Short Story Love – Love You after 10 years!
Photo credit: schmitee from morguefile.com
Imagine a girl writing a love letter to her first love, to confess her love after 10 years. This is how it would be……
“Nagpur, 2/11/2013
Dear Ashish,
Yes, i know that you are shocked, but I cannot hold it any longer. I first heard about you when we were in school, in class 4. I hope you remember B.K.V.V school. I was 9 years old. I was a new admission. I still remember the day very clearly.
Our class test results were out. All my friends were talking about how much each has scored. You were named the class topper among all the four sections of class 4. I was in section D and you were in section A. All the teachers were also congratulating you. They all knew you since you were in nursery class. But, I came to know you just then. I was impressed by your track record. From childhood itself I have been a very competitive, hardworking and focused student. I thought of beating your result in the next test. But I didn’t know that what started as a competition will end up as my love.
Slowly the year passed. Now we were in class 5. After the summer vacations new session had started. Though I could not be the class topper in class 4 still i had scored very well in 2 subjects. But still I wanted to top. More than that I wanted to see you, to meet you. I didn’t even know how you looked. I requested my friend to show you to me. She took me to your class. I saw you. I was staring at you, then the bell rang and i had to rush to my class. This also passed away.
The next year in class 6. We were in the same section, section A. Our class teacher was new in school. She made all of sit, as in one boy and one girl. She made both of us sit together. Though I liked this but, i wanted to sit with my friends. So went to her , she explained me that she made us sit together because, both of us were top scorers and she wanted us to exchange ideas. I agreed . Every day i used to sit beside you from 8 am to 2 pm. I liked it very much, but, somehow i felt you didn’t like my company, and maybe you missed your friends. All through the class we used to compete with each other , when the teacher asked questions. I loved it so much.
Once you talked to me about your dreams. You said that you love bikes and when you grow up you would open a bike showroom and a repair shop. I like your idea very much, though i live cars more than bikes. The same year our sports teacher…I Hate her so much,she made all the girls tie ‘Rakhi’ to all the boys in our class. The previous day she had asked all the girls to bring ‘Rakhi’. But i purposely did not bring one. She scolded me a lot. She got a black thread and asked me to tie it to you. I was angry and wanted to cry. I had began to love you and wanted to spend my life with you and not make you my brother.
Ugh! I tied the thread loosely, you showed it to her and as soon as she turned back you removed it. We laughed so much! The year passed, the next year we were in class 7. But this time we sat separately with our friends. I was sad. During the class hours I used to always turn back to see you. Thank God we were in the same section. Then once in a parent-teacher meeting, my mother and I met you and your mother. While they were talking I was stealing glances at you. But the look on your face suggested, you were not interested.
After the mid session was over, my friends told me that you had a liking toward Nikita, a girl in the next section. Of course I didn’t believe them. The same year we were on a school trip to Zhilpi Lake. I was happy. If not near to you at least i was with you. All through the trip I used to steal glances at you. This year passed as well.
The next year we went to class 8. Even now i am confused. I don’t know if I love you. I just like you more than others, but little less than my family. I dream of us completing our education successfully. Both of getting good jobs. You opening a bike showroom and a repair shop. We managing enough money so that we could marry and bear the expenses independently and so on. Bollywood played a major role. With each move i saw my love for you increased. But on this class we had some petty fights regarding our benches. I wanted to sit near the window.
Then once i was made the class monitor. I had to mind everyone. I managed to scold you and your friends as well. But every time I thought of you or took your name I felt different, I blushed. That same year my friends again told me about your affair with Nikita. I was angry and stopped looking at you. Then once you were made the class monitor. I knew you knew me, so I didn’t mind and mad a lot of noise. But you wrote my name on the blackboard along with a few other students. We received thrashing from the Sir. He beat my knuckles with the duster. I was super angry at you.
Then we went to class 9. It was just one year before our Board Exams. But i still couldn’t get you off my mind. Once while in the class I peeked in the class attendance registration, to find out more about you. There I see your birth date. Thus, passed this year and we came to class 10.
This year i am confused. I feel i am a psycho one sided lover. So, I decide to forget you and concentrate on the Board Exam. One, month before the exams we have the farewell party. I wore an orange colored Saree. You wore a blue Kurta on jeans. You look very lean and thin. You have started to grow facial hair. You look stupid, but somehow, I like you.
Then came our exams. After exams we had long vacations till our results were out. In those vacations I was missing you. For the first time I felt that I have been loving you all these years, without realizing it. But, then I didn’t know about your feelings and I never had the courage to ask you. Thus, I felt that mine is a case of a one-sided love affair. But then I left it on destiny and said to myself that If we are meant to be together the One day after we have completed our education we will surely meet and I will tell you about my feelings and ask you about your feelings.
After school 4 years have passed. I have connected with you and all our friends via Facebook. So, I know where you are and what you are doing. I am in final year of my graduation ( BA ). You are doing engineering, so you have one more year left. I cannot hold all these in my mind any longer. Ever since i have met you, I have dreamt many times about us. But, still I don’t want to send this letter to you. I can’t. I feel shy. But, all my best wishes are with you. May you succeed and fulfill all your dreams. I will try to forget you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Aakanksha Roychowdhury