Short Story – Love and Marriage
Photo credit: xenia from morguefile.com
It is a very common saying that marriages are decided in heaven but I dont think so we being human fall in Love and if it is successful than we say ” God support true Love” or if not than “this girl or boy is not for me as marriages are decided in heaven” I want you to share your thoughts on the same after reading Priya’s Love start.
Priya was a simple middle class girl with dark skin tone. Looks plays an important role in everyones life. Priya was also not exempted. Priya become an introvert as she had made her mind that she is not beautiful. Even her members and outsiders use to make fun of her looks. She started to live in a fear. As she dint had any friends with whom she can share her feeling which in turn made her more sad. Her only time pass was to watch TV or apply a face pack. Days pass in this fashion.
There is a turning point in everyones life. Jitesh was bought that turning point in Priya’s life. Jitesh was a very Handsome guy from a orthodox family. Daily Jitesh use to watch Priya. Jitesh never had any girl friends because of his bought up and family culure. He had an urge to have a girl friend like all the guys. Jitesh found it safe to propose Priya, with this intention Jitesh one fine day proposed Priya. Every girl want to loved and cared even if she say it aloud or if she say I dont care I am happy alone. Priya was very happy she dint even thought once and said a yes. It was the first time Priya liked herself.They both were happy. Jitesh was happy too as first time he proposed a girl and got a direct yes. With this confidence he made an invisible wish last in his mind on what are the order things he wish for from a girl.
We are social animals. Now a days physical relationship is common in affair. Its not a sin and an unwanted gift of mordernization. Our couples were not exempted from it either. They took their first step in Jitesh friends room when they both were alone. It was a mixed feel for them, they were happy,they were guilty,they never want to repeat, they want to do it once more, they were scared and they were confident. A new and special feeling for both of them.
Days pass and they continued with it. However life is not always happy like bed of roses..