Love Short Story – Decision (Part-2)
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
“Sorry , I had to go for audit work . I was not there where you came to my office. “
It was message from Tanu.
Pranay was relaxed now after reading the message.
“But from where did you get my cell number??” Pranay asked.
“Arey!! You forget. It is in the material you mailed me.” Tanu replied.
“Is this your personal number? “ Pranay asked the common question most of boys asked while getting girl’s number.
“Yup. Tc . Catch you later.” Tanu tried to end the conversation.
“take care.” Pranay replied.
Next day was routine day for Pranay.
“So, you are interested in the girl. I think.” Anuj asked Pranay.
“What?? No way. I have very little interaction with her.” Pranay tried to save himself.
“Oh!! Really ? I read your conversation with her on g talk. I don’t think it is small. It is interesting actually. “ Anuj continued teasing.
“What?? Why did you do that? I mean it is personal things. Why did you touch my system? “ Pranay annoyed.
“ Ha! Ha! I had not read. I am just teasing you. I don’t have the password. My dear friend !” Anuj gave some relaxation to Pranay.
Pranay smiled.
“ya, the girl is nice. I only know some things about her but I am feeling deep attraction. I thought she might be of 22 but I was wrong. There is very less gap between our ages. Funny thing is that she told her age very easily which any normal girl will never do. I like her cuteness and innocence. “
Pranay started sharing with his best friend.
“And her beauty?”Anuj asked with smiling.
“Of course, she is beautiful.Her fair skin, her black eyes, her pink lips and her beautiful smile… I can’t forget that face.” Pranay answered in positive and smiled.
“ You should go ahead if you like her. “ Anuj was happy for his friend.
“No, there are many PANGAS in luv shuv. I am happy in liking. I also don’t know what she is thinking. I don’t want to act like a fool” Pranay told.
But foolish thing was happened.
After getting numbers, Pranay and Tanu stayed connected through messaging and phone calls. They also started to go outside together in group circles. It was the other thing that both were not committed for love yet. But both started enjoying company of each other. Pranay, Tanu and Anuj were good friends now. Pranay also inspired Tanu to give lectures on CPE and enhance her knowledge. Tanu got guidance of Pranay and Anuj. They all attended seminars together and discussed the professional matters.
Pranay was senior so he always helped Tanu in taxation matters. Slowly they started sharing personal matters with each other. Financial condition of Pranay was not good before but Pranay did hard work and crossed CA. After that he found the job of good company. He was always hard working and dedicated to work. Tanu liked this thing of Pranay very much. Pranay was elder son and his brother was doing CPT. Pranay’s father was not doing any work due to ill health. So the responsibility for home was on Pranay. That’s why Pranay was always concerned about money.
Tanu’s situation was different. Financial condition of her family was very good. She was younger child and had one elder brother. Tanu had only one goal in life and that was CA. She felt happy after crossing the exam and now searching for good job. But now she also started to dream other thing and that was Pranay. Yes, the nature and intelligence of Pranay touched Tanu’s heart. She became very eager to meet him or talk with him. Now Pranay was important person of his life. She loved when he gave compliments to her, took care of her, felt bit jealous when she talked much with Anuj or any other boy. She slowly started falling in love. But feelings of Pranay were unrevealed to Tanu.
At that evening , Pranay and Tanu went to cinema. They went to see the movie, “Yeh Jawani hai deewani.” Tanu was crazy fan of Ranbir Kapoor (The bollywood Star) and very excited to see the movie. Pranay was not as excited but it was Tanu’s wish so he gave her company. It was 9.30 pm and both were returning in Pranay’s car.
Cold air was touching Tanu ‘s chik and nose and she felt very happy and calm.
“Anuj is nice guy. What you say?” Tanu told pranay.
“Ya, he is my best friend. Why are you remembering Anuj today? What is the matter? I think you like him. “ Pranay started teasing.
“ No, I like someone else. Someone steals my heart.”
“Then find it or contact the police.” It was very difficult to open the mouth of Pranay.
“The thief is in front of me.” Tanu told with courage and hold his hand firmly..
“We are late.” Pranay put the hand on steering and tried to avoid the conversation.
“ I want the answer Pranay.” Tanu urged.
“I don’t have.” Pranay was firm.
Pranay stopped the car near Tanu’s house and she went in home with lots of confusion and irritation.
Next day Tanu tried to contact Pranay but he did not pick the phone of Tanu. Tanu was angry now.
“What is my mistake , Pranay? Don’t behave like this. I know you are also feeling the same. Don’t try to hide now.” Tanu messaged Pranay on watts app.
“ I am in meeting. I will talk to you tomorrow. “ Pranay replied. Now Tanu had no option. So she decided to wait.
Pranay and Tanu met near office of Tanu.
Tanu saw his face with surprise.
“ why are you behaving like this? We both love each other and there is no problem now.”
“You don’t know anything. My parents will not be ready for this and accept us. Out casts and financial conditions are different. It will become issue.”
“No, dear, we can tackle every condition by love. We can explain them. I know. We both are CA and suitable for each other.” Tanu tried to convince Pranay.
“Then tell me that you don’t love me and I will leave you alone.”
“I can’t “
“Then feel that emotion and allow me to love you. My heartbeat is remembering you all the time. I want to see in your eyes whole life. I want to laugh with you and cry on your shoulder. You don’t know how valuable you are for me. You are precious for me and I will not let you go.”
“Stop, else I can’t control my emotions.” Pranay put his fingers on Tanu’s lips.
Tanu closed her eyes and invited Pranay to kiss.
It was first kiss of Pranay and Tanu. It was for few seconds but it connected their souls.
Finally they both decided to be together.
The days passed easily. Tanu became very close to Pranay now. Pranay was also feeling the same. They both dreamed future together. They stayed together all the time. Tanu also got the job in Pranay’s office. She was assisting Anuj in Accounting Department. Now Pranay and Tanu had great opportunity for being with each other. They came to office together, ate together, and stole some time between works to connect with each other. They were now love birds of office. Anuj was happy for both of them. But lover many times forgot the reality. A big turn of life was waiting for Pranay and Tanu.
(To be continued)