College Love Story – Love just happens
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
She was full of fantasies. She dreamt of a love just with fairy tale endings . She did not know a single thing about the harsh realities of the world . She had grown up as a middle class girl .Her parents gave her whatever she demanded . And right now she was day dreaming about her prince in her room whom she was sure she would meet in her first day of college . She just knew it ,she smiled to herself thinking this.
“AHANA come have your dinner” Her mother called out. She heard her mom but was too lazy and busy in her fairytale world.
“AHANA COME DOWN THIS INSTANT”, Her mom sounded angry this time so she rushed out of the room to have her lunch. After lunch she chatted with her mom for awhile discussing her departure for college tomorrow. She was going away from home and her mother wanted Ahana to spend some time with her family. Ahana was a good student. She had got a full scholarship to her college. Now all she wanted was to know the feeling of love just like in fairy tales.
“Ahana are you ready to tackle college” Her dad sitting near her asked. She replied that she was nervous but she was ready.
“OH PLEASE , SHE IS ONLY DREAMING OF HER PRINCE NOT STUDIES”,Her brother joked. Her Mom glared at him.
After dinner Ahana went back to her room. She had a long day tomorrow. An early morning flight to catch . Thinking about the day ahead and her prince she knew she would meet she fell asleep.
It was a beautiful morning. Ahana was ready for her first day of college . She had reached the college hostel yesterday. Her father had taken care of all the paperwork and was on the way back home. She searched for a proper attire for her first day and found a black shirt and brown jeans. She was looking at herself in the mirror when she remembered she was already late. She ran as fast as she could towards the campus. She reached her classroom and stopped herself. Damn she was nervous .
She opened the door hesitantly. It was a spacious room but with just 18 students. She was too shy to look at anyone. The professor welcomed her and told her to sit with one out of the two girls in the class. She saw one of them wearing a multi coloured top with a look of innocence on her face smiling at her. Ahana immediately went to sit with her smiling at her. Ahana then looked around the class and that’s when her eyes fell on him.
He was sneaking a peek at her. Their eyes met and she knew she was falling for him.There was something about the way he looked at her. Her mind told her he was trouble but her heart just wanted to know him.
“Hi! i am vandana ” The girl sitting next to her said.
“Ahana, i have a feeling we are going to be great friends vandana”Ahana told vandana.
They both smiled at each other. Ahana looked at him again. Vandana noticed the way she was looking.
“That’s Samrat you are looking at ” Vandana teased her.
She blushed and from the corner of her eyes she could tell he saw her blushing.The professor called for everyone’s attention. After 55 min of boring lecture on western philosophy the class ended.
The students got up. The class had 16 boys and 2 girls now 3 counting her. And most of the guys came forward to introduce themselves to her. But not him and this disappointed her. She wanted to know him. But she did saw him looking at her .
The rest of the class then went out except Vandana and him. Vandana asked her if she wanted to go to the college cafeteria. Ahana replied negatively and Vandana left saying she would see her in the next class. Ahana smiled.
“Hi!I AM SAMRAT” She looked behind to see him smiling at her.
She blushed and said “Hi, I am Ahana”
“Its a pleasure to meet you Ahana, You are something to look at”Samrat said
Ahana was surprised. He was hitting on her.
“I mean you are very pretty” Samrat said correcting himself.
“Thank you” Ahana replied
“The pleasure is mine, so Ahana would you like me to show you around ” Samrat offered
“Um sure” she replied
With this they walked out of the class. Ahana believed it was a new beginning. She knew she had met with her prince charming. He looked so charming and cute she could not help but fall for him. It was going to be great she told herself looking at him while he showed her the campus and smiled.
She had no idea what fate had in store for her
Ahana and Samrat had instantly hit off since the first day of college, they exchanged numbers and talked with each other day and night. Ahana was in her happy dream world and she knew she fell for Samrat more and more everyday. So when Samrat asked her out she couldn’t refuse. The next day Samrat borrowed his friends car and Ahana and him went out for a drive during college hours. Ahana had always dreamt of a long drive with her prince. Samrat then asked her if she would like to smoke with him . She knew Samrat smoked, she herself was used to drinking beer but she had never tried smoking anything. She wasn’t expecting this on her first date but then she looked at Samrat and couldn’t refuse thinking he might find it uncool of her. So she accepted the offer and took a cig from him. And this was just the beginning of a story she thought was love .
Chapter 4
It had been a week since their first date and right now she was in her room thinking about her first date with Samrat.
” Dreaming about Samrat again” Arya her roommate asked.
Arya had arrived a week before and they had instantly become great friends. Arya was a great girl sweet chubby yet hot and talked a lot which was kind of adorable as she was naughty yet innocent. Ahana had introduced Arya and Vanadana and they had also become good friends.
Ahana now had two friends Arya and Vandana and she felt so good with them. Whenever the three were together they did not realize how much time had passed.
“Hello come back dreamer” Arya brought Ahana out of her reverie.
“Sorry,i was just…um thinking something ” Ahana muttered
“Something or someone….um let me guess Samrat” Arya teased
Ahana blushed and replied “No nothing like that”
“Ahana i know you love him but be careful ok, there is something about that guy”Arya was genuinely concerned. She herself was in a long distance relationship from four years and felt Ahana was trusting too soon.
“Maybe you are right, i will take it slow”Ahana promised but Arya knew Ahana too well already and knew Ahana would just fall more and more everyday. So Arya just faked a smile praying that Ahana won’t be hurt.