Love Short Story – Rewinding…. Just for you, Joanne.
Photo credit: sssh221 from morguefile.com
Twenty five years have gone since I had visited Madison. We moved to the cities of Alabama soon after you left. You must be smiling my dear little girl, for, your stubborn man finally gave in to the lures of our country home and I had to come back, for you, my love. After a lot of hard work I have convinced Natalie and Josh to let me spend a few days here alone, so I hear, they have cleaned our house and appointed a maid at my service! Can you believe how they have started to parent me? Our kids are grown up now Joe. in fact, our little granddaughter Scarlet is now six and she has got your large brown eyes…your red hair…the same cheeky dimple…and she … she talks just like you, the same old gabble! She calls me ‘Papa’. Nat and Josh takes good care of me. They were worried when I proposed to stay here on my own. But, I’m not alone. You’re going to be with me each moment.
The roads have deteriorated but I find it has quite not changed. The chauffeur tells me, we’re almost there.
My heart skipped a beat Joe! I stopped the car at the old bridge, by the lake. Remember, our first date? That beautiful young girl, dancing her way with a basket of flowers, those huge innocent eyes, batting bashfully, that pretty violet dress! (Nat has carefully kept it safe in her closet) This very place I had proposed our marriage. I searched through my pockets and took our wedding rings, dug a small hole by the lake, and buried them. The dry soil became slightly moist. We reached ‘Number 9 Madison side’, our beloved abode.
The white from the fence has washed away, our garden looks very recently mowed, our house has tinted grey but her beauty is nonetheless! Our porch looks warm. Funny thing Joe, why do I feel, you’re waiting to open the door for me and greet me with that same old breathtaking smile? I see our wooden door, reading “The Lawsons’ “. Mary, my help for the next few days, opened it for me alas! Our living room looks very pleasant, but you were right sweetheart, nobody can decorate all this like you could. The mantelpiece is still that grand, and there we have above it, our picture together, with Josh in your arms. Perfect! I can smell nice food! Look here, dear young Mary has brought me homemade bread, marmalade, bacon fry and some fresh milk!
Now that I’m well fed, I’d like to stroll around this neighborhood for a while. My recent baggage is this walking stick prescribed by Dr. Jonson. I hate to take it but without it, I am nonfunctional.
Oh loving Joe! you wouldn’t believe who I met! Remember Ted? Ted Brandon? My old school buddy? Yes, he recognized me. He was walking with his grandson. Old Ted has a grandson? Now even he has become wise enough it seems. I have called him home for dinner. He said, he will be bringing some other old friends and beer along. Hah! Even my old age cannot subdue my excitement. I know how exactly you can react now so let me tell you, worry not dear, there won’t be too much beer.
The fellow oldies left a while back. It was a wonderful evening. George, Jamie, Stu, Parkar, Hardy from High school and law school, they all came down! And let me tell you, this little kid Mary can cook really well. The oldies looked quite impressed! It was great to know about their lives and whereabouts. But, it was heartbreaking to know that good old Lou died in 99 ! Tomorrow we are meeting up at Hershley’s for breakfast.
P.S. A little bit of beer spilled on the carpet. I know this would make you upset, but we’re all gettin’ old Joe.
Let me take my hot water bag and get up the stairs at once. It’s difficult to climb the stairs you see. Those days are gone when I could take your in my strong arms to the bedroom and make love to you. I cannot wait anymore to see our room. Joe dear, it feels like you’re waiting for me inside wearing your most attractive expression!
Ah! Our room… Joanne Lawson… Joe dear… come to me…
“Matt! Come here honey. I love you so very much. You know, someday we will tell our grandchildren about our love story…”
“Joe Joe Joe, Josh is just one! You silly little dreamer. Come, let’s not think of ‘grand’ ones till we can think of more children…”
“Ohh! That makes sense… But just imagine, we will be grandparents someday! Holy Madison! we will be old.”
“Yes, but my Joe will still be the same kid for me, and sexy too.”
“Oh! Matt……”
Uh, I didn’t realize, I have been sitting for quite a while. In fact, my hot water bag is now really cold— let it be. That wouldn’t harm. Oho! I left my sleeping pills downstairs. Well, what’s the point, when you’re not here… you have left me with this life. Joe…J…
It’s a fine morning, love. Mary tells me, I’d fallen asleep unprepared last night, and called up Nat to complain about the dark patches and tear stains under my eyes. But not to worry Joe, I have taken care of that. I am in love with Madison’s bright morning all over again. I better get dressed. I’m wearing the white shirt you had bought me, with my English blazer on it. I look dandy as per my age! Just that my belly walks ahead of me.
The Hershley’s didn’t change a bit and so didn’t Hershley himself! I just relived my bachelor days. It was such fun! There were a group of young gentlemen, who cracked jokes with us. These kids, so smart. Smarter than you and me Joe. We had hot dog and fries, and for health sake I ordered a milkshake. C’mon! there is milk in it. I know dear, I am having a lot of junk food as they say, but I will restrict myself after lunch. Err… Ted said that Mrs. Brandon was expecting me for lunch. I really couldn’t reject her, could I? Hey Joe, I’m plucking a few fresh purple magnolias on my way back from Hershley’s. Remember, how I used to bring them daily for you after morning walks? Well, Old habits die hard!
Mary has welcomed me with hot water for my bath. I told this poor girl that I’ll have her cooked lunch for my dinner. Now that I’m feeling fresh and never younger, I believe, coming here wasn’t a bad decision after all. Lunch at the Brandons’ was delicious and warm. Ted and his wife are still that romantic you know. I’m sure, we are more charming couple though. Their grandson Luke, is about Scarlet’s age I reckon. He is a sharp chap for his age, and handsome too! And suddenly I am missing my angel Scarlet so much!
I reached home a while back and now I’m sitting at our lawn for my evening tea. Mary is bringing me the cordless so that I can call Scarlet.
“Hello Scarlet! Papa here. How’s my super girl doin’?”
“PAPA! My day at school was so good! I got an ‘A’ in Math and ‘AA’ in Art! Mum told me, even you were good in Art! Is that true papa? Papa, guess what? Dad will be buying me a doll, he has promised! When will you come?”
“Ohhho! My super girl is already doin’ wonders. You make me proud, love. And guess what? You’ll be gettin’ a present from papa as well!”
“Yaaay! I love you papa! And I miss you too. Layla is calling me to play. Talk to you later.”
“Yes, go. Love you.”
This girl made me cry Joe. She is such a bright child, full of life! Just like you… Joe, I miss you. I miss hearing you talk like this in one single breath over our evening tea, about all day’s details. I miss your laughter echoing in my ears… I miss your soft warm touch, caressing my skin… I miss your distant humming while taking your shower… But in spite of all, I have this strong feeling of your presence, here, at this very moment. Are you here, Joe? Well, It’s getting dark, and Mary is calling me for dinner. Tonight she made me a baked fish and chicken salad. Before retiring to our bedroom, I am asking her to take all my belongings upstairs. Till then, I am arranging for a special gift for Scarlet by post, to be delivered next morning.
“She will like it and she will understand. Papa did it for the greater good… and Papa loves her, forever!”
Finally, I am all settled, and tonight I have remembered to bring everything. I have dismissed Mary, and asked her to come back tomorrow at noon. She deserves a small break at the least. Oh well, my blankets! How could I forget?! Let me check the cupboard and drawers.
Joe, guess what I have found? The silver candelabra. It was my last present from you, on our anniversary. It’s all dusty and greasy. I am trying to wipe it off with my shirt. Aaah! Look here, it has got our names etched on it, ‘Mathew loves Joanne’.
I also found our wedding album… very few photos are left. This drawer also has got a letter! Hey, It’s that letter. Your first letter to me! D’you want me to read it out?
Dear Mathew,
I will be going to the market with my girlfriends this Sunday. Meet me at the Madison bridge, near the lake. Thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful. But try giving other flowers than roses, especially red. They arouse suspicion. I will be waiting!
With Love, Joanne.
JOE! Oh my Joe! Where are you? Thank you for calling me here. This was the best time to revisit what was left incomplete. Thank you for bringing me closer to you. I have sprinkled some water on the beautiful magnolias and they smell like you. I feel comfortable now. Let me get the candelabra, your letter and the pictures together.
Matt remembered to take his pills, clutch the three things and go to sleep. The incense of the magnolias lingered. He whispered, “With Love, Joanne, my Joe…”
The following noon, Mary came in, only to find the dry magnolias surrounding, a very still and peaceful Matt.