Love Short Story – Love Letter Created History
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
Being a huge fan of love stories I was thinking of most romantic ways to tell someone about your feelings.After spending two hours on thinking how to tell him how my heart starts running rather than beating when he is around, I decided to write him a love letter as it gave me Goosebumps when I thought of telling him personally.
Ankur was a common friend who used to study in Second year of Arts whereas I was a First year of Science student. We became friends in initial months when I joined the college. I still remember that day when I went to library to get myself my course books issued. I was looking through the shelves to find the books I needed when I heard my friends Tripti and Swati murmuring and laughing slowly.
“Whats the matter with you girls?” I asked them.
“Come here we will show you the matter itself.” They replied. I went towards them. They turned me 180 degrees and pointed to a handsome hunk wearing a Blue T-Shirt and Ice Blue Jeans. His hairs were dark brown and he was fair like Snow White. He had chappals in his feet. I kept looking at him.
“Isnt he really Handsome?” Tripti asked.
“No doubt in that. Which stream does he belong?” I asked while staring at the guy.
“We saw him for the first time too like you. We need to get those details soon.” Swati said and they both laughed naughtily.
I was still looking at him when suddenly he looked at us. We all acted like we are picking books. Finally I picked all the books I needed and it took me around 30 more minutes. Tripti and Swati told me to wait so they can help me with taking books to hostel as they were heavy. I piled up the books and tried to take them to the issue counter when suddenly I bumped into the ‘Handsome Hunk’ and all mine as well as his books fell down. I stood still for a moment on my stupidity.
“I am Sorry, I was just trying to take them to the counter in one go. But I guess I need to take 2 rounds.” I said while picking up my books and looking at the floor. Didn’t get the courage to look him in the eyes as I had the guilt of getting caught while staring at him some time back.
“I can understand. I was trying to do the same but looks like my books are slimmer than yours.” He smiled and gave me my books.
“Oh My God, What a voice and smile he has.” I said to myself.
He took few of my books and helped me in taking them to counter.
“Hi, Ankur from Simla.” He said and smiled.
“Hi I am Kruti from Delhi.” I replied.
“Are you in first year too? I am in Mechanical Engineering.” He asked me. I was still admiring him silently.
“Yes I am Electronics student.” I replied.
That was the beginning of our friendship and he helped me in getting settled well in college and I helped him in sneak away from ragging as I had few friends in senior guys. Since the day we met he left an amazing impression on me and I was lost in him since that day.
I took out a paper from my class register, took a pen and sat on my study desk in my hostel room. My love letter was something like this.
Dear Ankur,
Wanted to tell you since long but couldn’t so writing this letter. Whenever you are around I cant concentrate on whatever I am doing. When you are not around I feel restless and keep thinking if I can see you. Your one look gives me Goosebumps. Whenever you talk to me I feel lost in another world. I like it when all the friends tease you with my name. I never had these strange feeling before. I don’t know if its infatuation or love but the truth is I like to stay near you. Day before yesterday when you held my hand to give me support when I was falling from bus, I felt like the time should stop right there. I don’t need a reply if you don’t feel the same and its totally fine if you don’t want to talk to me after this. But if you do feel the same call me immediately. Waiting for your call.
Your Kruti
I folded the letter very nicely and kept it on my study table so that I remember to take it with me to college in the morning. I went to the adjacent room to give a friend some notes. When I came back Tripti my roommate was reading it. I took it from her hand.
Me: Tripti, its bad manners to read somebody’s letters.
Tripti: You know I am ill mannered, by the way that an interesting letter.
Me: Shut up and you are not telling anyone about this.
Tripti: YEs Mam, but sweetie I never imagined that you will be loving someone. Wow its great. Welcome to the club.
Me: Haha very funny. I am not sure if I should give it to him or not.
Tripti: Ofcourse you should. See it will get you only two replies either yes or no and both will be beneficial for you.
Me: How?
Tripti: Look, if he says yes, then you will be happy ofcourse. If he says no then you will try to control your feelings and stop them from increasing which helps you in not hurting yourself and eventually you will be happy. :)
Me: Yeah I guess you are right. I will put this letter in his bag tomorrow before going to class. Lets see what happens then.
In morning I saw Ankur at college with our common friends, I slipped the letter into his bag slowly when nobody was looking at me and left for my class. I was feeling nervous thinking that Ankur might have read the letter by now, how will he be reacting, what will he reply etc. I couldn’t concentrate on anything that the Professors were trying to teach. It was lunch time and I was keeping my Signal Systems book in my bag when something dropped from my book. I bent to pick it up, it was some paper nicely folded. I tried to remember if I kept any notes in the book, but nothing that I remembered. I opened the letter fold by fold.
Dear Kruti,
I know this is not the right way to expeass feelings and you expect me to express them personally but I have a fear inside me. Fear of losing you, I am not afraid of rejection but I cant lose you as my friend. You are my best friend and I want you to be my best friend for whole my life no matter you have the same feelings or not. You have always been there for me to support me in whatever I do. You gave me right suggestions whenever I needed them. You always understood my problems and helped me in finding solutions.
I remember when I was so pissed off with my family issues you were the one who helped me manage the situations. Sometimes I feel I couldn’t do any of those without your support and help. You are my best friend and I thank GOD for that. Being friends with you brought me so closer to myself that I realized how deeply I am in love with you. I cant think of any activity with friends if you are not present. I feel bad when my day doesn’t start with your call. I cant concentrate on studies until you give me all those instructions. Infact yesterday I dreamt about you, I don’t know how and what you feel for me but I am really too much into you. I want to be next to you always. I understand that you might feel awkward as you don’t expect me to feel like this, I am Sorry about that but I cant help it. Please reply to this letter if you feel the same and ignore it if you don’t.
I was smiling and thought to meet him in the canteen at lunch time. Now I wasn’t able to concentrate on the lectures anymore. I was lost into his dreams again.
At lunch I went to the canteen to meet him but Ankur was not there but his bag was there with one of his classmate and all our friends were their. They looked at me and smiled as if they were just waiting for me only.
Suddenly Aisha, our common friend said “Hey Kruti looking very pretty today, whats the matter?”.
Manish, another friend said, “Come on Aisha its obvious. Kruti wants to impress somebody”.
“Come on guys, I am dressed up as usual.” I replied.
“We are not talking about your dress dear.” Manish said and they all laughed.
“Your one look gives me goosebumps. I like to stay near you.” Sandy said making weird and funny expressions.
I was shocked to hear those sentences, those were from the letter I wrote for Ankur and slipped in his bag this morning. I thought that Ankur must have told them about the letter and now they are teasing me and having fun. I was angry at Ankur now. I was mumbling to myself “If he didn’t like it or wanted to say No then he could have directly told me. Why the hell he had to tell them about it. What does he think of himself. I will never forgive him for this, he embarrassed me.”
I was irritated and about to leave when Ankur came. I looked at him in anger but he was surprised to see me like. He acted as if he doesn’t know what is happening. I left the canteen. He than and asked Manish about what happened.
Aisha came after me and told me that Ankur doesn’t know about the letter yet. Manish saw me keeping the letter in his bag, so he took it out as he was curious. So I concluded that everybody else except Ankur has read my love letter and now teasing me. I was perspiring heavily now. I saw Ankur coming in my direction and I turned my face on him.
“What happened to you? Did any professor torchered you?” Ankur asked with a sweet smile on my face.
“Nothing just a bad day and you will know soon why.” I replied, picked up my bag and started walking towards my hostel.
He called my name and told me to wait for him as he want to talk to me. I was embarrassed now as I wanted to keep it between us till the time I don’t know about his feelings. But now the whole world knew about my feelings and I felt like a clown to them. Ankur came near me and gave that letter to me, he didn’t said anything and left.
I came into the hostel room and opened the letter again. Saw something written on the back of the paper. I read it “I feel the same, sorry for the embarrassment you faced because of my foolishness. I am glad that you showed this courage and sent me this letter. Hope you already got mine and if not then please find it in your Signal Systems book. It describes all my feelings for you and now when I know that you too feel the same, should I assume that we can date now? Love Ankur”.
Beep Beep a message arrived in my phone.It was him, send a rose and heart symbol in message. I was happy to finally have a love story with a love letter of my own.