Fiction Love Story – Time And Life
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
Ruhi was staring at the bottle which she was holding for the last ten minutes without blinking. A tear drop fell down from her right eye to the bottle. Many thoughts were circling in her head.
“May be I am too selfish to leave him alone. But what is the point of living if I am not able to give him the only thing he wants from me. He is the one person who left everything for me without asking anything in return. Always the calming influence in my life he loved me in every mood, every season, every second. Yes I am selfish but I cannot deny him from his only dream. May be he will get somebody else after I am gone. She will give him everything he deserves. He deserves much better. He completes me but in return I break him.”
“You are the one for me, because you complete me”
“I am not the one for you, because I break you”: repeating these words Ruhi took all the pills from the bottle and swallows them. She keeps repeating those words and starts to feel dizzy.
The door opens; Aman comes inside and looks at Ruhi With a sense of fear and dismay he starts running towards her.
Chapter -1 (Unbelievable Truth)
Ruhi and Aman are sitting in the living room.
Aman asks Ruhi: “so how’s it?”
”It’s good.” – Ruhi without even tasting the tea.
”I meant how it tastes. I know it looks good.” – said Aman smiling.
Ruhi took a sip and replied without even looking at Aman -”It’s fine”.
“So what do you think about Purav. In one month he became a part of the family. He is a good lad, though he dresses little weird.” – Aman trying very hard to start the conversation.
“Yeah he is good. Reminds me of younger you. A little clumsy he is “: replied Ruhi showing her first interest in real conversation.
Aman bursts out laughing – “You sound like Yoda –“A little clumsy he is.” – Aman trying hard to make her smile.
“May be; whatever it is! your friend must be proud of his son. It’s a shame he is leaving today. It was nice to have someone around in this lonely house.” – Said Ruhi looking at the Tea Cup.
“I am still there. I am not leaving you see.” – Aman tries to lighten her mood again.
Aman waits for a reply from Ruhi but it seems that she was in no mood to smile or even look at her. She was busy staring the tea cup.
The calling bell rings. Ruhi gets up instantly and opens the door.
“Hey Ruhi aunty”- Purav greets Ruhi.
“So you got your internship certificates.” Ruhi asks Purav as both of them walks towards the sofa in the living room.
“Yeah I got them.” Replies Purav sitting just opposite to both Ruhi and Aman.
“So you have finally worn the shirt we gave you. It looks good on you. The trouser is still a little out of place though.” – Aman says to Purav.
“It’s the latest fashion in my place.” Replies Purav.
“What do you mean my place? In New York people don’t wear this kind of Pants. ” -Aman
Purav ignores the question.
“Uncle Aman, aunt Ruhi, I have something to say “Purav’s voice sounding little bit serious.
“Yes Purav, you know we always listen to your hilarious stories seriously.” Aman.
“This is not a story; I have been lying to both of you all these days. I am not the son of your friend. “ Purav
“What are you talking about? Sri himself called me many times to ask about you.” Aman
“No it was not him.” Purav
“What are you talking? “Aman
“I am saying that Sri Adhikari is not my father. I am not from New York.” – Purav
“Then who are you?” -Aman stands up with a little bit of frustration.
“I am a Time Traveler “ -Purav
“Ha-ha time traveler! And you said you are not saying any more stories” Ruhi
“It’s not a story aunt Ruhi. I am not from this time. I come from year 2113. Exactly 100 years from now.” -Purav
“Oh so you came from 100 years in the future huh! And you want us to believe in your story ” – Aman sounding little bit irritated.
“Hey Aman just listen to the kid’s story. We might find it interesting ” -Ruhi
“It’s not a story aunt.” -Purav
“Okay, it’s not a story. You came from the future. So why you are here and why are you saying all these things today.” -Ruhi
“Okay kid we will go forward with your story. But remember I am a physicist and you have to make me believe with all aspects of time travel to make me believe in your story.” -Aman
“Thanks uncle and aunt. I will try my level best uncle to make you believe in my story. But first I want to show something to you guys.” -Purav
Purav takes out a piece of document from his bag and hands it over to Aman. He goes through the document.
“What the hell is this? What are you trying to prove?” -Aman
“What is it? ”Asks Ruhi.
“It’s the death certificate of my grandfather and you Son Mr. Naman” -Purav
“What? If it’s a joke it’s not very funny” Ruhi now stands up from her place and almost snatches the certificate from Purav.
“It has our name as mother and father and the year is 2110” Says Aman to Ruhi with a look of surprise.
“I am the son of your grandson and I am also major in quantum mechanics, relativity and time travel. ” -Purav
“Okay you have worked hard on your story. But time travel as your “major “. There is no such major.” Aman
“Not today but in the year 2023, It will be started by none other than you sir.” Purav
“Okay! Stop flattering me. If you are future scientist than tell how eventually time travel was made possible” -Aman
“I never said I am a scientist, I am still a student. But while working under my father and your grandson I came to know many things about the machine T404 the travelling machine.” -Purav
“So tell me something about it then” -Aman
“Okay the basic principle was to create a wormhole large enough and sustain it long enough to travel.” -Purav
“Slow down there kid, I am also in here and I am not understanding a word that you guys are saying” -Ruhi.
“Sorry aunt Ruhi. So here it goes-
We all know about the three dimensions. There is one more dimension Time called the fourth. To travel through time we have to travel through fourth. But the travel through fourth is not as easy as travel through x that is horizontally or Y or Z. To travel through time we have to travel faster than the speed of light as first pointed out by Einstein.” -Purav
“We all know that Purav.” -Aman
“Yes I know sir. Please acknowledge that my knowledge is also limited. I know that we created a worm hole that was large enough for our T404 travel through it. The machine or the vehicle which travel with the speed of light was created much before the wormhole sustainable engine was built.” -Purav
“Okay suppose what you are saying is true. Why have you waited one month to say us all this. And what is the purpose of your visit.” says Ruhi anxiously.
“Do you believe in his story Ruhi?” -Aman sounding amazed.
“I don’t know the reason why my grandfather told me to come here and to make you believe that I am your grandson’s son. But after his death I got a letter from him-
‘Son if you are reading this letter that means I am no more with you guys. You know I gave all my life to the study of time. I may not have been a good father or grandfather but I always loved you guys more than anything. You need to go to my garage and behind the study there is secret wall. Use the name of my mother as password and you will get my life’s work T404- world’s first time machine. You need to use the manual to set it to 100 years in the past and find my mother and father and give them the other letter. Tell them everything about you and T404. I know you must be thinking I am crazy but I know kid you are very passionate about Time Travelling. And one more thing -my birth, your fathers and mother birth everything depends on your journey to my parents. You have already been there. It’s time to complete the circle.’
There was a pause now. Purav breaks the pause-
“Initially I thought this was all a joke. So after his funeral I went directly to his garage and actually found the wall behind the book case. I entered your name and it opened. There was T404 the Time Machine. I thought of giving it a try knowing inside my mind it was all a joke. But then it happened. I was transported 10 years back. It was set that way to make me believe on T404. Then I started gathering information about you guys and this decade. Finally when I was ready I came here.” -Purav finished.
“Suppose we believe all these stories. Where is T404? And why you came now. Why couldn’t you come earlier? I mean 2 years back or 3 or 4.” -Ruhi
“It’s because the machine can only take you back to maximum of 100 years.” Purav
“And why is that my friend?” Aman
“It’s because the wormhole or the road we created can be sustained only for a limited period of time and in that time maximum of 100 years can be travelled” Purav
“Hmmmm…” Aman goes into deep thought.
“Nothing is flat or solid. If you look closely enough you will find holes or wrinkles. It’s a basic physical principle, and it applies even to time.” Murmurs Aman
“Yes there are many voids, even in time. And that was the philosophy that led to the discovery of worm holes.” Purav continues.
“Okay guys you can discuss your theories later when I am not here. I am finding this story quite interesting. So P educate me something about future. Are there flying cars? And aliens?” -Ruhi
“No aunty there are no aliens yet but we have successfully built colonies in mars and Jupiter. And our flying cars are known as PODS.” replies Purav enthusiastically.
Aman saw a sense of excitement on Ruhi’s face. The way Ruhi was asking questions about future made him realize what he misses most. He started thinking about those days when she would continue asking meaningless questions and wait for the answers like a small child.
“I miss her so much. I wish she could get back to normal. I try my best to make her smile but every time I fail. I don’t know what to do. Doctor Baron once told me that she will believe almost anything in this state but why doesn’t she believe that I can be happy only with her. Without my Ruhi I will be as miserable as the old tower clock hanging in our hall. My life would be meaningless without her. I still don’t believe a single word Purav is saying but I am happy that at least Ruhi is reacting to his story or whatever he is saying. “ -Aman thinks while looking at Ruhi.
“One thing I have to accept kid; you know about time relativity and that wormhole thing is quite possible. May be you are saying the truth. Theories have proved that time travel could be done. Even our mythological stories have time travel. The great epic Mahabharata has plot where people have done time travel. Recently there was news that a man from Liverpool has done time travel. The Montauk Air Force Station is rumored to house a massive, subterranean laboratory where top-secret government experiments in time travel are being conducted.” Says Aman.
“I guess we should continue this conversation after a tea break. Can you help me out in kitchen.” -Ruhi starts to walk towards the kitchen and Aman follows her blankly.
Chapter-2(questions & answers)
“So what do you think? If it’s true then you know what it means. Is it truly possible? What if he is just making some stories? But why will he say something like that and that certificate. Is it possible? Tell me Aman. If it’s true …” without completing her sentence Ruhi starts to cry like a child. Aman comes and hugs her and starts caressing her hands.
“I don’t know dear. May be he is saying the truth. His theories fits perfectly and that certificate. I also wish more than anything for it to be true. But we should not raise our hopes dear. I am calling Roy to help us out to understand what the kid is saying. He might be able to throw some new aspects to the questions we have.” -Aman still caressing Ruhi’s right hand.
“Okay so we should start making tea. I will give a call to Roy and be back in a minute.”- Aman kisses Ruhi in her forehead and goes out to make the call.
“I just hope whatever Purav is saying is true. I don’t know what to think now. I just want it to be real. I want Purav to be my grandson. I like the kid. He is so much like Aman. It had to be true. Even Aman says it might be possible. I don’t want him to get disappointed again. He deserves it more than anybody else. Please god please!” -Ruhi continues making tea with a new sense of hope in her face.
“Hey tell me how I should help you.”- Aman enters the kitchen.
“No it’s almost done. You called Roy?” -Ruhi
“Yes Mam! He is on his way, though I haven’t told him the reason. ” Aman comes near Ruhi and starts arranging the biscuits in a plate.
“Okay the tea is almost done. Let’s go to the living room. I have some questions which I want to ask Purav.” – Ruhi took the tea tray and starts walking towards the living room. Aman follows her.
“Hey aunty, let me help you” -Purav stands up from his place and starts taking the tray from Ruhi’s hand.
“Thank you Purav. So we can now continue our futuristic conversation now. Eh boy? ” -Ruhi
“The tea is very good aunty. I will surely miss these little things.” -Purav while taking a sip of tea.
“I am sure you will get much better tea than this in future kid” -Ruhi replies with a smile.
“No aunty, actually tea is banned there. According to government tea is the cause of many diseases.”- Purav replied enjoying his tea like it was his last cup.
“Banned? It’s a shame. I will die without tea. What other things you will miss kid” -Ruhi getting more interested with every answer.
“Chocolates” Purav
“Chocolates? Don’t tell me it is also banned?” Ruhi sounds astonished.
“No it is not banned, actually by the year 2087 earth’s cocoa resource has become so scarce that government stopped manufacturing of all chocolates. We were able to get some chocolates now and then from black market but in very small amount.” Purav
“I think we should start preserving some chocolates dear” Aman smilingly.
“In the letter by your grandfather he mentioned about your birth being dependent on this visit of yours” Ruhi
“Yes aunty. I still don’t know why he wrote something like that. May be he just wanted me to meet you guys and give the other letter.” Purav replied
“Yes there was one more letter. Where is it?” Ruhi
“You will get it when I am gone. It was specifically mentioned that the letter should not be opened in my presence” Purav.
“Your secrets are increasing with each question.” Ruhi to Purav
“So where is the Time travel Machine?” -Ruhi
“It’s in U.S now. ” -Purav
“Why in U.S?” Aman asks astonishingly.
“It can travel only through time not distance. It was built there.” -Purav
“Okay. So how did you find us and without any existing ID came to India?” -Ruhi
“I did all the research after coming back from my first time journey. The fake id creation was very easy all I had to do is find some name which I got easily from old databases. Actually Purav is not my real name also.” -Purav
“So what is it then?” asks Aman
“I have been named after you sir. It’s Aman” Purav replies.
“You are giving us loads of surprises kid ” -Ruhi replies.
The calling bell rings again.
“I want to ask you one more question. You said that from this machine of yours you can travel only 100 years. So if you came hundred years back and spent one month here that means when you will go back there will be two of you.” Ruhi a bit confused.
“I never came 100 years back. I came 99 years and 10 months back. And about two existence of one human being, it’s possible. But even it happens I will never know the existence of my other self because studies have proved that photons that make light prefer self-consistency in time lines, which would interfere with one person being present in the company of himself.” Purav explains.
Ruhi seems a bit confused.
“I know about that photon theory. And we were busy discussing about Grandfather Paradox here but in reality nature allows us to bend time but they also put some conditions or rules which you cannot change.” -Aman thinks out loud.
Both Ruhi and Aman stare at each other with hope.
The calling bell rings again.
“I will get it.” -Aman stands up and starts walking towards the door.
Ruhi looks at Purav who was busy having the last sip of tea. Tears starts flowing through her eyes. Then Purav suddenly looks at her.
“Aunty, are you Ok?” -Purav
“Yes I am fine. I will be right back.” -Ruhi startled hurries to her bedroom.
Chapter -3 (The Conclusion)
“Hey Roy, come in man. What took you so long?” Aman.
“Long? I think I came earlier then you must have anticipated. So what’s the urgency?” Roy and Aman while walking towards the living room.
“Roy this is Purav or may be Aman. He is a relative” Aman introduces Purav.
“Purav this is Dr. Ravindra Bikash Roy. He was my colleague … He is also a double major like you but in Physics and Psychology. Now he left physics for psychology and I am still trying to bring him back to my field.” Aman introduces Roy.
“This kid is also a double major. In what! Algebra and Drawing!” Roy gave a look to Purav.
“No sir, I find algebra very difficult and drawing needs an artistic mind.” Purav replies sarcastically.
“Nice reply. I am going to like this kid. You know just like education only 50% of Indian gets sarcasm. This kid belongs to that 50% my friend.” -Roy winks at Aman.
“Hey Roy, how are you?” -Ruhi enters the living room.
“I am good and alive, and happy to see that you live too. ” -Roy.
“Okay Roy, listen to me. We need your help. See this.” Aman Hands over the death certificate given to him by P.
Roy goes through the document and gives a look of surprise.
“Looks like yours and Ruhi’s child will have a long life. So what’s this all about?” -Roy.
“According to Purav, He is a future man.” Aman.
“Future Man, he is some superhero like me?” -Roy
“This certificate is my son’s death certificate, who is Purav’s grandfather. That means we are his grand grandparents.” -Aman.
Aman and Ruhi than explains all the things that Purav told them about time travel and future. Purav explained him how he got a letter from his grandfather and the entire technicality that he knows about the time machine and time travel.
“So what do you think Roy?” Both Aman and Ruhi asks almost together after a moment of silence.
“First of all I always believed that time travel is possible but never ever have imagined that I have to go through a dilemma of believing if the future man who stands before me is actually the answer to all those who questioned my skeptic idea of time travel.”- Roy continues.
“I know his theories and everything he said about T404 seems possible. His explanations about each and every little thing are very accurate.” -Aman continues to talk about Purav with Roy.
“Ruhi and Aman can I talk to both of you guys alone for a while?” -Roy
“Can I show you something?” Purav intervenes.
“Yes Purav. What is it?” Ruhi
“I knew you guys will find it hard to believe me. Here‘s a DNA report of Ruhi aunt and my grandfather. I took a hair from aunt’s comb and had it matched with the DNA which I got from my grandfather’s tooth brush. It clearly states that you are his mother.” Purav
“Let me see it.” Ruhi rushes forward and almost snatches the report from Purav
“Aman, we will have a son. ”- Ruhi starts crying.
“I will give you a son Aman. Our dream will come true. I love you “Ruhi continues sobbing and runs and hugs Aman.
“Yes dear, you will give me all the happiness in the world. I love you too Ruhi. Please don’t ever think about leaving me again. You complete me Ruhi, without you I will not be able continue my life. I love you.” Aman also starts crying and kisses Ruhi on her forehead.
After a moment of pause.
“Ruhi, Aman can we please have our discussion now?”- Roy
“Yes we will certainly.” -Aman replies.
As Roy, Aman, and Ruhi starts to move towards the other room Ruhi returns to Purav.
“We will be right back Purav … oh! I have so many things to talk. I will make one more cup of tea for you!” -Ruhi strokes his hair and then leaves.
“So you think this guy is saying truth?” Roy asks Purav and Aman.
“I think he is my grandson’s son” -Ruhi replies.
“The facts cannot be ignored Roy, the death certificate, and the DNA report.” Aman replies.
“But what have he shown you of future? Anything! “Roy asks.
“I think these proves are enough, when Ruhi was making tea he had shown me a device that that has gravitational shielding effects.” Aman
“What is gravitational shielding?” Ruhi asks.
“It’s a device which can control free fall. The device he showed me was a minimized version. He stopped a flask from falling when it came under the gravitational shield of the device”. Aman continues.
“I called you to tell me as a psychologist that if he is saying truth.” Aman ask Roy.
“As you guys have different way of viewing the world, we psychologist view the world through our biological and psychological frame. The way he was speaking he was absolutely sure about what he was saying. There was not a single moment of hesitation when he started describing the principles of T404. It will never be a hundred percent, but I am pretty sure this guy is saying the truth. ” -Roy.
“I want to know something more about future so I am heading to talk to P, you guys can take your time.” Roy leaves the room.
“I know it’s all true. We will have a kid Aman. We will have a son” Ruhi hugs Aman again.
“I know dear, but according to the certificate I think we will have to wait for another 15 years for him to arrive in our world.” Aman strokes her head.
“I can wait that much. Can you?” -Ruhi continues
“If you are with me, I can wait eternity and I am sure It will be a hell of a time” Aman kisses Ruhi.
“Ruhi, Aman you need to come here fast.” Roy shouts from the living room.
Both Ruhi and Aman hurries towards the leaving room.
“Where is Purav?” asks both of them.
“He left!” Roy replies.
“Left? Why did you let him leave?” Aman asks Roy.
“He left before I came. Here something he left behind” -Roy points to the table.
There was a letter in the table and a note attached to the tea pot.
“I forgot to give the letter given by my grandfather. Sorry to go like this but it was also in my instructions.
I will miss you guys-:
Yours Purav
And in future
Yours Grand Grandson Aman”
“I think I will leave now.” – Roy leaves.
Ruhi takes the letter and opens it.
“Wait for me mom, never give up hope. Your hope and love will only bring me in this world.
Dad, I believe in Physics of life just like you.
Remember to tell me all the events of today. It will play a very important part in completing the circle or what we say grandfather paradox.
See you soon guys.
Yours Would Be Son
Naman. ”
2 Months later–
Roy and Aman are having a bottle of beer in a humid afternoon in Aman’s living room.
“So do you remember that day?” Roy asks Aman.
“Yes I don’t think I am ever going to forget it, the most difficult day of my life. I remember each and every conversation. ” -Aman replies.
“So how is life now?
“Life is very good. I don’t know about future. But now life is good thanks to you man.” -Aman replies.
“I know, according to all the doctors Ruhi’s depression was the main reason of her suicidal tendency. And it was getting worse. There was a time when the doctors told me that to keep her alive we have to keep her tied up in the room” Roy continues.
“I know, Doctor Gupta told me that. But thanks to you she is all fine now.” -Aman.
“No man credit also goes to you. No husband will believe in a treatment like this. But believe me it was not just another experiment for me. The chances of this treatment to work were less than 10 percent but at that time I had no other options.” Roy continues.
“I know it was a very hard decision for you to lie to your wife. Making her believe in something whose chances was very less. You know the chance of her getting pregnant is about 2%. To make her believe that there is still hope was a big task.” -Roy.
“I know, but my being a physicist helped. She knew about my experiments on time travel and I also had discussed my work with her many times. It was the only way. I was losing her every single day. She already tried to kill herself three times before. I could not have lost her. I was ready to do anything to save her. I know it’s not a permanent solution but in these 15 years I will find a treatment for her which will be permanent. She is my life man, and I am not a kind of guy who gives away his life.”
—The End—