Love Short Story – The Memoir of the Forfeited Love
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
The very first time His eyes met mine, I decided to be all His for all my life. The spark in His eyes when He starred at me again, ignited the love within me. Pleasing was the fragrance of His perfumes, when he walked past me. Helplessly I stood gazing at Him through my glass window. My heart wanted to go out with Him, to hold His hand and take His shoulder for vanity; but something stopped me. I could feel the longing in His eyes, the agony of love. I was dressed in white anticipating His arrival to make me all His. Only our eyes spoke our love for other but our tongue refused to confess.
I still remember the day He came pacing towards me, with His eyes fixed on mine. My heart was drumming almost as if it was going to break my ribs. My prince stood by my window, touched the glass behind which I was couched and said
“I will come for you one day my darling after earning all that I owe to you; and that very day you will be all mine.”
I wanted to say that I will wait for my love even if it took an eternity for Him to get back to me, but there was a gush of joy down my nerves that I lost words and just stared back at him with tears welling My eyes.
Hours and Days and Weeks passed by; on a fine Sunday morning a beautiful Sedan pulled in front of my window, out of which stepped My Love dressed like a Prince. He paid the ransom and made me all His. My beloved spoke out
“Come with me my beautiful one. I have made you all mine.”
He took me in His hands and hugged me closed to His heart. I was flaunted at the very sight of His majestic physique at such a close distance. The very thought that I was all His got me hum a melody – a melody composed of no words.
He fumbled his delicate hands in a caress down my slender self with a touch of love and pinch of lust. He rubbed his cheek with mine almost all day through causing me to redden in a blush. He teased me with Kisses all over me. I lay in His hands simply fascinated by the alluring handsome soul that was in charge of me. We got cuddly at twilight and I harmonized my sleeping dude with a passionate anthem.
There began the enchanting journey of my life time with My Prince Charming. Our day began with love, advanced with love and ended with more love. My Prince spent all His time with me. He cared for me as for a tender flower. His bosom was my being His torso my shelter.
All was fair in love for years until one disastrous day. I caught my love starring at a commercial in the TV. His eyes was gleaming, the very same gleam that I spotted when He first saw me. I could sense some aversion in His love for me. Nights that I laid beside Him without even being noticed added to my woes. Days and nights passed and I spent them all in crying. It has been days that I hadn’t had anything to eat out of grief. I passed out and didn’t know neither when nor for how long; when I regained my senses, with lot of effort pulled my eyelids apart just to see an elegant pair of eyes staring at me; the loveless eyes of my once loving dude. I was wired with drips for I had not eaten anything for long.
With delicious thoughts of the past lingering around and anticipating that He would grab me into His loving hands and close His bosom to revive the lost Love I turned to search for Him. In close proximity to where I lay, little concerned of my being there, He stood holding close to His torso and embracing with love filled eyes, showering kisses and bestowing care and fostering with utmost delicacy- a soul mate in my place. My heart suffered the most serious ache and I wanted not to live anymore. Not able to take any more pain, I closed my eyes capturing the silhouette of My Once Loving Prince Charming for the last time and breathed my last, paving way for the New Princess ‘The Samsung Galaxy S3’ to exist with My Prince in peace replacing ‘The IPhone 4’ Me.