Deborah – Psychological, Paranormal Short Story for Halloween
Photo credit: wintersixfour from morguefile.com
My name is Jayden, I’m 26 and I live in a small town in Canada but I’m an American. There is this girl, also American, she works extra some nights in a comic book store, it’s open till eight at night. Her name is Deborah, it’s quite dark in the store and there is sharp light over the magazines. There is often a few customers around.
One night there wasn’t, I was alone with her. She said hi when I came in, she had a white T-shirt. I stoped by the counter, her eyes glanced. I asked her: “Do you want to come to my place when you’re done here?” She answered: “Yes.”
I hanged around in the store until it was time to close it. We didn’t say one word to each other, when she was done closing the store we headed towards my car, it’s black with blacked out windows. At my place we just watched TV, she never looked at me but she wasn’t insecure, never said anything, none of us did.
I’ve been following her a few times, everywhere she went. I’m not going to do that again.
She also lives alone in a house. At her backyard her neighbors can’t see me, a window was open so I could enter the house. She was home so I had to avoid being seen. There has always been unbreakable ice between us, I want it to be that way. While she was downstairs I checked her computer. There was some weird text written by her, I mailed it to myself so I can paste it to this text.
“I am afraid of the dark, it’s Halloween today. I think that I have seen something paranormal in a house on the second floor, I have seen it from the outside. He who lives there is never on the second floor, no one else either. I have asked him, he has not been on the second floor for years.
He is an American consultant for a national security company, a lock manufacturer, an american security agency and the American military. He also operates private hi-tech security systems. I asked if I was allowed to enter the second floor in the fairly new house, a replica of a house that stood there before. He entered a room with just electronic equipment while I slowly headed up, it was evening and dark outside.
On the second floor wasn’t it empty as he said, there lay a girl who is about 25. She said that she without anyone knowing had been living there for eighteen months with her own key. She had written a piece of paper explaining everything if he, the consultant, would come up when she wasn’t there, I don’t know if it’s true. I had to promise her not to say anything to him, that she stayed there. She said that she would move out that night.”
I have also seen something, I have begun to see a ghost girl my age at times, she seems real. I saw her for the first time at Deborah’s house, I said to Deborah.
“You know the girl is just standing in the hallway.”
Deborah glanced at me.
“What girl?”
Asked Deborah.
Then I realized that it must be paranormal, she just stood there in white clothing, her face painted white. Her hands and neck was also painted white, tt was Halloween and she didn’t answer when I said hello.
“It was just a Halloween joke.”
I told Deborah.
When I had gone to bed that night, I heard something as I was facing a wall. Turned around and right at the bed was the girl, with a large cold knife in her hand which she pressed lightly against my throat. When I looked at her she pressed the knife harder against my throat, then I looked at the ceiling and didn’t feel the knife as much anymore. When I closed my eyes I no longer felt the knife, then I didn’t sense her for a while, checked and she wasn’t there.
The windows in my bedroom were closed and the room is on the second floor, there is nothing to climb on. I don’t know why but I went outside for a walk. It was dark and it was raining, everything was wet, everything seemed slow, surreal. I stoped outside a house in the forest and there I saw the girl. Then the girl walked away and I slowly walked back.
Deborah is living in a big, dark house with a big garden with a few trees.
Deborah said: “Ehm, you will see tonight, we are not alone.”
We where in the living room, watching TV in a couch. Then someone knocked on the window, it was dark outside.
Then Deborah said: “As I said.”
I said: “Said what?”
She said: “She’s here now.”
I replied: “Who?”
She answered: “You’ll see.”
We got up and headed to the window which is next to a door to the back yard. There we could clearly see a girl our age standing right outside, it was the ghost girl.
Deborah said: “She always comes late at night.”
I opened the door but the girl wasn’t there, I saw her on the grass in the garden.
Deborah said: “Look.”
She started walking against us.
Deborah said. “We better get inside and lock the door.”
We got inside and locked the door, she was right there, knocking on the door. She then moved to the window she knocked on at first.
Deborah said: “She only comes out at night and never gets inside.”
I could hear her walking around on the boards outside, seeing her when she passed the windows.
I asked: “Who is she?”
Deborah answered: “I don’t know, you get use to not knowing, I understood from the beginning that she is that way.”
She wasn’t walking around anymore, she wasn’t moving at all, and she was right at the window.
Deborah started to get affected, she said: “She doesn’t usally do that, just standing there.”
I could then see that Deborah was afraid, her gaze wasn’t calling the one outside. Deborah told me the truth about her and the ghost, Deborah had black eye shadow around and between her eyes. They aren’t real, Deborah and the ghost, they doesn’t exist. Not entirely, they just has permissions of absence, it’s only if I end up in hell that we can be together all the time.
One morning when I woke up I saw something written all over the wall, I knew it was written during the night. My door was locked and the windows closed just like the night when I saw the ghost girl, on the wall it stated; “Satan is with you all the time”.
I found an open window in my house but I never open that window. I closed the window and checked the house, nothing, no one was there. Then I headed to the kitchen but stopped, the window was open again. Deborah came by and I told her about what had happened.
Deborah said: “You know when we had a few friends?”
I said: “Yeah.”
She continued: “When it got creepy, it felt like it does here right now.”
I said: “Yes, you scared them, do you remenber what they said?”
Deborah said: “They said the same thing several times.”
I said: “There is no Deborah, there is no Deborah, there is no Deborah. …. How do I even know that they were wrong?”
Deborah said: “Have you heard of that sort of psychosis?”
I said: “No, but why couldn’t they see you?”
Deborah said: “You only see what you want to see right? …. Maybe they didn’t accept me.”
Deborah then told me the truth about the ghost, the ghost isn’t a ghost, it’s Deborah’s cousin, she had first been hiding under my bed. Then crawled back and when I left the house in the morning she did too. She was instructed and paid by Deborah, the other night was Deborah under the bed and then wrote the message on the wall.
One night me and Deborah found a place with a door open but there was no one there. It’s a private business, big industry brick buildings with long corridors. We walked around in there and after some time we heard someone coming. Sort of running, someone heavy and running slowly, but we couldn’t see anyone then. The one who was running stopped running when he got closer to the hall that we where in. Then we saw him and the knife he was holding in his hand, the white paint in his face. Then he started running fast against us, there was no time so we started to run to get away from him.
We ran fast but he was still right behind us and there was no longer any doubt that he was after us. I had no idea what we should have done but we ran against the car. If anything he was just getting closer so running wasn’t working out. But there was no time to get into the car, he was too close.
I tripped and fell to the ground, he was right there on his way to stab me holding the knife above his head. Deborah didn’t get close enough to strike him so all I could do was to throw myself to the side when he striked, he missed. For some reason he then gave up on me and tried to slice Deborah from where he stood. He did just hit air but the knife got very close to Deborah who, after that swing, started running away. We ran after her, I kept enough space to him but I couldn’t run faster than him.
He turned his head and glanced at me twice, the face painted in white. I was getting tired, I had trouble just to keep up. I told Deborah to turn left suddenly in case he couldn’t turn as fast as us and she did. I joined her and he came after us but there was a greater distance between us and him then.
When we got to the car, we went inside and I asked.
“Are you alright?”
He had stopped running when he got next to the car, he walked along the left side of the car. He was just outside my window when the car started to move, he knocked on the window with the knife. I have never seen him before.
After that, me and Deborah saw a movie, and she told me that she played the leading character in the movie. She told me that she have always been a movie star but kept it to herself.
She was pretty much starring in one of the horror movies we saw last Halloween. I got to see a video filmed on set when a Make-up artist attached a thin silicon nose above her real one, and then covered it in make-up, so that no one would recognize her from the movies.
© Copyright Martin Norberg. All rights reserved.