Love Short Story – My First Love
Photo credit: kumarnm from morguefile.com
Hello readers, today I am going to tell you a story of a boy and his first love. This story comes in my mind when I saw a movie tailor. This move is based on Facebook so I felt why not I write something about it. So this story is the result of that thought. Hope you like it, read it like , that boy is sharing his first love story only with you.
So here I wish you a very “Happy Reading”.
It was my last year in college when I came in contact to Facebook .I was a very lazy student and a little rude and careless kind of boy. When I first joined Facebook I thought it was not useful for a person like me but slowly I also find it interesting like others I found many friends of mine whom I almost forgotten, some of them are in foreign.
Facebook helps me to re-connected myself with my friends and my relatives whom I am not able to be in connect because of my studies and busy life. But as I said I was a careless kind of guy so I hardly used Facebook. I only used it when I want to share something interesting or send any message to my friend. There were so many people in my friend list some are nice some are wired but a person is unique among all.
She was a girl maybe around my age as I have never seen her so I can’t tell you how she look and how much old she was. But I liked her, she was very good from heart she talk very nicely and in such a way that it gave me a feeling that make anyone feel special about themselves.
We start chatting formally but with time I was very much open to her. I usually share everything I can whenever I chat with her a feeling of happiness and encouragement runs in my veins. Actually I start liking her so much that I can’t able to express it in words.
One day I said all this to one of my good friend.
He first laughed a lot and said ‘Are you mad? You start liking a girl who you never meet, forget about meeting you not even see her. My friend wake up, this Facebook world is a fake, people come here just for time pass’. “If you can’t make it then fake it” is the philosophy of Facebook. So if you take my advice then stop chatting with her and forget about her, concentrate on your Career and on those girls whom you can actually see and meet”.
I felt little bad after hearing him but then I feel maybe he is right. So I stop chatting with her. She also not bother me. I try to forget her but in reality I can’t able to do so I miss her so much. After ten days I got one message from her.
She wrote……………..
“Hi frd how are you?I hope ur f9 Tc bye”
I don’t want to message her but still I sent a message in anger I didn’t know was I angry at her as she message me after ten days? Or was I angry on myself why I stop chatting with her?
I wrote………………..
” Y r u worrying abt me.
It doesn’t matter 4 u whether I am f9 or not.
My life is full of problems & I don’t want any more problems
thanks & bye
I got her reply after one day she wrote………………
“Hey what happens 2 u
R u ok ???
Why I don’t worry 4 U
you are my dearest friend I was out of town that’s why send u mgs after 10 days
what’s your problem????
May I know May be I can help you tc frd god bless U ”
When I got her reply I felt so happy to know that she is still so concerned about me, I send her a new message……….
“Hi sorry 4 that mgs I was 2 upset
I was sick , rejected from campus interview & my dad is facing some financial problems.
Sorry Tc bye meets U in the chat room”
I forget about my friend’s advice and start chatting with her. She was playing a support system for me. I take seriously everything she said to me.
She said,’first you take care of your health, then try to find out why you got rejected and work hard on your weak point and as far as the financial problem of your dad is concern you can do some kind of part time job to help him’
She is an angel for me just like her name sorry I forget to tell you, her name was angel. Her advice does magic I was becoming healthier, I got selected in one of the best company and now I also able to help dad.
Now I want to tell her she is more than a Facebook friend to me. I am loving her more than anything. She was my first love. But God had some other plans for me before I able to tell her anything she stop using Facebook.
After one week I got one message from her.
“Hi dear
how r u?
I am sending this message to Inf U that I am not able 2 use net for 3 months Tc bye catch you later”
When I read her message I felt so shocked. She didn’t give me a chance to say goodbye to her but then I said to myself ”
She will come back, it just about 3 months I will wait for her and when she will come back I tell her how much I love her”
But that 3 months never finish it converted into years. After three years on 14 Feb I send her last message as in these three years I send more than 100 message to her but she never reply.
I wrote…………………
“Hi angel,
How are you??
I send so many messages & mails to you but you never reply me once. I don’t know what my mistake. I promise you I will not bother you again. It’s my last mail to you. Today I am going to get married I moved towards a new phase of my life but with an empty place in my heart.
That place belongs to you ………..
I never saw you but for me you are the most beautiful girl I have ever known, I want to say so many things to you but I never get that chance but today I want to say “I LOVE YOU” & I ALWAYS DO
Your Facebook friend.
I got married to a nice girl, she was very kind after marriage we went for our honeymoon .
After one month when I joined my office again and checking my mail I saw her mail. She mailed me at the same day 14 Feb I was not able to believe she reply me after 3 years but when I read the subject I felt puzzled in a subject she wrote “My last wish”. When I read her mail I got to know one of the biggest things which change my life forever
In her mail…..
Hi dear,
I am feeling really very happy after knowing that you are getting married today. All my good wishes to both of you.
May God bless you & your would be wife.
I knew this very well that you love me but I don’t want to hurt you that’s why I silently apart from you & your life. You think I am a selfish person. Yes I am because I don’t want to hurt a person whom I love the most .
When you read this mail at that time I am seeing you from heaven.
I am suffering from blood cancer and counting my last breath before leaving this world I want to tell you that you are my first love & my last wish is to see you happy, for this I am giving you my smile, spread this smile everywhere when you do this you find your love in each & everyone who smile with you.
Your angel
That was the last day I cried since then I always keep her smile with me & make others happy. I made a charitable cancer hospital, living a happy life and spread her smile everywhere just to fulfill my love’s last wish.
Today is the b’day of my angel (my 7 year old daughter) I give her her name as once she said she had a dimpling smile and my daughter also has the same( I hope so).This is the story of my first love.
Love has that ability to change any ones forever
As someone said “Everyone should fall in love once in life because love makes you a very beautiful human from inside”
Just like that boy.