Photo credit: veggiegretz from morguefile.com
Sekhar wanted lion’s share in his father’s business. He said his father clearly that in his fair price shop he would take K-Oil business, for others he wouldn’t not mind if he ( his father ) gave to his elder brother. On the other hand his elder brother wanted K- Oil business and agreed to forgo all other business.
Sadanand was helpless before his two sons, he had now no guts as very unwell due to ill- health, to decide amicably as to who would be given K-Oil business and who would be given other ones. He was at a loss to decide and distribute the shares as per the choices of his sons. None was ready to compromise at any rate. Now dispute arose and quarrel, abuses and differences started in the family. Shekhar closed the shutter of the shop forcefully and warned everybody that the shop would remain closed unless or until he was allotted K-Oil business. Sadanand never thought that he would have to see and face such situations in life. He requested his elder son to agree with what Shekhar wanted otherwise he would not survive even for a month. Sudhanshu loved his father most, so he agreed to his request.
Next day the shop was opened and the whole business documents relating to K-Oil was entrusted to Shekhar by his elder brother in his father’s presence. The earthquake that came in the family all of a sudden came to an end.
After a few days at midnight Sadanand felt acute chest pain and fell down while going to bathroom. He became senseless then and there. Manik called the doctor who declared him dead due to cardiac arrest. Everybody in the family sat in front of Sadanand and cried whole night. Anita caught hold of his legs and said, “ Excuse me for my faults, I was not knowing you would go leaving us alone so early.”
“Baba ! what wrong I have done that you punished me like this, so early gone, never thought of, you did a lot for me but I couldn’t repay.”- Manik said.
Both the sons were sitting in front of their father’s dead body and were calm and quit, their tongues were quite senseless to express anything. By that time people from the family and neighbour gathered to get the sad news. Some cried over the sudden demise of Sadanand whereas some cursed that he was crushed in between the wife and the beloved, couldn’t enjoy family life.
As per the custom and tradition Sadanand’s funeral ceremony was done, the eldest son, Sudhanshu did his “ Mukhagni ”. Whatever the sorrow and sadness may be people forget about gradually with the pace of time.
After Holi festival Anita negotiated marriage of his elder son, Sudhanshu and as per the schedule he was married to Sushma – a distant relative of Anita. Sushma was a pretty girl of twenty one years old. She was fair in complexion. She had big eyes, long hairs and charming face, youthfulness prevails all around her body. The day she came she took the charge of the house from her mother-in-law. She said to her, “ Now you take rest, I will do everything – all household work beside cooking.”
Anita was very pleased with Sushma’s behaviour and dealing so nicely in the first instance. After the death of Sadanand she was the monarch of all she surveyed.
Sudhanshu never thought of such a beautiful wife. He couldn’t imagine the pleasure he realized sleeping with her at night. She appeared to be very lovingly as well as very co-operative in all that he wanted from her. His younger brother lost his sense when he was face to face to his pretty Bhabhiji. He was so excited that he caught hold of her wrist, but his Bhabhiji pushed him out in a single stroke. He never thought of it, he fell down. His Bhabhiji laughed at him the moment he fell down to the ground.
The monthly income of Shekhar was more than his elder brother. He made up his mind to persuade his Bhabhiji at any cost. Staying home was better than going out when the better thing at cheaper rate was available at hand in house.
He started bringing chicken kebab, chicken chilly and chicken do piazza at dinner from the nearby hotel. Now he stated paying due respect to all- his elder brother, his mother and Manik uncle. Everybody was astonished to see such changes in him – unbelievable!
With his elder brother there was health problem and he was under treatment of a local physician. His one of the heart valve was not functioning properly. The pressure that he had had during the course of intercourse continuously for a month, he realized acute chest pain in the morning when he got up from bed. He was taken to the treating doctor who after examining all the reports referred him for treatment in Kolkata’s heart hospital. He went there and was advised for surgery. He was admitted then and there. Shekhar and Manik were there to look after him. Manik stayed there and
Shekhar came back soon to manage the business his and his brother too. His Bhabhiji expressed her desire to go to Kolkata. Shekhar said, “ He would be coming after ten days. He is alright. Operation is successful, artificial valve has been planted in place of the damaged one, no worry at all. No problem till I am here to help my elder brother. After a week I will go and will take you along with. Don’t worry at all. Relax.”
Whole day Shekhar was busy in shop dealing with the customers. In the evening he closed the shop and sat in front of Sushma, his Bhabhiji. He pierced his eyes into hers and wanted to know her feeling about him. She was almost calm and quit, not speaking anything though he put a number of queries irreverently. He concluded that she had read what he wanted from her.
He said to her mother not to cook anything, he would bring tandoori roti and vegetables from hotel. His mother permitted him as she and Sushma were not feeling well, worried about Sudhanshu. He sat and took meals together.
He had no sleep in his eyes, he peeped into her Bhabhi’s room and found she was also awakening like him. As a test check he knocked at the door. She opened the door and asked, “ Who is at midnight ? ”
I am Shekhar, your Devar.
What for at midnight?
He caught her hand and said, “ Please don’t disappoint me, only once, quite perplexed, no sleep in my eyes, think yours too. Only once, allow me to sleep with you, no problem.
She hinted him to sit on the bed. She closed the door from inside tightly and came to him and said, “Only once, not more, mind it.”
OK, I do promise. Tonight only.
Shekhar was very cunning. He placed before her as if he were novice in the matter of sex.
He said to her, “ I do not know anything about sex.
Till now you are virgin, not slept with any woman.
Certainly not.
Then you are a novice, not at all knowing anything about sex. I will train you, I have read “ Kokshastra ” a book on sex and you can know about it in details. I will give you, go through it.
They put off their dresses and became ready, impatient for intercourse.
Really amazing !Shekhar joy knew no bound, he had intercourse many women in life but unique pleasure this time, superb of its kind… so on … ! unforgettable one in life. Shusma also felt it and opened the door and said him to go kissing him and saying good night. As he was fully satisfied with, he left and came to his room. Very soon he slept deep.
Every night they got together and indulged in intercourse, now no hesitation in between the two.
Shekhar got the news that Manik needed Rs. 25000 to pay to the hospital and to get him discharged.
Shekhar arranged money and along with Bhabhiji went to Kolkata and next day came back home. Shudhanshu was alright but was advised complete rest for a month.
Shekhar was completely changed, no hue and cry, so submissive now that everybody was appreciating him for what he did for his elder brother. Amazing! But how this change took place, nobody was aware of the reasons behind that.
With the body language of his wife and that of Shekhar his elder brother guessed there was something wrong with them. He had a bitter experience about illicit relationship, learnt from his father’s case.
So he started keeping sheer watch on them and their activities. He pretended to have slept deep. His wife was more alert about all this, Shekhar too.
One day he saw them talking something confidentially. He was sure that there was illicit relationship in between the two but without evidence he couldn’t say anything. Such things can never be concealed for a longer period, truth comes out sooner or later.
He talked to her mother. She also confirmed. They planned together as to how catch them red handed.
One evening he said to his wife that he wouldn’t come that night as he would have to attend a party in Ranchi. In fact he didn’t go there, stayed in friend’s house. At midnight he entered the house, the gate was let opened by her mother and she was waiting for his return. She also saw Shekhar entering her bedroom. Shdhanshu along with mother pushed the door hard and saw both on the same bed quite naked in intercourse. He caught their necks, starting beating, dragged them outside, abused them… and so on…
They asked for excuse and promised not to repeat again. They were excused and warned not to indulge again, Bhabhi was just like mother, so live alike.
They fell down on their feet and took oath not to do again. In the family there was peace and harmony, but Shudhanshu was afraid of any revenge by his younger brother. Mother was of the same opinion, so they plotted to get rid of him for ever.
After a few months early in the morning at about seven we came to know that Shekhar poured kerosene oil on whole body when he was locked up in a room for abusing mother, her long illicit relationship with Manik and torturing him all the time by his elder brother.
When his body started burning, flames started coming out and feeling severe pain, he started crying loudly, the door was opened immediately. With the burning pain quite intolerable, he ran fast in frenzy from the back door, came in haste to the open field and fell down senseless. Almost all the people residing near the field saw him burning, rushed and tried to quench the fire with buckets of water, but in vain. He was admitted to hospital. The doctor told clearly that about eighty five percent burn was there and as such the patient was very serious.
The next day he was referred to a higher centre of treatment.
There he was treated with hope against hope very properly but couldn’t be saved. He died after about fifteen days.
Different mouths, different comments. The neighbours were of the opinion that the mother, his elder son and Manik together burnt Shekhar pouring kerosene oil and locked him up in the room to die. The moment he started shouting loudly, they released to flee him away from the back door so that none could see him burning. By that time he was burnt excessively, only crying loudly.
Now nothing left to say more about the mother, his lover, Manik , her eldest son, Shudhanshu and his wife, Sushma.
As a writer I have nothing to tell you further – no comment from my side but my readers can conclude wherein was the fault and who were accused of in the story for such a tragic end.
Writer : Durga Prasad, Gobindpur, Dhanbad.
Dated : 22nd. November 2014, Saturday, Time : 4.35 PM