Love Short Story – How love stays even after death of my better half.
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Today I am a happy man I am with a lot of fortune, respect and very happy memories of my wife. It has been one year since she died but I still feel so complete as I did say the phrase I love you, I did shown all the love I had for her and gave her all the love and tenderness she deserved. Ours was an arranged marriage our parents got an brilliant idea to stay together , we were lucky to have a son just as I wanted, it was as though she knew everything I ever wanted, starting from breakfast to my goodnight drink, a warm glass of milk.
We were unlike my friend’s life had a strange thread of understanding that bonded us together , despite of the fact that the first year was known to be difficult for us she was known for her calm nature, she was perfect waiting for me till night waking up for me early. I remember the time my best friend have been coming to visit me, despite of the circumstances she trusted me , she never stopped me from anything.
We became great friends but still I was not in the mentality of love , I ran away from love but she hung on to me like every good wife in stories.
After I came to know about her cancer I was angry and ashamed as I was not aware till her final stage , I came to know about my flaws I wanted her to stay but now everything was lost, she was becoming weak day by day. I was helpless, but was adamant that she must go with happy memories .
I took care of her, talked to her and then she was gone forever. I love her , and always will , she changed me , cared for me , this is the least I could do for her.