Love Short Story – A Letter in a Bottle
Photo credit: bigal101 from morguefile.com
I was having a stroll on the sea shore of Marina in Chennai. It was 5 AM and the waves were deep blue and smooth. I sat by, to enjoy the cool breeze and that’s when I saw a glass bottle floating on the water. It was a bit far, I could have taken it though, but I didn’t want to get down in the water when no one was around me. I was certain that the bottle would touch the shore, and it did.
The bottle, covered with a lid had a message inside it. All of us would have read or heard such stories, a bottle with a message where someone would have written about their puppy love and stuff. This letter was also about love, but a very nice story. A guy named Farahn had written it. It was getting a bit crowded; people started their daily routine of walking, jogging etc. I needed privacy and silence, so I took it home.
I had received a call from my cousin. I could not avoid their call but at the same time I could not stand the suspense. So I somehow ended our conversation by eight thirty and by the time I had taken a bath and finished my breakfast it was ten. I could not stand the suspense anymore, so I called my manager and told him I will not be able come to office because I was ill. I locked the door, switched on the air conditioner sat on my bed with a bottle of coke and started reading the letter.
1st December, 2014,
My name is Farahn Zainul. I work for the Indian Navy. I’m on board with 6 officials having our check on the sea. Today is her Birthday and I wish her from the bottom of my heart. It’s been seven years since she left me. My dad is a retired Army General. Mom works Chemistry teacher. My sister is doing her medicine and my brother Rayyan works as a journalist.
The first time I saw her was on 29st August 2008, in Café Coffee Day. It was my friend, Ajay’s Birthday so he gave us a treat there. We were having fun, teasing each other with their puppy loves and crush’s. That’s when I heard someone laughing. Her voice was sweet and bold. I could not see her since we were in two different corners. Even she had come with her friends. I noticed one of her friend’s ID. They were students of MOP. I tried my best to see her but it failed cause I got a call from mom and she need my help to admit our neighbor in the hospital who slipped in the bathroom. But that girl noticed me trying to see her and never gave a chance to let me see her. I had to leave immediately but still never got a chance to see her.
That night I couldn’t sleep, I was so caught up with that girl’s, voice it kept on repeating on my head. The next day when I came out for my room ready to have my breakfast and leave, I saw the old woman’s daughter, the daughter’s husband and an old lady. They had come to thank us for helping our neighbor. The other old lady was supposed to be our neighbor’s cousin. Before she left she invited us for her son’s reception on 1st of September.
I couldn’t stop thinking of her. A couple of days passed just thinking about her. My family and I were getting ready to attend the reception. The decorations were pretty good. My mom made new friends and they formed a group. My sister met one of her childhood friend and they started talking. I was left all alone thinking about that girl’s voice and I heard the same voice! Without thinking for another second I turned and saw her. Damn! She was looked really wonderful!
She looked at me and her face expression changed. She was shocked and surprised and with her expression I could confirm that she was the girl I had been waiting to see. Her eyes were brownish black, wavy hair, fair complexion, pink lips and she was wearing a black and blue lehanga. She got a bit nervous, got up and took her friends with her. I’m sure she was be talking about me now. I didn’t want to follow her and create a bad image of myself so I continued sitting but my eyes were on her.
It was 9 PM and slowly by slowly the mandabh was getting empty. I told my mom I had some important work and sent her and my sis in a taxi. I called my friend Hari to bring my bike from home. That girl was also leaving and I had my bike ready to follow her now, because this is my only chance to get to know more about her. She noticed me too. She started her i10 and I did my following. There were three diverging roads and I was noticing something else and lost track of her. How dumb could I be? So I had to go home, no other go. I took left-hand road.
On my way I saw her car stopped in the middle of the road there was no one in the car. There were a few bikes next to it and her slippers were on the ground too. I was sure she was in some problem. I went in search of her. It was her voice again. She was shouting for help. I stopped my bike dropped it and ran into the bushes. 3 boys were around her and when they noticed me one of them attacked me. I found a wooden rod on the ground and using that I could defend. The boys were hurt and we escaped.
She came running hugged me and thanked me. And that’s how we got introduced. Her name is Riya. I dropped her home since her car ran out of diesel. Before she left she told me “the other day in the café I saw you noticing me and I’m sorry I left the place once I saw you, I got a bit nervous”.
Once she invited me home for an introduction with her parents and for lunch. I got her to my house for lunch too. Very soon we fell in love. The days I spent with her are so precious and I would ask her to sing to me every day. She is not a type who expects really high priced items, one red rose would keep her so happy and her smile is worth more than all the money in the world. Days passed and Riya didn’t seem to be happy from the day she visited the doctor. She didn’t tell me anything. She even started avoiding me. I never got replies for the messages I sent to her nor she allowed me to meet her.
So one night I sneaked into her room and fought with her. I demanded her to tell me the reason she was avoiding me and this is what she answered- “You do not deserve me. You are below my status and I deserve someone better that you, someone who can buy me high priced items. And you want to become a Navy Official but I want someone who earns lakh’s per day. Get lost or else I will call the police”.
My heart was hurt badly and that was the first time I ever cried. I never expected this from Riya. I broke the mirrors, glass cups, photo frames and everything in my room. Tore the cards she had given to me. But she was still in my heart.
After a few weeks I received a call from Riya’s house, her mom spoke to and told me that Riya died attempting suicide last night. I was trembled and immediately went to Riya’s house. I could not see her dead. I fell on my knees screamed from the top of my voice. My buddies were trying to console me even Riya’s parents did. My friends dragged me home and wouldn’t let me see her. I went mad about her. Her parents visited to console me. Before they left they gave me a letter which they found in Riya’s room.
“Farahn, I’m so sorry that I have done this to you. The time spent with you are very very precious to me. With you I could get to know myself more. Having you beside makes me feel strong, bold and brave. The reason I have to leave you is because, I have cancer and doctor said that I would not survive for more than 3 months. There was only 50% chance that I would survive after operations. I didn’t want to bring loss to anybody. My parents are ready to spend lakh’s on me but if I don’t to survive it’s waste of money, time, and tears. I know you very well Farahn, you can’t stand such shocks. That’s why I have to leave you. If I had not done this, it would have hurt you more. I’m sorry Farahn. I love you”.
“She was wrong, this hurt me more. She was wrong. I immediately ran to my room and took the cards out of the bin and taped them.”
My eyes were filled with tears and they wouldn’t stop. Even I felt what Riya did was right. My mind was disturbed. I desperately wanted to see Farahn and Riya but it’s not possible but at least I was lucky enough to know their story.