Love Short Story – Love !!! Need Courage…

Love Short Story – Love !!! Need Courage…
Photo credit: Ladyheart from
Rahul was resident of Rohini Sector-5 and everyday he use to walk upto Rithala Metro from where he takes metro for Kasmiri Gate & from there to Iffco Chawk. Tania being the resident of Dilshad Garden , use to meet him at Kashmiri Gate Metro station and from there onwards they go to Iffco Chawk together as they were working in the same organization. Prem (friends of both of them) usually join them at Saket metro station.
Rahul & Tania while travelling in Metro discuss about their carrier & life. Prem do not interfere much in their discussion.
They go to office by shared auto which was usually overcrowded.
Four person use to seat on the front seat including driver and total there were eleven passenger on each trip. It use to be so over crowded that even on taking deep breath by passenger on the left side of driver in the front seat, the handle of auto turn towards right.
Rahul was in Trade Finance department & was engaged in the opening of Letter of credit for imported goods and sending of acceptance letter on behalf of organization for document lodged in the bank. Tania was engaged in the procurement of goods and arrange for acceptance on the invoice raised by supplier. Due to the nature of job they were regularly in touch with each other as import of goods required effective coordination between them. They were part of nearly every problem that arises & every solution which they found. Both of them were unmarried. As they were working for more than five years together they came quiet close to each other. Both of them were ambitious and want to become department head of their respective department.
As the Years rolled by; both of them started liking each other but as they were very egoistic, none of them were revealing this to other.
It was bright sunny Monday, Rahul told her in Metro that he want to tell her something but they need to be at the right place. While they were on their way to office, they met with accident. Though Rahul & Prem were not hurt much but Tania got her right leg fractured and few injuries on her face. She was admitted in a hospital in Gurgaon near to their office.
When Prem & Rahul enquired to doctor about Tania , he told that even when she would be recovered, she might not be able to walk properly. On hearing this Rahul was very upset. Though he visited to hospital two or three times but thereafter he was not so interested in Tania anymore.
Prem used to regularly visit her when she was in hospital. Even after she was released from hospital, he used to give moral support to her as she was unable to walk properly. She started to come to office again and started taking new assignments. Prem took her to a Physiotherapist who guide her with some exercises. Due to moral support of Prem, she keep on exercising so that she could walk normally.
One day everyone was getting invitation card. Rahul opened it & found it was invitation card of marriage of Prem & Tania While everyone was enjoying the marriage party, something got attention of Rahul; Tania was walking normally. He walked upto Tania, and after a short discussion between them she replied “ Love needs courage, Rahul ,which you do not possess”.
By – Monu Bhaiya