Short Story Love – Be My Baby
Photo credit: mvictor from morguefile.com
As the clock struck 12:00, she tiptoed towards his all-white and red bedroom. On entering the room, the sight that awaited her was the most adorable thing ever.
Though she was used to this particular sight, yet everytime she saw him in that posture her heart did a somersault and she went weak in her knees. She could keep staring at him forever, he was her life, her love.
Tonight was no different except from the fact that it was his birthday, the most special day in her life. With a dark chocolate-cake topped with superman shaped cookies in one hand and a lovely present in other, she walked towards his bed. There he was, curled up in his duvet and sleeping away to glory. His face broke into a sweet smile unconsciously which made him look like an angel. His dimpled cheeks added to his chocolate boy persona. She bent down, kissed his cheek lightly and ruffled his hair.
A lone tear escaped her eye and made its way towards her heart. She woke him up and cajoled him like a baby since he used to act all cranky if woken from his beauty sleep. He rubbed his eyes like a toddler and made faces to irritate her since she was an offender for waking him up at this hour. But suddenly his eyes lit up and he squealed ‘Yummy’at the sight of the mouth watering cake kept in front of him. She moved a bit and hugged him tightly mouthing Happy Birthday My love. He asked her to sing for him and she loved obeying him.
She sang Happy Birthday to you and he joined her, together they sang away in glory. He blew the candles, cut the cake and picked up a huge piece of it. Both of them fed each other along with having some fun. She savoured each and every moment of this day. He giggled and came forward to give her a peck on both her cheeks.
After which, he insisted for his present which by the way consisted of his favourite Superman comic books………..which always had been her favourite, since he was a little kid.
Just like the old days, the three words ‘I LOVE YOU’ were scribbled on every page of the book alongwith a watermelon flavoured gloss adorning the pages of the book. He made her lie down on the couch and settled himself in her lap so that she could read out the books to him while he chuckled in pleasure.
Very soon, his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep but not before mouthing ‘I lOVE YOU TOO’ to her. She kissed his forehead and noticed a drop of tear on his upper cheek. Maybe, his subconscious mind could still recall her, it gave her a hope that some day she’l be truly happy……..with him!
She disentangled herslef from his tight grip, covered him with a duvet and walked towards his favourite spot in the room. A window onlooking the deep blue sea glistening like a pearl in the beautiful moon light. A cool breeze hit her, she closed her eyes soaking herself in the gentle breeze. Few tendrils covered her face making her look like a fairy. She could feel his hands caressing her and slightly moving the tendrils at the back of her ear.Yes, she could feel his presence…in his absence!
It was all very peaceful until memories of that fateful day hit her like an arrow in the spine and she shuddered. The day 21st September 2009,clearly etched in her mind when her world crumbled into pieces.They were to get engaged on that day and start a new life together. But destiny had something else in store.That attack in the hospital left her injured in her spine and his head hit a glass table. She recuperated in few weeks but the doctors told her that he had lost his memory and the injury damaged his nervous system to an extent that he was no longer a young man of 26 but a boy of 10years…..in his brain. He had to be taken care of like a kid, maybe for a lifetime!
She felt as if someone had punched her hard in the stomach and sucked out oxygen from her body. Her head throbbed with pain, she felt nauseous. She wanted to cry but her mind took over and asked her to be strong for him.
She regained her composure slowly and then moved towards his ward wiping her tears. He was sleeping but something was troubling him. She saw him frowning and at once understood what it meant. Slowly, she positioned herself on the bed besides him and caressed him.The frown left his face was in its place were his dimples. She slept holding him tightly.
A cold breeze hit her hard and she came back to the present world and harsh reality of life…..