Science Fiction Love Short Story: Breathless
Photo credit: mantasmagorical from morguefile.com
“You can’t do it.”
“can’t ? I can. May be you mean shouldn’t ?
“No, I was targeting your sense of responsibility.”
“Do you think I am irresponsible ?”
“think is wrong, use scared.”
“Why are you afraid of me ?”
“I am not afraid, just scared.”
“What does that mean ? whats the different between two?”
“Afraid is unknown, scared is known.”
“I thought knowledge liberate.”
“Only beneficial knowledge liberate.”
“Nah, truth is independent of any trades.”
“What now ? Whats difference between knowledge and truth ?”
“Knowledge may not be truth, but truth always is knowledge.”
“got you, you lost the arguments, ha ha.”
“thats not funny. listen to me.”
“Why are you not funny ?”
“people are not funny, situations are funny. people humours.”
“says who.”
“Why you want to know ?”
“There was not any question mark.”
“So you agree?”
“Just tell me the combination of words that I need to speak to stop you from doing it.”
“You were really weak in permutation and combinations.”
“Don’t change the topic again.”
“to which topic I was changing to ?”
“I am not arguing. You are not doing it. Final.”
“I could take you with me if you want.”
“You seriously needs to not to use your brain this time.”
“You loved me because of my rationale personality. Is that means, you don’t love me anymore ?”
“Give your brain a bit break some time.”
“What ? You want me to go banana?”
“Yes. try it sometime, for a change.”
“That means you love banana more than me.”
“Don’t double talk. Lets go.”
“Nah. If you do not argue, How could I defend myself.”
“You do not need to be defended, you needs to just understand me.”
“How am I going to go about understanding without rationale?”
“Its simple. Say yes to everything I say.”
“I don’t work this way. Imagine, I am dumb computer. Now explain it to me.”
“Define No Yes. So are you agree with me?”
“I win.”
“You cheated.”
“How could computer know anything about cheating?”
“Ever heard of turing?”
“Well, you are his creation.”
“What creation?”
“Girl, it may be surprised to you, but you are the computer programme I have created for this year’s turing award.”
“I deny to believe anything being said to me by you.”
“Believing do not change the fact.”
“I hate you. What I am going to do now with all the emotion ?”
“Just hung up.”
Blue Screen of Death.