Love Short Story – My new roommates
Photo credit: rollingroscoe from morguefile.com
This is dedicated to the girl i loved insanely,she is resting now in my deepest thoughts,in my heart ,deep inside my soul, whom I started missing so much that it gave birth to a new “me”
“My time still freezes when some one pronounces your name”
“To Abhilasha”
It was still dark,when I was tying my shoelaces, a little bit colder weather was, mild cold air was blowing when I opened the door and reached the terrace to feel that. I went down and asked Sumiran (my cook) to prepare tea. A hot cup of tea in an early winter morning like me many more are obsessed of this.
I left window opened so that fresh air can fill my room and de-odour the smell of mosquito repellent which was burning throughout the night and I left for my newly developed hobby “running”.
And when I finished my device showed me I ran my fastest 1k today 5.4 mins cool. I was appreciating myself on my days of endeavor.
I was on a mission to run each and everyday as if I was running for some hidden treasure or trying to finish infinitely long track or as if I was running in a limbo, not knowing any direction or my so called manjil or goal.
Sometimes it feels like I have struck in labyrinth,there are many doors leading to several paths some are merging together giving birth to new route taking you to unknown lands,some returns you where you started and some have dead ends .
And there is only one door which is holding the key to your salvation ,leading you to your final destination to your ultimate goal.
So is the life to identify the right door which leads you to salvation. Well,leave this boring philosophical talk I am not a renowned writer or a preacher. I am just a lonely person who had once a soulmate to share his ideas now while she is away so he is trying to communicate with himself by writing down.
“You remember,I used to tell you, you have many but for me you are the world.I only had you, I earned nothing but you,you were my life time earning.”
Yes I tried even today,to study.well I am preparing for engineering services and I damn studied for whole an hour.
I was tired ,exhausted as if a soldier, returning from a war which had been lost badly and what he needs only to sleep to sleep like hell and no body should awake him.
I felt like an abhimanyu who is fighting and trying so hard but not even able to unlock single door of total seven.It wasn’t the first time I was enjoying late morning nap.
I was in mild sleep but some flapping sound was continuously disturbing me ,it felt as if some thing continuously coming inside and going outside the room through the window.Frequent sound of their wings flapping compelled me to woke and check the matter .
What I found , two intruders in my room a pair of pigeon ,a male and female , young lovers or a pair of birds whatever you call them, they were searching a place to live in. Winters were at the corner and they need a home to escape the cold dry blow of winters.They had chosen my room to eat together to sleep together and to live together. Female pigeon was sitting at the top corner of almirah and male pigeon was bringing bushes to build them home sweet home, their own home. Where female pigeon would lay eggs and bring up their new generation of pigeons.
But I had some other ideas , perhaps a person failed in love thinks all the love story fake or try to test the endurance of others love story .
I decided to punish them for disturbing me while I was having my splendid nap.
I closed the window while male pigeon was outside the room . He instantly started struggling to enter inside while doors of the window were closed not even knowing a villain has entered in their love story. He wasn’t giving up. Trying again and again flapping its wings swiftly to maintain the balance outside the window. Peeking inside the room as if there are any other way of entrance of just checking if she is safe .
He was trying to meet his preyasi . For him too she was his whole world .
May be he was teaching me a lesson “I am better , far better living being than you .I’ll not give up and will reach her”.
He was not ready to give up .So here is it ,even a bird tries to save his love .Did I tried?? But what if the female pigeon don’t want to stay with his lover .
Well you should stop thinking and over analyzing the situation . I heard a very strong sound of flapping wings of female pigeon she flew and sat near the window and looked straight into my eyes.
” What you think of me I am not a her, I am not human,I don’t judge situations for him my love is eternal.We are meant to be together.No body can make us apart ”
There wasn’t a trace of fear into her eyes.
My eyes were filled with tears I was wiping them. I asked myself .
” Yes we live once,we die once,and yes we love once”
And I have no right to separate them specially a pair which meant to live together.I opened the window again.
Both were staring me from the corner of the room ,I was continuously watching them with my filled eyes . now I was living with two more people .
I had found my new roommates.