Love Short Story – Love @ first site
Photo credit: godidwlr from morguefile.com
It was another lovely day. Sitting in the park, I was reading a novel written by my favorite author. The fresh breeze touched by face which grabbed my attention. Tiny drops from heaven started falling which actually kindled the soil’s fragrance. Everyone in the park started running in order to protect themselves from the heaven’s blessings. Though I love to drench in rain, I followed them quietly and at last found a place for me.
I will never forget what happened the next moment. A tall fair girl stood in front of me, WOW!!! She had grey eyes, which had increased her beauty exponentially. Her hair were curly and were left free to dance in air. She didn’t have long hair though, but enough to cover her neck. The rain drops on her hair were reflecting the sun rays on my face with a sharp shinny beam. That moment I felt like I was nowhere and I was totally lost in my own thoughts, that I even didn’t realized that I was following her. All of a sudden, a bus arrived and the driver blew horn on my face!!! Damn!! That’s when I realized I was standing in between the road. Everyone around there came to know that I was lost in beauty of that girl and started laughing at me.
In such an embarrassing moment I saw her smile, wide pink lips with a glimpse of a dimple. Damn! what a beauty I thought. She climbed the steps of bus, turning her half face towards me with a smile. The engine was running and bus driver changed the gear to move the bus. I then realized I could have hopped into the bus. I started running, unfortunately the bus driver didn’t notice me this time so that he could stop and mean while I slipped on the road and took bath in reddish-brown water full of mud by the splatter of a car.
I came to my room with new colored shirt which was supposed to be white but had turned Brown now. Thank god it belongs to Akhil’s , a fat a*s guy and my so called best buddy with whom I shared my room. He was devastated by my look. He started shouting at me. “What the hell you did to my tee!!!!!”
I cared least and handed over the dirty T-shirt to him saying “Sorry! I can’t wash it”.
After such an incident how could I sleep peacefully? It was impossible. It was 1am and I was still rolling over my bed. Akhil screamed, “Can u bl*ody switch off the light, you bugger!!!” I turned off the light and once again tried to get sleep.
A month passed and I couldn’t forget her face yet. I tried to search her in Facebook but without knowing anything about her it was like searching for a pin in desert!!
It was a regular Sunday; as usual I groomed and went to Mc Donald’s with Akhil. It was Akhil’s idea who was supposed to meet his friends and he had insisted on me to join him. After 5 days of hectic work in corporate life I had nothing to do other than making new friends. I had not mentioned to Akhil about the incident as I knew his response would be “Dude please not again!!”.
Huh!! He would not understand feel of being single since childhood. He is in relationship for past two years which was the longest time love, among his 4 other relationships that he had before.
I, Akhil and his girlfriend Shreya, were waiting for her friend Pooja. I told Akhil that I was hungry. Shreya giggled and said, Goutam when u can’t wait how are you going to manage your girlfriend? Akhil interrupted and said that’s why he doesn’t have any, and don’t spoil him! He is enjoying his life unlike meL. All the three laughed and I moved towards counter.
With a tray of 2 chicken burger and a coke float I came back to where the other two were seated. And guess what!!Pooja was the same girl I had seen a month ago! I was shocked. I stood still. Meanwhile Shreya introduced us. Pooja extended her hand to shake, as a gentle man I extended too, dis balancing my tray and making the coke float to roll over, I tried to balance the glass but ended up with ice cream in my palm watching coke pass through my fingers and pouring on Akhil’s head like an abhishek to Idols!!! He starred at me as I was looking at him pity, but all of us couldn’t hold our laughter and we busted it out.
Pooja then mentioned the incident, all the three started laughing and my lips were posed between laughter and smile!! After all it was an embarrassing moment for me!! I gave a silly excuse that I was staring at another girl. Akhil understood my situation and the reason behind his white shirt turning to Brown. He then joked saying “Pooja please don’t come in front of Goutam again, else I’ll lose another shirt”.
A week passed and at least a 100 times I had reminded Akhil to meet his girlfriend and set me up with Pooja. After 15 days finally we planned to meet again. Akhil had guided me how to talk and behave to impress a girl. He had also gathered from Shreya , Pooja‘s likes and dislikes so that I could be cautious and won’t mess up. I tried my best to be a dude but I wasn’t Akhil after all and as usual I messed up.
After that evening I had thought Pooja would never like to meet me again. We all headed towards door of restaurant where we had our lunch and Pooja came towards me and said softly,” You don’t have to try so hard to impress me, just be yourself.”
Those words impressed me more. From that moment I started loving her. I gathered courage and before she would leave I asked her, her contact number which was a strict no-no as per Akhil’s instructions. He had told me, if I asked for her contact number in our second meeting it would sound desperate. That day God had other plans for me!! Before I could say anything else she gave me a call saying that this was her number.
From then we started chatting for a month and then started over night calls. Akhil regretted about insisting me for lunch during on our first meet. What else could you expect? We were in LOVE and went out on dates many a times. I was on cloud nine.
One day we were sitting in the same park under the same tree from where it all started. I asked Pooja for a kiss, she was blushing and closed her eyes turning towards me. The unsaid words of girls always puzzled me. You can never understand the meaning behind girls smile and anger. Anyways who cared about all these things in such a delicate moment as this? It was for first time for me and I was shivering. I was in a dilemma whether to kiss her or not. A thousand thoughts were hitting my mind. What if someone sees us? What if she minds, what if I am bad kisser and so on. I had thought kissing was easy but trust me at that moment I realized how hard it is.
I finally gathered all my courage and moved towards Pooja closing my eyes too. I was scared after all!! Our lips touched, it was moist, a strange voltage flowed along by body, and my heart was pounding fast. My ass started itching. I thought I was sitting on a thorn. I tried cleaning the bushes around my pant. I didn’t even want Pooja to feel uncomfortable so kept on kissing. Then my ass started aching, I thought what the hell. I opened my eyes and what I saw was a brown colored shirt and an unpleasant voice. Initially I couldn’t understand the words but then It became clear “Wake up you idiot, wake up!! You have to dry clean my white shirt I need to meet Shreya today”.
Yeah it was dream!! Dates with her, meeting her, kissing a beautiful girl on earth, all was a dream!!
I still go to that park and wait for hours hoping she might give a visit but my search and wait is still ON………………
“First love never vanishes from our memory”