Murder Mystery – The Crimson Diaries(Part-III)
Photo credit: chelle from morguefile.com
Imtiaz Ahmed
A murderer by nature he had known the mure as his second home and most often visited there due to petty theft and once or twice, even for murder too but it was never proved. He lived in a chawl near Rajarhat-Newtown area and lived off looting and killing everyone he wished. He was a total psycho and freaked out even the chawl-wallas kept the distance from him. But he was rumored to have a medically sound mind and even knew how to operate a computer. Until now he could easily kill but evade, but something changed that.
Even though he was not a pedophile before but these recent days it seems some kind of mutation is occurring within him, some kind of infected disease is spreading and even though he is a sick psycho, he cannot help it. Every night like some predator searching for his prey he sneaks up on unknown people who just get what they do not expect at all- death and that too painful and slow. Killing people has made Imtiaz realize that people are basically balloons containing blood and one pinch (with a knife) can cause devastating effects.
Mr. Bhardwaj
Mr. Bhardwaj was the officer in charge of Newtown area and though he was good in solving cases, no one could deny the fact that he was corrupt. Nevertheless reminiscent in the nascent thoughts of the cheerful time spent with his school buddy Ashish, and he clutched his fingers tightly and became determined in finding the person attached to his murder. Though he has generally been able to collect some evidence or the other over the past couple of years, this time he has not been able to collect anything this time-the crime scene was clean as if someone has already done a sweep.
The next thing what struck him was the place where the body was kept- it was those portable garbage disposal containers and buried near a foot deep of garbage as if wanting to keep clandestine from the rest of the world. A truck which came for its routine rounds (after almost 2 days) discovered the body after the boy that was loading garbage onto the truck discovered it in a dilapidated condition. No trace of evidence was found, shocking!!! He immediately summoned two of his best men to go to the crime scene and again sweep for evidence if necessary.
Domestic Affairs (the day before the event)
Rajesh (at dinner one night): I will be having night duties too for some days.
Anjali: For how many days? I mean I was going to take a holiday and planning to have a long drive to a far off place, only you and me away from all this chaos and din.
Rajesh: Honey, I told you I have worked the coming few days, take Sangeeta and the other girls with you no? Take the car with you; I can carpool to office in Mr. Bhatia’s car.
Anjali: And have a lesbian act? Rajesh I want to spend time with you not the girls’ yaar.
Rajesh (Looking deeply at Anjali): Just let this year end, we will have completed the project by the 10 of January and then we can go to Mandarmani and have a nice time there.
The later part of the discussion was about the day and Anjali’s persistence to take the holiday before and talks gave away to heated arguments between them. The question of affair even comes once or twice followed by the most obvious question Anjali makes to Rahul, that when will they get married? Is something the cause of their delay in marriage? The verdict: a good appetite is lost and two moods are spoilt badly.
Tomorrow was the last day of this year and Rajesh decided to make it to her and since they were having arguments over the last few weeks of their live-in relationship, he had pre-decided and bought tickets to a movie hall and the last dinner of the year at Oly-Pub in Park Street. But Anjali smiled only when Rajesh promised her unlimited shopping at any mall across Kolkata- Girls and their tantrums!!! At the end they both kissed each other good night in bed; little knowing that tomorrow would change their lives.
(To be continued)