Love Short Story – All That You Need Is Conviction
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
” This world works like a Black Hole. Everyone and everything is consumed for no reason, no matter what. I believe in my conviction.” said his conscience.
” I take pride in my conviction that you are for me”, he told her.
” There is no other choice for me. Listen to me, you need to move on. You will find a better one”
” There is no way I can see my parents sad for my selfish love “, she told him deliberately staring into his eyes full of tears.
” You should get going.. er…. I guess, your dad will be worrying… Hope you recover soon.. er….Take care and I guess ….er… I will see you later then…” he told her wiping his eyes and taking huge breath.
They both walked away thinking of why did they ran out so soon… It was just four months ago when they met each other turned out to be best friends and he even told her everything about his ex girlfriend and how did it not workout due to some issues with her parents and all and yet she loved him with everything.
For almost fifteen days with no conversations between each other, both started to remember those good old days when they used to wake up at late nights to chat and call, how they used to go shopping with each other, how they used to make excuses from their friends to slip through them and meet in secrecy.
“why is your phone switched off Avi??? Don’t you think I deserve an explanation at least now? Suddenly I get a call from you telling it’s over and that’s it???”, Karan talked to himself hitting the wall in his room.
He did not talk to her almost for twenty days from that day when she called and told him that they are done for and she can’t tell him the reason why.
“I’m so sorry Karan….. oh my god…. I didn’t know this would be so much painful. I don’t wanna talk to you because listening to your voice, I might change my mind and decision… I’m sorry”, Avika cried out of pain ,” I hope you start concentrating on your career and be successful”.
It was almost three years from then where they didn’t talk to each other just have seen each other now and then in college. Karan got a job and he hated doing it due to the automised routine.
” What to do with the success which doesn’t make you happy ?”, karan told to himself holding her photographs in his hand, “this doesn’t make any sense”. But, he believed she would come back for him and all that he could do was waiting..
One day walking down the road by beach all alone late night, karan saw someone badly beat up and full of bloodshed on the road. He hurried to him and took the person to the nearby hospital somehow and was waiting outside the operation theater, when he heard someone crying out loud yelling ” No injections please mamma….. Tell her to replace the medicine to other form please… No”.
It was exactly like Avika used to tell him how much she hated those sharp things. He put up a smile on his face, cleaning his eyes wondering how she would be. Then, a girl sitting on a wheel chair was brought out and karan was gaping at her. She left the place unnoticed and he went to the reception and was shocked to find out when the details turned out that girl to be Avika suffering from cancer.
” I don’t know if to live happy forever with those four months of life with you or stay depressed forever waiting for you to come back. All that I know is Even a professional chef cannot use a sword to chop, other than knife. It is the same for us Avi, you might marry someone else better than me but you belong with me. It is not about his perfection, it is all about your happiness.” said Karan on phone late night to Avika, ” I know you let go of me for my betterment but let me tell you that for the problems you have got let’s fight together, why run away alone??? Marry me Avika”, told karan.
” How did you get this number karan?, why don’t you understand ? I can’t see you having enough with me or adjusting with me. I want you to get a better lady in your life”, told Avika to Karan.
” Remember, I told you that I love you as much as I love my mom because I can be myself with you both?”, asked Karan.
” Yes , I do. what is your point?”, avika.
” Answer my one question and I won’t disturb you”, told Karan.
“Ok karan”, Avika.
” If your mom for some reason wants to get away from you, will you let go of her forgetting everything she did for you back then?”, Karan questioned Avika.
“No, Karan, No way How can someone do that???? “, yelled avika.
” you gave my answer for why am I waiting for you Avi.., similar is for me in your case. There is no way when the day comes I will stop loving you. It is something out of my control related to my heart. I Love you Avi”, cried Karan.
” I love you too Karan. I am so sorry”, said Avika.
Then suddenly Karan woke up by the warmth of a gentle kiss on his cheek . ” Have you been dreaming about you both again dad?”, told Avanthika.
” Yes, He waited way too long and suffered so much for that day when love changed our lives and all it takes is a miraculous moment to realise everything. And, you get ready Avanthika, it’s already getting late for you school”, said Avika.
” Yes mamma.. “, yelled avanthika out of joy.
” Good Morning karan, I love you dear. Now you go get ready soon”, told avika to karan.
” Yes ma’am.. thank you for the coffee and remember all this happened in our life due to my conviction that you are for me..” said karan.
” Miracles don’t simply work for everyone. They work for those who firmly believe an opinion and work for it and live for it . That is conviction, a strong belief or a firm opinion”, said karan to avanthika while she was getting out of car infront of her school.
” Ok pops.. Bye”, Avanthika.