Love Short Story – Didn’t You Knew I Love You?
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
“ Didi…Guess what?? Ashu gifted me a diamond ring …its splendid di…your must see. You know he brought the bed coffee for me today..he bought in red flowers and made my favorite masala omelette for the breakfast. Hello…are you there…di…?”.
“ Yes Pia, I am listening, carry on,” replied Priya.
She knew when there is Pia on the other side of the phone, anyone else had hardly any other thing to do than listening.
Pia’s commentary continued,” Oh di, we are planning for the night show today and I will wear the red suit which Ashu brought from Bangalore last month. It will look nice na…and you know Ashu has reserved our table at the Leela for a candle lite dinner…di…ashu is so caring n loving na…chalo let me hang it , have an appointment at the parlor before the night show…bye di…love you…”
It was Valentine day- Pia’s favorite day of the year. Ashu, her husband pampered her like anything and even after 5 years of marriage, they celebrated this day of love very pompously. Priya was four years older to Pia and so was her marital life. But all these nine years, Valentine days had passed on like any other ordinary days of life. Sudheer, her husband was of very reserved nature and he didn’t believe in the modern traditions of expressing love. He hadn’t even cared to wish a happy b’day on Priya’s birth anniversaries, leave aside ushering gifts or even a card. He didn’t wish Priya, he even didn’t mind or expected from her doing the same for him on his special days. He believed all such things as fake and unwanted.
In the initial years Priya founded his behavior rude and odd but gradually she began adjusting with life. She understood that emotions and expressions had no place in Sudheer’s dictionary and therefore expecting such things would only increase her hurt. Priya had her skills on creative writing and to vent out her longingness for expressions of love, she indulged in writing poetry. She found solace in the loving words she chose, but kept all her writings a secret from Sudheer. She knew Sudheer had no interest in literature and if he found out her writings, it would only become a subject of ridicule for him.
Minus this shortcoming, Priya knew Sudheer was a wonderful man. He was a genius and kind hearted person. His intelligence and hard working attitude had gained him high reputation and position in his company. Besides, he was a caring father to their children. He loved to bring them up in a disciplined life style. Always catered to the demands of home and left no stones unturned to fulfill the requirements of his family.
But since Pia’s marriage and comparing Sudheer with Ashutosh Pia’s husband, Priya’s expectations as a wife and her cravings for expressions of emotions had heightened. Sudheer however remained ignorant of Priya’s feelings. Priya’s parents often compared the attitude of both their son in laws. Where Ashutosh was a favorite of the whole family, Sudheer chose to maintain a distance from all. Whenever Ashutosh returned from his office trips he took special care to shower in gifts for his in laws too whereas Sudheer was the entire opposite.
At times he got so engrossed in his work that he didn’t even care to wish his parents in laws when they visited him and Priya at their home. This embarrassed Priya very much and many times she suggested him to be a little friendlier and courteous towards them. But Sudheer always replied that the nine years of association with them have made them accustomed to his nature and they wouldn’t really mind his informal ways. But he was wrong in his beliefs. His in laws preffered Ashutosh’s attitude and felt that Pia was very lucky to have him as her soul mate. They felt sad for Priya who had to bear the aloofness and rudeness of Sudheer.
On one hand there was Pia who had a husband dancing to all her tunes and on the other was Priya who bore all her emotions within herself. Each day was a celebration for Pia with Ashutosh. They went out for movies often, took romantic getaways every weekend. On the other hand there was Sudheer who loved journeys with larger groups. It didn’t ever strike to him that Priya would have preferred a holiday with just the two of them even for a day at home rather than any five star resort.
Priya longed for a long walk along the beach hand in hands with her loved one. She longed for a loving kiss on her birthday, how she wished Sudheer to walk in home with a surprise token of love whether it be a small packet of chocolates. She desired in the innermost of her heart if Sudheer too emoted his feelings how he really felt for her, what was her place in his life. But all these remained a desire for Priya as she knew it was futile to share her emotions with Sudheer. She was all right with the shortcomings of her marital life but whenever Pia or her calls interrupted her otherwise still routine, the cravings vented out leaving her morose.
It was a Karwa Chauth day and Pia had asked Priya to accompany her for shopping. She wanted to buy a new saree for the evening pooja. Although Sudheer never interfered with the shopping matters but he was against Karwa Chauth tradition. On his insistence Priya had never kept the vrat as he felt it was a blind filmy following tradition. He also felt that husband is not great enough to be treated as God. Priya didn’t wish to get into debates so she obeyed his will accordingly. On Pia’s repeated calls she had agreed to go for the shopping. Pia drove through the rushy roads happily chatting and elaborating the evening plans of celebration at her inlaws place. As she looked sideways again and again to get into the conversation intensely Priya warned her repeatedly to be cautious while driving but nothing could withhold Pia’s excitement. It was in such a careless moment that Pia lost control over her steering when a speeding truck suddenly emerged in front of the car from wrong side. And what followed was chaos and screams all over.
Pia and Priya both were severely injured and rushed to the city hospital. As Priya regained some consciousness she found herself covered in bandages. Her parents were sitting beside. Priya’s mom embraced her daughter as she saw her looking into her face.
“ Thank God, both of my daughters are safe. Priya don’t worry, you are Ok and so is Pia now, you both were timely brought into the hospital and thanks to Sudheer for the blood donation in time”
Priya didn’t understand what mom was saying. Sudheer giving blood was something impossible as she knew that he was needle phobic and never in his life he had taken injections. But when her mother told that indeed Sudheer had not only donated blood to Priya but also to Pia since both of them had a rare negative blood group which was not available in the hospital. Sudheer despite of his terrible fear of injections and needles had urged the doctors to take his blood for saving the lives of both sisters since he too had the same blood group.
And where was Ashutosh all the time, wondered Priya. He was not to be seen in the time of extreme emergency. Priya’s mom told,
“Ashu couldn’t bear to see Pia suffer and so refused to come to hospital unless he was told she is out of danger. Poor chap, how much he loves her.”
In-spite of the pain she was bearing, Priya let out a satirical smile. She knew her mom again was misjudging Sudheer. Atlast Sudheer had proved his love without professing or claims. He was there all the time beside her unless she was ready to be discharged from hospital. He didn’t go to his work, nor his disciplined schedule till Priya totally recovered and was back to normalcy.
Once while cleaning through the cupboards where Sudheer kept his official documents, Priya found few papers with her names on them. Closely observing she found that there were lot of investments made and properties purchased on her name. She instantly went upto Sudheer and demanded a clarification. Sudheer told plainly he had invested a handsome amount on her name keeping in view unforeseen circumstances.
“ But why me? You could have done this for yourself or for children.” Priya was looking confused.
“ Because darling, you are the most dearest one in my life and I wanted you to remain secure and happy forever. Children will grow up and we will give them the best of education and life but what if something happens to me suddenly? If you are secure, I am sure you will look after everything finely but same I cannot claim for our kids. Its not necessary that they will be for you after my death. “
Tears showered out of Priya as she struggled with her words,” But Sudheer I never knew you felt so deeply for me. I always thought I was the least cared for person in your life”.
“ And that is what you portrayed me in all your poems dear?”
“What??? You knew I was writing too?” Priya was getting shock after shock.
“ And what else you thought me to be darling?” Answered Sudheer,”An insensitive heartless husband? Yes, I may have been poor in reciprocating my feelings but that doesn’t shows I am devoid of any. When I insist my wife doesn’t sit hungry all the day just following some silly rituals for my long life, it means I LOVE YOU more than my life. When I overcome my fear of needles to ensure your life, doesn’t that mean I LOVE YOU more than myself?”
Priya was speechless, she never had thought that it was Sudheer’s way of expressing love wordlessly.
“ Priya, I loved you since the very first day of our marriage and it has grown intense all these years. But yes, I took this love for granted and didn’t understand your cravings until the accident happened and for the first time I realized the voidness in my life without you. When you were in the hospital, I turned every belongings of yours and came across your poetry. I realized how much I have hurt you all these years. Even though I didn’t express it all these years, but didn’t you knew that I love you?” Tears were welling up in Sudheer’s eyes.
Priya walked up to him and put her arms around him. Now there was no space for any cravings or complaints.