Love Story – In Love, Truth and Lie Go Together
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
Meeting you was official; becoming your friend was accidental, falling in love was natural and parting you for ever was a cruel act of fate. Have I committed any mistake?
Every year on 25th June, I observe silence for two minutes and feel most disappointed on this day. I treat this day as a mourning day and cancel all the engagements. My ex-lover took extreme step of suicide on this day. Incidentally, my first wife also passed away on this day. I consider this day as a saddest day in my life. These tragic incidents remain in my heart forever.
Sujatha observing my seriousness asked, “Rohit, why are you so serious? Are you facing any problem? Am I creating any problem for you? Why don’t you share your worries with me? Your worries are my worries. I don’t want to see my husband in a precarious condition. Coffee is getting cold.”
“Sujata, It is true that I am worried. I don’t have any problem with you. Thank you for your concern. I was just recollecting the old memories.”
“Please let me know your old memories. Recollecting old memories is good. But becoming nervous is certainly bad. I am your wife and interested to know your past happenings. What is the use of keeping these memories within you? It does not serve any purpose. If you share all of your old memories with me, your burden will be lessened and feel free. I will try to suggest you the remedies.” She said with curiosity
I was in dilemma, whether to reveal true happenings or narrate false story. My conscious didn’t permit to narrate the false story. To avoid misunderstanding between us, I told her imaginary story. If the real story comes out after some time, I would have to face lot of unnecessary problems. I thought it would be better, if I pass through the present situation.
“Sujatha, when I was a manager of the Progressive Bank’s Pavanpur branch, two young staff members boy and girl had a love affair. It was brought to my notice. The nature of issue was purely personal and outside the purview of the office. I was not supposed to interfere. The issue was little bit complicated as both belong to different communities. The girl was older and the boy was younger. It is rightly said ‘love is blind’. Parents of these lovers were against the marriage. The lovers requested me to help to tie the knot. I said if all the concerned persons come to me, I will try to find amicable settlement. But nobody turned up. The parents warned me not to interfere. After a fortnight these young love birds committed suicide. I felt very much. Every year on this day 25th June, I remember the young lovers and keep silence for two minutes. And you know my first wife passed away on this day.”
“Rohit, you need not become nervous. The tragic end of the lovers is due to the negative attitude of the elders. It shows the weakness of young lovers to face the situation. Please forget the old love story and think of today’s evening picnic arranged at famous Lalbagh Gardens with all the old friends.”
I was feeling culprit for narrating the false story. It was inevitable for me to keep our relationship cordial.
We went to the park in the evening for picnic as decided earlier. All the bank retired colleagues with their wives present in the park. Each member had brought one item of sumptuous food. The park was a lover’s point. It was a jolly time pass for elders, playing spot for the children and for the nature lovers suitable enjoy full of greenery. Different varieties of colorful flowers like Daffodil, Gardenia, Rose, Sun Flower, Tulip, Camellias, Primrose, Jasmine, Lavender, Lotus and Violets in the park enhanced the beauty of the park. The big glass house situated in the middle of the park was decorated with varieties of flowers to attract the visitors.
The glass house was converted as a flower house. Good number of tall green trees existed to add the beauty of the park. These trees provide shelter and cool air to the people. Another attraction was beautiful lawn and separate walkers passage throughout the park. There was good number of photographers, who shot the different locations in different angles. The water fall with colorful lighting arrangement was yet another attraction of the park. Beautiful birds were flying atop making noise. I had witnessed peacocks spreading its wings. The ample seating facility and number of toilets were made available for the public.
There was a nice canteen in the middle of the park. The canteen owner had maintained good hygienic atmosphere. Monkeys were running fast on the ground to collect the eatables thrown. It was nice to see a mother monkey holding her baby even at the time of jumping from one tree to another. There was a big board cautioning the public in particular children to keep away from the monkeys and not to tease or throw stones on them. The entire park and its surroundings was a beautiful with full of natural scenes. If I were a poet, I would have written a poem on the beautiful nature.
Five retired colleagues from the Progressive Bank along with their wives were participated. Everybody had rich experience of more than 35 years in the bank. All of us were eagerly waiting to eat the different types of mouth watering sumptuous food brought by the members. The closing time of the park was 8 p.m. The watchman of the park had already told the group that the main gate will be closed at 8p.m. sharp. One hour was left for the group to have food. It was decided to spend at least half an hour for sharing humorous jokes. It was suggested by the members that joke and food should go simultaneously. It was accepted by all with one voice.
My long time co- worker Ajith got up and said, “Rohit sir, everybody wants to hear a joke from you. I still remember our bank’s managing director appreciated for your jokes.”
I was waiting for an opportunity to exhibit my talent.
“Once I was making a trip by city bus in Bengaluru. The bus was full of passengers and all the seats were occupied except one lady seat. Without realizing the consequences, I occupied the seat. A young girl was seated next to my seat. I thought it would not be embarrassment to the young girl.
She said, “Uncle, you can sit comfortably.”
At the next bus stop a middle aged lady boarded the bus. She was in a fashionable dress with modern dark cooling glass, high healed shoes and vanity bag in her. She rushed towards me and shouted, “This seat is meant for ladies. Will you please get up?”
I didn’t care her protest and glancing over the magazine. She went to the conductor, who was busy in issuing tickets. She lodged a complaint against me. I was left with no choice except to vacate the seat. I didn’t want to argue with her. As per law, I was at fault. While occupying the seat she was happy and thought as if she had won the war. She was murmuring alone that educated persons didn’t have minimum courtesy and lack of knowledge in maintaining the discipline in the public places. She continued murmuring. She told women must always be bold to face the men. Nobody was there to respond her comments. Everybody was in hurry to reach their destination. I wanted to tell the brave lady to keep quite.
After one month, I was surprised to know that the same adventurous modern lady was proposed to me for marriage. I gave approval of marriage forgetting the insult. Can any body tell why I gave my consent of marriage with this brave lady? I was mad to see her beautiful complexion, long hair, lean and tall. She was like a model or film actress. On that day, she was draped in an Indian silk yellow sari with traditional jewellary, bindi on forehead. The fragrant flowers in her hairdressing attracted me. She had gone to beauty parlor for make up. It was my love at first sight.
“Madam Sujatha, now it is your turn. Please give actual happening on the day, Rohit visited to your house to see you. We want to hear from you. All of us will derive enjoyment.” Said Ajith
“Rohit was proposed to me to tie the knot. He was a widower and I was middle aged unmarried woman. There was an age difference of ten years between us. You may be surprised to know the person who took interest to introduce Rohit to me was none other than his long time associate Ajit. Rohit visited my house along with his doctor son. I was fully aware that it was his second marriage and father of a grown up son. With mutual consent, he wanted to clear some doubts. While doing so, he was unwittingly looking at me without movement of his eye lids for a couple of seconds as if he had not seen a beautiful woman like me in the whole world. His only son cautioned his father by touching his hand repeatedly. Rohit disregarded his son’s caution. I was in happy mood and moved to the world of beautiful dream for a couple of minutes. I was with Rohit in a beautiful garden like hero and heroine in the movie. We were singing, dancing and hugging each other. I could read the feelings of Rohit. Anybody can guess from his appearance that he was in the romantic thinking. He gave instant approval of marriage due to my fair complexion, long curly hair, fearless and talkative. With these impressions in his mind, he forgot to ask questions about me to clear his doubts. I am not beautiful woman as Rohit think. ‘Love is blind’ appropriately applies in our case. On that day I went to beauty parlor. I told him that I get terribly scared, if I see rat, lizard or cockroach in home. Even today, I am unable to understand what attraction he found in me. I asked the same question to him, his reply was ‘it is a million dollar question’.
One fact was true. He was badly in need of a companion. He was fed up with the loneliness. I was also searching for a life mate.” Said Sujaatha with a smile.
This was a laughing moment for all.
I wanted to spend couple of minutes in a quiet lone moments in the divinely heaven. I informed the same to Sujatha.
“Madam, do not permit Rohit to move in the park. Probably, he may be recollecting his younger days. Young girls would be confused seeing his stylish dress. Rohit is expert in make up. He regularly dye his grey hair daily even after retirement. Before coming to the park, Rohit went to Men’s Beauty Parlor. The proprietor of the parlor could not control his anxiety and asked at this age why do you want all these makeup. Rohit was upset and told, it is none of your business. Do your duty without murmuring. His purpose of going out is suspicious. Please beware of him.” Said Ajeeth in a jolly mood
Others also joined to create joyous ambience. I was familiar with the nature of Ajith. I cautioned Ajith smilingly not to make comments on others, when he does not know the meaning of romance being a bachelor.
“See Rohit even at this age may be fair looking, he will not create embarrassing situation. I have full confidence in him. Let him go out for a couple of minutes.” Sujatha expressed in a lighter vein
She told him to return within five minutes.
I was happy to hear these words from my wife. I moved towards the fountain, which was just few meters ahead from our rest place.
It was impossible to have round from one end to another in the park within the time given. I went just few steps ahead and stopped at water fall. I was already tired and sat on the bench beneath a tree. There was a cool air and shelter. I observed the natural scenes with keen interest. I wanted to hear melodious film song and took out my walkman tuned to my favorite song. There was a movement of people. Children were busy in playing games and singing. They were creating lot of nuisance. Vendors were selling balloon, toys, and biscuits, chocolate and pictures books.
While observing closely the movement of people, I saw a lady sitting on the opposite side. Her face was familiar to me and recognized her as Ankita. I was one hundred percent sure that she was none other than Ankita. I was surprised and thrilled the context of Hindi film song and the present situation. I went there to meet her. It was a meeting after 12 long years. Due to the natural process of ageing, she had become old and difficult to recognize her. I saw her as the same young girl seen 12 years ago. She was 38 years old then. Ankita was working in our bank’s branch as a junior officer and I was the chief manager. If her assistance was needed she obliged by attending the work entrusted. During that period there was a tragedy connected to Ankita.
Ankita’s husband Sripati was a lawyer since 15 years in the same town. One day he was arguing in the court hall on behalf of his client. The case was very sensitive and complicated. Suddenly he got giddiness and fell down on the ground. He had severe cardiac arrest and died on the spot. One month later my first wife Sarala was admitted to hospital due to advanced stage of cancer. She breathed her last after five days. It was a saddest day in my life. Ankita became widow and I was a widower. Since we both were working in the same branch of the bank we used to meet frequently to discuss our problems. Our intention was to find the solution.
Sripati had deposited rupees ten lacs in our bank. Though he was a lawyer, he didn’t take proper precaution to instruct the bank for release of deposit to his nominee Ankita in the event of his death. As per the law, Ankita had to obtain succession certificate issued by the court. She wanted to find alternative means to get back the deposit. Our closeness increased day by day. I tried to help her to get the amount deposited in a minimum period of time. It was a great impact on her. We had decided to marry early. The staff members were observing our movements very closely. We wanted to adopt a nobler way to show others that our decision based on the circumstances.
It was convinced to everybody including relatives and colleagues. Some people, who opposed our love criticized us. Our love affair was the talk of the town and reached to our bank’s head office. The management of the bank didn’t take it seriously. In the meantime, I got promotion and transferred to head office. Ankita was transferred to Pavanpur branch for long stay in Bengaluru. We didn’t meet for a long period of 12 years. I saw her as a young woman with long curly hair, slim and beautiful face. Then we were lovers. Now we are just friends. I knew that Ankita’s only daughter had completed B.E. and married to a software engineer working in United Kingdom. Ankita used to visit London to see her daughter.
My son did post graduation in cardiology. My daughter in law completed post graduation in gynecology. They were settled in Los Angeles, USA. I was not maintaining cordial relationship with them. Despite the differences, I used to visit them once in year.
I was transferred to Bengaluru as a chief manager. About 75 staff members were working in the bank. It was quite natural that I had to face number of problems daily. I had skill to tackle the problems. I had received ‘Best Manager’ award. I never compromised with the interest of the bank. I had twin objectives, achieve the business targets and keep the staff happy.
I was leading a peaceful life with my first wife and only son. Unfortunately, I lost my first wife. I had to undergo loneliness. I took decision in consultation of my son and daughter in law to go for remarriage. Sujatha was a perfect life partner for me. She did not marry at young age. We were made for each other. I understand that Ankita was a widow and given up the idea of remarriage. I was surprised to see Ankita in the park. I went close to Ankita. She was in deep thinking and didn’t notice me. I stayed there for a few minutes for her attention towards me. If two persons meet suddenly after a long gap of time both will be naturally surprised. I didn’t want to give such surprise to her.
“Madam are you Ankita?” I asked slowly
Coming out of deep thinking she saw me. She was astonished. She was dazed.
She said, “You are my boss Rohit.”
“Now I am not your boss just a good friend. Please do not be excited Ankita. I was also shocked seeing you here”.
She asked me to sit beside her. I sat leaving some space between us. She didn’t forget to shake hand. Ankita shook hand gently. It was emotion!
“What is this Ankita; you are meeting me after a long gap of 12 years?”
“Yes Sir, I wanted to contact you soon after our separation. But I am sorry sir all my efforts went in vain. I was stopped to contact you.”
“Can you tell me who stopped you to contact me?”
“Sir, it is a long story.”
“Ankita, tell me in brief. You may narrate in detail, whenever you find time. I will be much relieved, if I hear the same.”
“Sir, you know very well that our separation was painful process. I was transferred from Bengaluru to Kolkata on promotion. I had no occasion to visit Kolkata earlier. Place, people, language and environment were quite strange to me. I had taken trouble to learn Bengali language. I gained functional knowledge. It took more than six months to adjust with the situation. My daughter was always remembering her deceased father. It was a difficult task for me to console her. Due to pressure of work in the bank, I had to face lot of problems. The branch manager was busy outside for business development. I had to attend the entire routine work. As a result of this, I could not control my senses and became upset.
Due to the pressure and tension of work made me moody. I used abuse my daughter for no reason. After some time realizing the mistake, I beg apology to her. Such incidents didn’t affect her studies. Every year, she was automatically brightest. One day, I revealed her our love affair. I also told her about sudden death of your first wife. I was expecting a positive response from her. She became wild and warned me not to go ahead in the matter. My dream to marry Rohit was shattered. I asked the reason for refusal. She said if I remarry, her father’s soul would hardly rest in peace. It amounts to betrayal. The step father cannot give same love and affection like own father. I had no choice except to agree to her wishes.
After completing five years stay at Kolkata, I was transferred to Bengaluru. The sole intention of my coming to Bengaluru was to provide good education to my daughter. She put in hard work to get through B.E. in Computer Science with distinction. It was her good luck to get a good job and suitable husband of her choice. Both are happily settled down in London and are prosperous. I visit them as and when I can. I had difficult situation at Kolkata. One fraudulent customer managed to withdraw rupees five lacs from a different account and I was booked on the ground of negligence of honoring the cheque. One of my colleagues connived with the fraudulent customer and trapped me in this unholy episode. I believed him and honored the customer’s cheque. I admit that it was my mistake. The fraud was detected when a real customer’s cheque was dishonored. The bank took action by placing me under suspension. The enquiry was conducted. It took three years to recover the amount. The enquiry was completed after several sittings. Every time, I had to face tough time as the enquiry officer used to grill me. It was decided by the bank to reinstate me and pay all the dues held up. I was fed up with the development and resigned from service. My resignation was accepted by the bank. I was compelled to undergo loneliness.” She concluded her sad story
I was moved by to hear her painful experiences.
“I felt very sad to hear your bitter experience. We could not contact during this period. When my first wife died, I was not in a position to lead lonely life. I took firm decision to marry Sujatha. To my good luck, she proved to be best life companion to me.” Said Rohit
“Sir, you are lucky to have life partner like Sujatha. I pray Almighty to bestow a long and happy married life.”
“Why did you come to Bengaluru again?” asked Rohit
“The city is most suitable for older people like me. After resigning from service, I came here and living in a rented a two bed room flat on Banneraghatta Road.”
“Ankita, you took a hasty decision by resigning bank service. You could have sought guidance from your well-wishers. Why didn’t you inform me after coming over to Bengaluru.?”
“You know, I have given promise to my daughter not to contact you.”
“Okay! I am happy that you have come here. Let us forget previous experience and be as friends.”
“Sir, you didn’t tell me about you.”
“You know, I was posted to New Delhi Head Office and stayed there for many years. I came back to Bengaluru just a year before the retirement. ”
Ankita gave me some items kept in her bag. These items include a book titled “Memories of Malgudi’ edited by S.Krishnan and a gold ring presented by me on the occasion of her birth day.
“Please do not return the gold ring presented to you on special occasion. Moreover it is a token of love and affection.”
“Rohit Sir, if I keep the ring with me, it will remind our love. When love does not exist such things should not be kept.”
“Accept it as a gift at least presented by a close friend.”
“Anyway, it will haunt me the unforgettable moments between us. Please do not insist to keep the ring with me.”
I took back the ring with great disappointment. Our conversation continued for some time. I was forgotten to go back to my wife and friends as promised.
My wife and other friends were eagerly waiting for my arrival. Sujatha was too much worried about me for the delay. It was already 7.30 p. m. the time left for closure of main gate was just half an hour.
Observing the seriousness of the situation Ajith told them have patience.
“All of you accompany me. I will show you the place where Rohit is taking rest.” Said Ajith
It appears Ajith might have watched my movements.
Sujatha was surprised to hear this from him.
“Let us make move with Ajeeth without wasting time. I am too much worried.” Said Sujatha
“Madam, you need not worry and be happy. Everything will be alright. ” Said Ajith
Everybody followed Ajeeth carrying food bags and water bottles. After covering few meters, Ajith asked them to stop for a moment.
“Sujatha Madam, see just opposite beneath the tree your husband Rohit and a lady already seated on the bench. Look at the scene. He is holding her hands firmly like lovers. I don’t know how long this fun was going on.” Said Ajith
Sujatha could not tolerate this and angrily told, “Ajith, tell me who is this lady? I will go and slap her. I am unable to bear the injustice being done to me”.
Sujatha was weeping. The lady members of the group were consoling her. The others were silent and waiting for the outcome.
“Sujatha Madam, do not get excited. She is Ankita a retired employee of our bank. She retired from the bank two years back. Rohit and Ankita were working in the same branch for more than three years. Her husband died due to cardiac arrest. After one month Rohit’s wife died in the hospital. Both became friends and then loved each other. They even decided to marry. Their marriage could not take place. This is a closed chapter for both. It is a surprise meeting for them. At present both are just friends. Do not take it otherwise on your husband holding her hands. You may raise this issue at an appropriate time and clear your doubts. Please restrain from taking any action at present.” Ajith requested with folded hands
When Sujaatha heard the name of Ankita, she recollected the past incident. She was removing the waste papers accumulated in the cupboard to throw in the dustbin to make room for useful papers to be kept. While doing so, she found my old dairy. On the first page of the dairy, I had written 108 times, ‘Ankita your are my sweet heart.’ Out of curiosity, she asked me who this Ankita was. I told her she was an imaginary beautiful lady of my poem going to be penned shortly. I never wrote the poem. This was the second occasion, I told lie to my wife. Earlier occasion, when I was in serious mood, I narrated Sujatha an imaginary story of lovers, who were the staff members of the bank. I had no choice except to avoid unnecessary explanation. Sujatha told me instead of writing imaginary name, it would have been better to write God’s name 108 times and get the blessings. I just smiled. At this present juncture, she was angry about my telling lie. She can handle the truth. It’s the lies that hurt her very much. Knowing this fact fully well, I told her the purpose of telling lie on that particular situation only to postpone the bitterness.
She decided to grill me without wasting time. Sujatha knew Ankita very well. Ankita’s late husband Sripati was none other than Sujatha’s elder brother. She was not happy with her brother Sripathi. He disregarded her completely. He sent his sister out of the house and least cared to arrange her marriage. He failed to give her good education being a guardian. She was forced to live alone and could not marry for a long time. I met Sujatha in the city bus. It was a love at first sight.
A scene was created when both women entered in to heated arguments.
“How dare are you Ankita holding my husband’s hand? I am ashamed to say you are an educated, cultured woman coming from the respectable family.” Said Sujatha
“Sujatha get lost. You need not teach me lesson. I am not here to listen whatever you say. I know my limits.” Replied Ankita
During the scuffle Ankita unknowingly hit the forehead of Sujaatha. She fell on the ground unconsciously. Ankita had to face embarrassing situation. Everybody looked at Ankita as a culprit. I was a silent spectator to the scene. I tried to convince Sujatha to stop fighting. I told Ankita with folded hands not to complicate issue further. Sujatha told Ankita to leave the spot immediately. Ankita left the place with heavy heart. With all this unexpected developments, the other group members, who had no links with the episode, had the taste of sumptuous food.
Sujatha was unhappy with her husband for his love affair with Ankita. Lot of misunderstandings erupted between the couple. They had to spend many sleepless nights. I was unable to find amicable solution. Sujatha went to the extent of filing divorce petition. I sought the help of my son and daughter in law. Both came to India to help Rohit. Hectic discussions and arguments went on between me, Sujaatha and my children. My house was virtually converted as a battle ground. The powerful weapons were in the shape of harsh and abusing words. It was a hell of job for young doctor couple. There were no signs of resolving the issues. At one stage, young couple wanted to go back leaving the elders to their fate. With the constant persuasion by the son, Rohit and Sujatha agreed to come to the mutual understanding. Sujaatha accepting ‘wisely’ as matured. She too had her past.
There was shocking news for me. Ankita committed suicide in her Bannerghatta Road flat by hanging to a ceiling fan. Rohit and Sujatha went to see the departed soul. But Ankita’s daughter and son in law did not permit us to see the dead body. After our continuous request, Ankita’s daughter allowed us to have antim darshan.
In the suicide note, Ankita expressed her inner feelings of unhappiness in the life. She had also mentioned that no one was responsible for her suicide. Ankita had committed suicide on 25th June. This day I had lost my first wife. Every year, I remember this day observing silence for few minutes to pay respects to the departed souls.
We left the place with deep sorrow and disappointment. On the way Sujatha continued her talk.
“Rohit, trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.”
“Yes! Sujatha, everyone admits that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is.”
By the time we finished the conversation, we reached the house and decided to start new life forgetting all bitter events happened earlier.