S.A.T.C – the desi version!
Photo credit: ecerroni from morguefile.com
3 girls, the city is Bombay, the location is a wine bistro, the topic MEN!!!
When your 25, single and fairly successful there is just the one thing that runs through your mind, this is my desi version of the SATC *
Bombay is a city to fall in love, it’s the city to date, it’s the city to drink, it’s the city to make money, and it’s the city to spend in. There are women of all kinds here, single, miserable, successful, super successful. There are women of all styles here, the ones who know the labels the one who want the labels and the one who can’t care less.
It’s the city where women can stay out late in pubs, it’s the city where women can drink alone, where pick up lines actually work, and where you are bound to find someone in the strangest ways.
When you are in Bombay you better be looking for something, because the chase… its fun!
But when you’re 25 and lived your whole life here, you have mastered the workings of the city, you know the places, you know your drinks, you know your style, but what you don’t know is why are you still single.
Single in a city that has everything!
From all my fleet of girlfriends some have found the Mr. right , some are okay with Mr. right now, but some of us, my single girls, are wondering… do I want the Mr. right.. right now?
So we let the confusion prevail, (with our mother’s voice buried wayyy in the background who is constantly remind you … of how the clock is ticking).
There are types – the ones who are head over heels with you, and if given a chance would marry you tomorrow!! – We don’t like such types, they seem desperate and looser-ish since they seem completely incapable of using their charm but most importantly they seem boring! Maybe its true, nice guys do finish last!
Then there are the overly charming, wayy out of your league ones – we probably would engage in mental intercourse with such men, but we don’t want them, not really, too good is too dangerous.
Then there are the ones who think they are too good, and that there is a something better out there. Well, its simple… they are just living their player boy fantasy and we are just not interested.
The ones we do go out with most of the times are the quintessential confused types – they are smart, they are intelligent they are right now and could be right forever, but since we are confused too it ends in more complication. End result is probably a few dates a little more and it’s all over… the fizz, it’s gone!
Breakups also have a pattern when your 25, the top lines still remain:
I think you deserve someone better
I don’t want to ruin our friendship and
I don’t think I am ready for it right now
But here’s some simple truth,
We too like our space, have our set of friends, we are not desperately looking out, we know bollywood films are fake and our fantasies are not based on that at all. We can discuss economy and stock markets. Shopping is not a waste of money it’s actually an investment.
But when your 25 it scares most men, they think you are in that age where you are looking for marriagle commitment.
Well let’s clear this right now, we are not interested in frivolous relationships, but marriage is equally scary for us as it is for you.
So credit us with some brains, we don’t make such decisions overnight. No cupid strikes us with an arrow, the dagger actually makes its way in slowly and its f-ing painful.
Having said that, we take pleasure in ambiguity..Its fun, we love our independence and live every moment of it to the fullest. We have our own dreams and they don’t revolve around men… so if you think your have a chance with us… make an appointment, for we are busy enjoying our life!!
*SATC: sex and the city