Short Love Story – You
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
It didn’t happen until we were on stage. Though, I didn’t think anything would happen. I thought it was just a nothing but it wasn’t. We did more things at the things at the beginning of the year but nothing developed until that day.
We were moved on stage together, right next to each other. Me and him. And I made him laugh, he made me laugh. Also a week before I told a friend that you were the cutest and now I was starting to develop feelings on this stage. No one knew it though and neither did I.
From then on, things have changed and they could have been better but also could have been worse. The night before the musical was going to happen I wrote a letter explaining that I wanted to be friends and had it ready.
The next day after the program I didn’t give it to you . After Christmas I had a friend give it to you. Though, I later found out that you threw it away.
You hurt my heart so much and I didn’t want to continue to like you. But I still did even with the hurt feelings.
Then it was time for Valentine’s Day. I had a plan to try to meet you somewhere. So I had a friend tell you to meet me in a hallway. When I went to that hallway you ran like a coward. Your friend and other people came and asked what I wanted and I didn’t say anything. And I never said the main reason, which only I know. From that day forward everyone knows and knew that I liked him.
Then I planned a school thing with you, I thought you enjoyed it. I even planned it, kinda because I didn’t do what I wanted to do. After you said it was horrible.
We looked into each other’s eyes but you said it was nothing, which hurt me dearly. Those eyes, they way you looked at me, made me feel so good inside.
You even said other hurtful things that meant, “We will never be together, there is no future.” I don’t know all those things since my friend asked.
But even if you say all these things I still want you. I don’t care about anything except you. Even music, my favorite thing, is below you. I want you.