Love Short Story – The line in between
Photo credit: ecerroni from morguefile.com
When Neha stepped out of her tiny cabin, it was almost 2 a.m. But the streets were still lively with bustling crowd. Taking a sharp turn she saw the young girls and boys waiting in line almost like an school assembly to get tagged to the night parties.
For her this life was a torture. If she had the luxury to do anything at the time of the hour, she would have slept wrapped in her “turtle” blanket! Instead she was heading towards the airport to catch her flight! She was tired. Damn tired.
She decided to scroll down through her numerous messages as she waited for security check to be over. A message from an unknown number was displayed in the notification. If she was anything, she was not someone who read an unknown message from stranger. But her exhaustion had already pulled her to half stupor. Maybe that was the reason that she opened the message.
“Hi it’s me…. It’s my marriage in 15th of next month… I heard that you work in states now… if you come back, do come for the marriage…”
She found herself reading the message again and again. There was something strange within the message. For one instance, there was no address but she very well knew from whom it would have been. Two, even when it was vague she knew how much it would have took him to type it… After all she had been nothing but a pest!
Strange indeed, in the midst of tiring checking she heard herself laughing. How impish she was! For all that matters she was quiet adamant that he was the one… Obviously she felt so! Cause he was one among the person to laugh at her stupid jokes and punch line! If only she knew she was actually a kid with an impish heart!
When it came to him she couldn’t place the feeling. It was a mixture of pure hatred and likeness… it was positively in between. She hated him because he called her an impish kid (which she was), asked do better at works and attitude… She liked him because he tolerated her! Oh well, he really really did tolerate her…
Even as she parted abruptly he still had the sense not to mock her for all the fuss she made up. A gentleman! I suppose. She mused laughing her heart out. Not that she would tell him that but yes he was perfect enough to take every insults and pranks she tried… Gentleman… she again chimed.
By the time the flights landed back she already had made up her mind- “oh I will be coming if only to see your strange expression”. She mused breaking out into a huge smile.