Love Short Story – The Unfaithful Love
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
I could not believe what I just heard. My ears were resisting from hearing, my brain was unable to accept and my heart was unable to believe. When I looked at him with the expression of wonder, I found the same on his face too. I thought that it never happened …. Then how can this….
Doctor… are you sure? Because it is not possible…. I asked to the lady doctor,
Yes… I am sure miss Shreya…. YOU ARE PREGNANT….. The lady confirmed to me holding the pregnancy kit in her hand.
Is he your husband? She asked pointing to Shiva.
Yes doctor he is my husband…. we have done court marriage… actually…. I answered facing the awkward situation of hiding that NO….. HE IS MY BOYFRIEND AND I AM PREGNANT…..
Do you want to keep the baby? The lady doctor asked.
No…….. me and Shiva shouted at the same time.
Okay…. So you have two options….. either through machinery or through the medicine you can abort the baby. The doctor said.
Medicine….. medicine….. I will take medicine…… I said hiding my fear from all kinds of machinery.
Okay so…. I will give you a medicine…. Take this…. And come tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock. The doctor said.
Okay…. Lakshmi…… give her the medicine. She called her nurse.
Lakshmi gave me a pill to take. I took the pill with water. But meanwhile I did not notice the face of Shiva. It was obvious, that he was not happy either. But somehow, he was feeling guilty for his sense. And I wanted him to feel that, and that is why I did not say anything then.
Shiva was completely silent. He started his bike and sat back and throughout the way we did not talk. He was riding very slowly like he was protecting the child. He dropped me at my hostel and I waved my hand to say buy and he just smiled and went away. I was aware of his state of mind, so I wasn’t saying much either. Nor I wanted to discuss much, because I knew that it wasn’t his fault completely.
I did not have dinner at night. I was thinking, thinking and thinking …. That how can it be possible? I was remembering that I always had problems having sex. It was so painful for me that I could not complete the process ever. Suddenly, my cell phone rang. It was Shiva.
How are you feeling now? Shiva asked as if the death of child inside causes something weird like fever or something.
I am ok….. I replied slowly.
Are you alright? I asked.
Yeah…. I am… I am alright. He replied.
I know you are tensed. I said.
Yeah…. A bit. He replied.
Me too. … I said.
I felt lumps in my throat. He realized the changes in my voice.
Are you crying? He asked.
No….. I am not crying. I replied.
Did you eat anything? He asked.
No…. I replied wiping my tears.
Eat something and take rest…. He advised.
You too take care… and get ready on about 10:30 morning. I will come to pick you. He said.
Okay… bye… gud nit. …. I said.
As soon as I cut the call, I dived in the ocean of memories. I wanted to go back and change the time when this was happening. I wanted to correct all my mistakes that I made. I wanted to be smart this time. But this wasn’t possible I knew that. And this time, I couldn’t control my tears and wept in silence. I wanted to humiliate myself. I saw my belly in the mirror and couldn’t believe front. I was just wishing that perhaps this was the most horrible dream I have ever dreamt of.
Soon my eyes dried. I felt like I cheated on my parents and above all I cheated on myself. My eyes were burning as I wept for hours. I couldn’t know when I slept.