Short Story Love – True Lies…
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
What went wrong? was all she could think that day. Sitting on her bed, with tears in her eyes Madhuri was contemplating her future. She couldn’t live that. Not with this man who is in love with somebody else. She was heartbroken but she didn’t had any choice. Each day was like a torture to her. She couldn’t see straight. How can her Ajay to do this to her. She had no proof but she knew she was right about this.
The time was running out. She knew she had to do something about this. But she was too paralyzed to think anything. Tears in her eyes would just don’t stop. From the time that Ajay left for the office, she was all tears. She loved him too much. She gave him all her love and support. Then why? Why did he do this to her? Suddenly she felt all alone. She had no one. She could tell none about this.
What would her friends think, if she told all this about Ajay to them? They would probably just call him names and advice her to divorce him and get out of this messy 10 years long marriage. Or they would call him up and fight for her. Or they would make plans to make things better between them. Or they would make plans to get that B****… that girl out of his life. Yes, that was what her friends would do. But does she want all that drama in her life. No, she didn’t. She had enough drama in her life to last for the lifetime. She would never want all this to happen.
What if she tells all this to her parents or his family? What would they do? Her parents, she knew would be devastated. Afterall, she was their only child and who would want all this to happen to their only child. Yes, they would just breakdown. But she still isn’t sure what they would do to him. They might march to her in laws house and asks for explanation or they would just silently ask for a divorce. Yes, her parents would do just that, ‘cos she their daughter but what about her in laws? Would they believe her, if she tells the whole story to them? She knew, they loved her just like their daughter ‘cos they had none but would they trust her? Afterall, it was their son, she was talking about. Would her brother-in-law believe her? They might or they might not. And even if they believe, she has no clue as to what step they would take.
But can she tell them anything about this? to her parents? to her in laws? or to her friends? No. She just can’t. And if she could, what would she tell them? That her husband is in love with someone else. Afterall, what proof she has about all the things she is saying. None. Would anyone believe her, if she tells them that she knows he loves another girl, cos she has seen him texting her all day and that she has read those texts but she cant show it to anyone cos he deletes those texts the very next day. Would anyone believe her when she would tell them that she has seen him talking to her secretly at night, thinking that she is asleep beside him. No. None would believe her. They would just say that she is imagining things.
Yes, they would say just that. Afterall, why would they think otherwise. He has made his image as a perfect husband for the world. And she agrees to some point that yes, he is a loving and caring husband but she also thinks that whatever hunch she is having about her husband is correct. Her husband is cheating on her. But how would she prove it? She has no means and no proof to prove this.
But suddenly she remembered, she does have one proof. A proof that would prove her right in front of everyone. A proof that would prove that her Ajay is indeed cheating on her. All of a sudden she stopped crying. She became very excited to remember this one proof that would change her life for better. But as she got up from her to search for that one proof, she heard a knock at the door.
‘Who is it?’
‘Mommy it’s me, can I come in?’
‘Come in dear.’
‘What are you doing mommy?’
‘Oh nothing beta. Writing my next novel,’ I said looking at my beautiful 7 years old daughter.
‘Which story are you writing this time?’ she asked me sitting on the chair next to me and peeking at my laptop screen.
‘This time I am writing a story about a wife, whose husband is cheating on her and how she proves her husband’s guilt and copes with all this,’ I said closing my laptop and taking my sweet little daughter in my arms.
‘But mommy, that doesn’t happen in real life na? I mean I can’t imagine daddy ever cheating on you.’
‘I know sweety. I know…’ I looked at her big round innocent eyes and wondered how should I tell her that sometimes, fictional life is based on real life. Sometimes, what I write is what I feel. Sometimes, there’s just true lies. .