Short Story Love – Guy Who Proposed Me Twice

Love Short Story – Guy Who Proposed Me Twice
Photo credit: bullboy from
Nov 16 – 12.30 AM
I was in middle of nowhere, all I could see was someone in distant. I have seen her many times, since her face burnt in fire couldn’t recognize her. She was panting heavily, burnt skin all over and bleeding everywhere. She called for help and fainted. I ran towards her and tried to help her stand up. I could feel that she is listening, but her body is not. Her legs lost the strength to hold her up on her own, I am not able lift her up.
I could feel that she is going away. I Yelled out for help. I yelled out till my vocal cord loosed its strength but no one turned out.
My bad, why is it happening to me? I am not able to help the her, being a girl I felt terrible for the first time not having physique to help her. No one was around there, nobody with me too and it looked like a freak show.
All of sudden I heard the call for help, I have turned over and checked who was it. I was shocked; it was the same girl who I was helping to stand up a few seconds ago. She came running towards me and calling for help and fainted. I was confused , Is it the same girl, it was the same burnt face that’s all I can recognize, I turned to check the first girl, she was not there; disappeared.
Where in god’s name she went?
Boom!!! Heavy flash on my eyes, blurred my vision . I couldn’t see the second girl when my vision was cleared.
Oh my god!!! What’s happening………………….?
What was it really happening ? Am I hallucinating? I am clueless
It was so dark, dark enough so that the nearby’s were not visible to naked eye. I tried to remember how did I end up here in midnight, no idea, not a single thing came up to my mind. Last thing I could remember was having a candle dinner with boyfriend. Not Knowing what to do, all I wanted was to meet my boyfriend and ask what happened. He could help with what happened.
I have picked up my phone and dialled my boyfriend
Honey, Where are you?
It went to a voice message. I rushed to his home , it was locked. I got frustrated and went to all the places that he could be at this time. Bars, Pubs but he was nowhere. May be he went outstation, but he wont go without informing me. I consoled myself saying that , there might be some work emergency for him. I was thinking what to do , then i remember that we meet at Boyu Park every Saturday at 7 am for a long walk. I checked my watch, it said Saturday morning 5 am. I said only two hours to go and started running to the park.
6.30 AM
As usual , the park was bit crowded with elderly people exercising , running and dozens of lovers enjoying time together. This is the park where I first saw my boyfriend , two years ago. He used to Jog daily only for sake of seeing me, he used to follow me like hutch. He used to wear his best jogger costume and run behind me and ogle at me all the time. Initially I didn’t like him, days passed by I liked his sincerity and dedication over me. He used to fight with other guys who ogle at me most of the days and I liked that. I am above average looking girl, 5.6 height, 45 kgs . All my friends say that I have good colour complexion , body structure and good dressing sense. He looked like 5.11 and with great physique.
He said, Hi to me one day, that was the day I remember till now, Dec 16 two years ago nearly one month after I first saw him. Then we slowly become jogging friends, then friends all the time. One fine day , its Feb 14- he proposed me in the same park, where we first met. He gave a greeting card with lot of hearts in it, said I lost my heart, please help me find it . Greeting was with Five Star and a movie ticket. I was over joyed the way he proposed, actually I was waiting for him to propose first, he swept me away from my feet immediately I said, Yes , I Love you too.
Seven past 7.00
My boyfriend came to the park and waved his hand to me, I waved him back. I ran towards him and hugged him very tight. Honey , I miss you , I miss you. Love you my dear. He gave me a deep kiss which was still like a first kiss…
I told him the whole story of what was happening ,about the girl whom i saw twice and couldn’t save and that she was disappeared immediately and i don’t have the clue of how I ended up there. then the places I have searched for him and finally came to park to meet him since its Saturday.
He listened to calm and steady then he hugged me tightly and said honey, I am gonna show you around to some places, come along.
He asked me, what was the last thing I remember ?
I said you and me having a dinner
Honey, Can you look at the dress you are wearing now, and do you remember it, he said
I looked at my dress, it was the dress which i have wore on the day for the dinner. But why am I still wearing it, what happened, its making me harebrained. Honey please tell me what happened. He stared at my eyes , said honey i love you.
You know this place right, he showed me 10 floored building.
I said , yes I do. Its your workplace.
Honey , can you see the broken glass on that floor.
I said no i cant. He said , that is where from I jumped and died yesterday.
He scared me to death, honey what the f..k are you saying, i cant believe you, you committed suicide? Why? Why? I can’t control my tears, he tried to console me but he failed, I am not able to control my tears.
Honey, dont you remember anything on the day of dinner ? he asked. I said “No”, why something bad happened on that day?
Last Proposal
He took me to the place where we had the candle light dinner, I was shocked to see the whole place is burnt up. Honey , on that day, there was fire on the place and whole place burnt up, except the lobby, he said.
I was terrified , slowly started to remember things. We were having dinner on that day, you got a call from work and went up to the lobby. All of sudden fire popped from nowhere to all the place.
Honey, sorry I was helpless, all i could see was you burning in the fire and running for help and fire ingest you. Everyone was holding me back and they assured me that they will save you but they didn’t, he said.
About the girl you saw , it was you who burnt skin all over and bleeding everywhere and running in for help. It was you honey, it was my projection of you that you saw a girl with burnt face running for help . he said to me.
I cant believe him, I totally cant believe what he said, he held my hand and took me to a graveyard, where in the one grave it said, “My Name” and Next grave “My BoyFriend Name”.
On seeing that i totally lost myself, cant control myself.
He gave me greeting card with lot of hearts in it, said I lost my heart, and I found it back . Greeting was with Five Star and a ticket to heaven, He swept me away from my feet second time, immediately I said, Yes…