that she must never kiss anyone. When True asked why, Melody told her everything and then made her daughter promise that she would never kiss anyone.
‘I never shall kiss anyone, to this I give my Word.’ vowed True, her brown eyes shining.
Soon after that True’s parents divorced. True was heartbroken, for she wasn’t like the rest of the world. She was Light, and knew what Real Love was. But her parents didn’t. Her father had merely married Melody because she was rich. Then he saw someone richer and decided that he wanted to marry her. So he broke up with Melody.
Now, True was already in seventh standard at school. And didn’t have any friends other than a boy, named Dominic. He was a fairy too. He was a desendant of the ‘Englishes’. You can probably guess that the founder of this dynasty was also the founder of the language ‘English.’ His job was to keep adding words to the English Dictionary.
Soon the two friends found themselves going into the same English University. This was because Dominic’s english had influenced True and she was now perfectly up-to-date with each and every word from the Dictionary.
So both of them went to study English and to become English teachers with top grades. Through this course the two began to fall in love. Soon they got married. But True didn’t kiss Dominic of course.
They got their own house in the middle of a pretty village and this love wasn’t just any love. It was Real Love. This was because True was Light and her power began to influence Dominic strongly, who being a fairy, was able to grasp it very quickly.
You see, fairies could learn each others powers if they had strong consent. One night, about six months after their wedding, and Dominic had to attend a cousin’s Sweet 16 birthday. This lasted till midnight but being a family member, he was forced to stay back till three, just out of politeness.
When at last it was time for him to leave, it was really dark and all the street lights were out. True was at home. Dominic got into his car and began to drive home at full speed as he was very sleepy. Suddenly, he saw a truck heading full speed at his car. It was on the wrong side of the road and would have hit him had he not swerved.
The truck swerved too and two crates fell out from the back and burst open. Some dark objects fell out of the crates but Dominic couldn’t see what they were. The truck then halted and two burly looking chaps jumped out from the front. They walked up to his car and pulled him out. ‘Now that you’ve seen us you shall have to pay the ultimate price for it.’ said one of them.
‘What are you talking about? Why…’ Dominic began yelling questions at him when they dragged him into the truck and headed off to a place he didn’t know.
Meanwhile True was at the house feeling very worried. ‘I know he’s in trouble. I just know.’ She kept thinking. And then she shook herself and said ‘Now, True, you know you’re being silly. They’ve probably asked him to stay back the night because it’s very late.’
So she decided to wait till the next morning till about eight. So she spent a very worried night tossing and turning in bed. The next morning at eight she jumped out of bed and began the walk to Dominic’s relatives’ house. And as she had expected, halfway, she saw her husband’s car with the driver’s door open, parked in the middle of the road.
She was very worried indeed. Then she remembered what her mother had told her. ‘As you grow up, this power shall grow too.’
‘Hmmm.’ True thought ‘Maybe this meant that I can trace my loved ones even when I don’t have any clue where they are.’
So she put her hands to her forehead, shut her eyes, and in a few minutes opened them again. Her eyes had turned a bright, glowing blue! ‘I can see what happened yesterday!’ she thought. In her mind she could see exactly what happened to Dominic.
‘They’ve taken him to the Lion’s Den Warehouse.’ she suddenly cried. The blue from her eyes was beginning to fade, and they regained their natural soft brown colour. She began to run towards where the Lion’s Den Warehouse was situated.
After about a mile and a half, she reached the Warehouse. All around it was moorland stretching for as far as the eye could see. The Warehouse loomed up before her, looking gloomy and dreary. True took a deep breath and walked to the side door. She had no plan in mind. Her only thoughts were for Dominic.
So she raised her fist and hammered the door. It opened slowly, with a creaking noise. Inside were around twenty roguish looking fellows who all looked up at once. Some were sharping knives, some were smoking cigars. But two, were talking to someone who was bound and was on the floor.
‘Dominic!’ yelled True, and rushed towards him. But she was barely next to him when one goon caught her and dragged her to the floor. Another man came up with rope, and bound True. Then they flung her down to the ground, beside her husband.
‘True! Are you okay? Are you hurt?’ cried Dominic, worried.
‘No.’ panted True. ‘You?’
‘I’m fine. These rogues tied me up here because they think I…’ began Dominic.
‘Yes, I know.’ said True, and then explained her new power to him.
The two men who had been talking to Dominic before True came in were discussing something. They now turned to the couple of fairies and said ‘Well, now that both of you know our secret we shall have to do away with you.’
‘What is this “Secret” that you’ll keep on blabbering about?’ asked Dominic, exasperated.
‘Don’t pretend like you’ll don’t know that we were smuggling guns.’ said a third man, coming up.
‘Shut up you fool.’ cried one of the leader thugs.
‘Yes, Mr. Karl.’ said the third thug, meekly.
‘Smuggling guns? How could you do such a thing…’ began True.
‘Any last wishes?’ interrupted one of the leaders, producing a gun with a nasty smile that showed some filthy teeth.
‘Yes,’ said True, in a hurry. ‘Let me whisper something in my husband’s ear.’
‘As you wish.’ said the goon with the gun.
So True moved up to Dominic and put her mouth to his ear and then whispered in a quivering voice ‘I…love…you.’
With those three words she kissed him on his cheek. At once a brilliant blue light flew from her lips and covered the distance of a mile within seconds. Dominic was blinded for a few moments. Then he got up and looked around. Everywhere he could see the fallen men.
And then his eyes reached True’s body. She was no more. Dominic felt shattered. But somewhere inside he knew that the world had had a new beginning. He knew that although True was dead, she would never leave him, for he could sense happiness, light and Real Love everywhere. The clouds disappeared and the sky turned blue.
‘This shall always remind me of you, True.’ said Dominic, looking up at the blue sky.
A few days later, everyone who knew True gathered in the cemetery. On her gravestone was written ‘True gave up her life for the sake of her husband. This was an act of Real Love. As a mark of gratitude and respect, Dominic shall enter her name in the dictionary. A name that means faithfullness and reality. Real Love shall henceforth be known as “True Love…”’