Love Short Story – Perfectly Timed
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
It’s been a while since I last met you. I saw you today, wearing that beautiful smile of yours. I used to cause that smile. The smile that can stop my world, the smile that makes me feel like I’m in cloud nine. How I wish I’m still the reason behind those smiles. If only I made it in time back then. Maybe, just maybe, we can still be together and I can still be your man.
I can’t bear to see you happy with him. I want to talk to you but I just can’t. It’s too painful to see my girl, happy without me being the reason of it. You laughed your heart out, as he tell stories about his sister’s ex-boyfriend. I should’ve been the one to tell you funny stories, if only I made it in time.
The pain is too unbearable, I focused on your lips, those light-red lips I used to kiss passionately. Just by looking at them gives me sudden urge to kiss them again, to make you mine again. It’s impossible, I can’t even bring myself too close to you. You’re a completely different person now. You used to wear jeans and blouses partnered with flat shoes, you hated staying in a crowded place for too long, but look at you right now. Wearing a faded sleave less dress that ends below your knee and a pink stilettos, you and that guy beside you named Drake has been here for three hours already. You’re really enjoying his company.
If only I can go back 5 years from now, if only I made it in time. It hurts to remember the last time we are so in love with each other. We had our dinner at our favorite place that night, I walked you home to ensure your safety and to enjoy a free time together. We talked about different stupid things on what happened in the past week. We laughed and laughed until we reached the doorstep of your apartment. We bid goodbyes and kissed each other. You even told me to study for my upcoming exams and reminded me to take care and that you love me more than anything. It’s cheesy, that’s why I didn’t said anything, I waved my hand and walked myself home.
When I got home, you beat me and messaged first. Asking if I’m already home, I replied, saying that I just got home. I went upstairs to do as what I was told. To study. I studied for two hours already, when I received a text from a friend inviting me to go out with them in a small party at their house. As a teenager, I am thirsty for parties and late night outs. I went to the party and partied hard. My friends had to take me home because I’m too drunk to go home myself.
Past midnight, my mother woke me up with a very cold water. She told me that I should hurry and go to a hospital near our place now. It’s confusing on why am I going to a hospital when we don’t have a patient there? I was about to ask her why when she shouted right on my face that it’s you. I never gave her a chance to finish what she has to say and ran like hell was after me.
On the way to the hospital, events of what happened in the party got to me, I remembered receiving a message from you saying that there’s a strange man circling your apartment. I didn’t had the chance to send a reply because Rachel, the school’s slut pulled me in a kiss that I soon broke off. Your parents met me at the hospital’s entrance, I asked them what happened and what about you right away. They said that they know nothing too, that I better check my phone to see if she messaged me beforehand.
As I turned on my phone, messages kept on coming, messages from you. I opened each one of them and found out that, there’s indeed a man outside your apartment that you can’t call the police because the man might hear you and he might force himself in. Tears started to fill my eyes when I read your last message, it says “He’s inside now. If you’re reading this, please don’t cry there aren’t your fault. Don’t ever blame yourself Charles. Always remember that I love you—
“Can I sit with you?” I suddenly got back to reality when this girl asked me if I can share a table with her. I nodded and signaled her to sit infront of me. She’s a student from my university base on her ID, her name is Angel. I stared at her weird style of eating. She ordered large fries, one-piece chicken with rice and a coke float. Her rice is full of gravy and her fries are standing tall on the ice cream of her float. It made me smile, she used to eat like that.
Angel noticed me looking and asked, “Am I bothering you? I’m sorry, I’m used to eat like this.” She looked really sorry and I felt bad for it.
“Nah. It’s okay. Eat at your hearts content” I said as I give her an assuring smile, she continued eating and I looked back at her. They’re preparing to leave which alarmed me. They walked past me holding hands but Drake had to let go of her to get the car. She stood firmly at the doorstep waiting for him. I panicked and I suddenly stood up to go to her but my legs felt heavy that I can’t even move them.
“You have to get her right? Go on, what’s stopping you?” Angel said. I felt encouragement. I took a deep breath and walked slowly towards her.
“Uhm…Mika? Can I talk to you? Can we talk about us?” I nervously asked her. She looks puzzled. Yeah right! How can someone talk to a stranger saying that there was an “us” between them. Still, I’m hoping that she will let us talk. She paused for a while and looked me straight in the eye.
“Do I know you?”
Silence. I watched her ride Drake’s car and they drove off. I stared blankly at nowhere. It hit me. It hit me right straight to the bones. I’m a stranger to the girl I love the most. I started crying my eyes out, I just can’t bear the pain anymore. Back then, I didn’t made it in time to save you from that drunk-psychotic man, but now, I’m completely on time to stop you from going with him.
“I will never forget our memories together. I will never forget you.”
That’s what you sent to me that night. It’s just too unfair. You said you’ll never forget me, but look where we are now.
I didn’t notice Angel is already patting my back, comforting me. I stood up and faced Angel and asked her, “Can you lend me a shoulder?” She nodded and we walked together heading to the closest park.
We sat on a bench near the fountain. I know that she’s waiting for me to speak up on what happened earlier. I want to tell I just don’t know how to start it. “I’m on my last year as a college student. I took up accountancy since I might have higher opportunity at job openings. I’m a working student, I work at a fast food chain, walking distance from our school”
I was shocked at first at how sudden she open up a story about herself. We talked about ourselves and we made each other laugh. It’s almost sunset when she asked me a question I hope she never did. “So, who is she?”
I kept silent for awhile, I heard her sigh and spoke, “I lost my father 4 years ago. My mother died when she gave birth to me. Now, I have a part time job to sustain my studies.” I pity her for growing up without any parents to stay with her. She looked at me with curiosity in her eyes, I felt guilt and I feel like I have to say it to her.
“She was my girlfriend for 4 years. I loved her too much. 5 years ago, a man broke in her apartment, stole her things and he almost killed her. ” My words are full of anger and sadness. I’m aware that she might feel uneasiness but I don’t care, she asked for it. “I didn’t made it in time to save her. She was diagnosed with an Amnesia. She totally forgot about us!” I cried myself out while Angel is comforting me. “That man! That stupid man! He was sentenced to death after a year! Good for him!” I can’t contain myself anymore. I kept on saying curse words to that man, I don’t care anymore. Angel hugged me tight and whispered “Charles, it’s all in the past. Maybe it’s time to move on and let go of things”
We stayed there until night falls. It’s already late, I walked her to the bus station and while waiting for the bus, I noticed that she’s too quiet, “Hey, are you feeling okay? You’re not talking for awhile now.” I said jokingly, she looked up to me and turned her back.
“I’m sorry for everything that he caused”
It’s confusing, “Why are you sorry? Sorry for what?”
I heard her sigh, she’s crying. “You see, My father died four years ago, he was sentenced to death for attempting murder. The victim’s house is the exact place where your girlfriend lived. That’s why, I’m Sorry! I’m really really sorry!” I was too shocked that I didn’t notice that she already left.
Tomorrow morning, I decided to say sorry to her. I found her at her workplace. I waited for her shift to finish. I insisted to walk her home, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say the things I said yesterday. It’s just because I got out of control.” I explained. She nodded and said, “It’s nothing. I got used to that, people calling my father hurtful words. It’s just that, I never thought of how much pain my father cause.”
She’s too innocent! She’s not the type of girl that will make your heads turn but she’s beautiful and perfect in her own ways. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. But I’m happy. Happy that I can walk her home.
She never said a word after that until we reached her small apartment. We bid goodbyes to each other and we exchanged numbers.
It’s been 8 years since I met Angel, we are now married and we have two beautiful daughters. We live a happy and fulfilling life now. I never felt this contented my whole life before now.
After Angel’s graduation, I confessed my feelings for her and courted her for a year. She got a job at a big company where I work as a fund manager. We got our future planned before us.
I realised that, we got all the timings perfectly. I didn’t made it in time in the past and I wasted time waiting for my past to comeback. Still, my future came and made me realised that there’s still too many things I can do without my past. I’m thankful to Angel, she got the perfect timing. She came into my life perfectly timed. I won’t let her go this time.
I love my wife and my daughters more than anything in this world. I never once imagined that I will marry a girl who eats her meal weirdly, but I just did! Mika and Drake didn’t end up together for some personal reasons and it worried Angel once thinking that I might leave her for Mika. That will never happen, she is a present from God and I’m willing to do everything to spend my future with her.