Love Short Story – That Ends in Love…

That Ends in Love…
Photo credit: gracey from
Suggest you to read the part 1 of this story in the below link,
After that Lovely day..….
After few weeks…. I got a message from him ” Thanks Priya for that day !! you have spent your time for me , hereafter I won’t feel alone since you are there for me, was very happy when I received your card , its too good and I liked it a lot, if you were a boy I would have hugged you the next second you gave that to me . Thanks a lot for the day you made it for me :) .
Our Conversation goes on for some one hour and we ended with Good Night messages. But I was not able to sleep after that I felt so disturbed that night thinking of him, wanted to spend more time with him. Don’t know whether my thoughts are right or wrong. Beyond his imperfections I just felt like he has born for me. Somehow I managed hard and slept off late that night. The Next Day as usual I went to office but I was restless not able to concentrate on my work. I got scared and I didn’t message him much just replied one word for his messages. He understood something wrong and asked me what happened. I don’t know what to reply just sent nothing!! We all know if someone says nothing then definitely there is something behind that Nothing! It’s a known fact !
Then we didn’t message for some time.
By Evening the same day I got a message from him ,
Him : What’s wrong dear?? You don’t seems to be normal. Please tell me..
Me : Am sorry da, felt like I want to be your dear, yours!! lifelong :):( and I want to see you now… “
(I was about to cry because I know my parents won’t allow for this but with hope I got the courage to express my feelings for him, I don’t want to miss him. So I just replied. He understood what I meant really :)
Him : Hey really?? :) I don’t know what to say, we can discuss further and take decision.
When will you be available?
Me : I want to talk to you now, please come and pick me near my office.
Him : Ok fine for me, will come there sharp at 6pm. Are you okay dear ??
Me : Ok George, drive safely meet you soon..
him : By the way , where shall we go ?
Me : will go to church and then to beach, is it fine for you?
Him : Yes ma, fine!
After one or 2 hours he picked me near my office and we headed towards church, prayed well and went to beach after sometime. Standing on water, Enjoying the sea breeze we had serious discussion on whether ,
Is this Love ? or Cant we just be friends forever..?
Is this the right time to be in relationship ?
Will our parents accept ?
Even Our parents accept .. Will our Society have a good thought over us ?
Will it affect our parents name and respect ?
Will Our future be good ?
What we will do if our parents wont accept ? (Answer from both of us : Strictly ! No stupid decisions …. Only with parents and gods blessings we will marry else….:( We are sure and strong in this hard decision….)
Likewise So many questions haunted us and with all of hope and trust we decided its our life if we are happy then nothing is wrong !! :)
When i was near him, i just felt like am just perfectly fit to his height :P :D With that silly thought, I just laid my head on his shoulder and he was patting my cheeks, I would have slept if he had done the same for some more time, it feels good and lastly With pinky holding I expressed my love for him. he smiled! I felt the happiness in him when I expressed my feelings , then he hugged me and gave a deep kiss on my forehead , I read somewhere kissing on forehead denotes the care we had on them. I felt the same and all of a sudden I whispered in his ears once more please… That Second When He kissed me again I felt my heart beats faster than normal with lot of happiness in my heart and confusions in my mind :):( After sometime we returned to our places !!
But lastly our heart wins we are in love :):) Now Happily I can say Yes !! that One fine day … ends in love….
When he shared his griefs and happiness, Felt like am one of the trusted person in his life !!
When he holed my hands while crossing the road, Felt like am concerned !!
When he hugged me, Felt like he is comfortable with me !!
When he kissed me on my forehead , Felt the care he had on me !!
And Whenever he leave me for a moment , Felt some loneliness in me !!
And all i can say i Just felt his love for me….. :)
Love is Just a word untill someone comes along and gives it meaning :) Always i had a thought like am very blessed to have him as a part of my life… but Now After this felt like You are my Everything :) Love you loads George !!
As days passed by my love for him multiplied and same time getting scared to lose him..Seriously After few months My parents started searching alliance for me , So I just told them about this, as like most of the parents, my parents also not accepting since there were so many reasons sorted in front of us like community , financial background and moreover he is just one year elder than me and also his parents didn’t even think of it… Still we are struggling to get our parents consent favourable for us :( But Whatever Happens there will be some reason.) God only knows & he might have a better plan and we will get what we deserve than what we desire. But am just praying for my life to go with my desire for I love him much very much!!. If at all something else happens sure I can’t be happy as like now, I have to lead my life with some guilty feeling which will kill me.
Wondering still and questioning God if this is not going to happen then….
why we became friends.. ?
why we met.. ?
why we were happy to be in relationship.. ?
eventually why we are in pain now..? :(
God please help me out in this…
With hope…. Still waiting…………… for god’s blessings…..
P.S: Please pray for us that our love life to end in marriage…