Short Story School Love – Writing About Us
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Killing Douglas seemed like a better idea than shifting to a whole new location. There would not be any new introductions to make or unnecessary awkward meetings to endure. Yup! Killing Douglas would be a great idea. I look up from my laptop, hunting for inspiration. People from my class are as usual seated in groups, some studying, some playing charades, some just singing randomly.
I look at Jignesh and his group. Ana, one of his group members has recently shifted from Banglore and was the new entrant in his group. Maybe I should talk to her and get a new perspective on moving.
“Having a writer’s block?” My best friend, Eden asks.
“Yeah.., I’m thinking of a plot twist… But I’m not sure how to go about it,” I tell her
“So what’s the current situation? In the book?”
“Well, Patrick and Rene are dating and it’s been…..”
“What??? DATING? When did that happen? You should really learn to keep me updated,” Eden says indignantly.
“I will. Tumhe apne boyfriend se fursat mile toh!” I retort, regretting it as soon as the words are out of my mouth.
Eden, however doesn’t seem to detect the anger in my tone and blushes furiously.
“Ummm.. About that….,” she starts to say.
“Yeah! Whatever!” I say then quickly continue, “As I was saying, they’re dating and..”
“Wait! How did they start dating? Wasn’t Douglas going to confess his love for Rene?? Did he not?” She asks
“Well! No. He chickens out.” Just like I chickened out, I add mentally. “And Patrick asks her out and she says yes.”
“Well! I could’ve sworn Rene liked Douglas better,” Eden says thoughtfully.
We sit in comfortable silence as the rest of our classmates all start singing ‘Rang de tu mohe Gerua’.
“So what are you going to do? You must have some options..” Eden asks
When I don’t respond she shakes me a little, “Earth to, Carly”
I look at her a bit guiltily and tell her my 2 options. As expected she freaks out.
“NOOOO!!” She yells, her eyes wide in disbelief. The entire class stops singing and turns to look at us.
“She’s planning on killing Douglas!” She yells miserably. The entire class gasps in unison. I roll my eyes at them and say, “He’s just a character!”
Eden narrows her eyes at me and pokes me in my shoulder and says, “You made us fall in love with him and you just want to kill him off?? You are inhuman!”
The rest of the class nods earnestly.
I throw my hands in defeat and say, “Well, Rene chose Patrick. There really is nothing I can do!”
Eden looks at me all confused, “You are the author. You can do whatever you want! Kill Patrick. No one loves him as much.”
“No!” I say adamantly. “What’s done is done!”
“Then maybe you should’ve made Douglas tell Rene how he feels.” A voice says from the door. We all turn to see Kenneth, leaning leisurely at the doorframe. “Given her a chance. A choice.”
Eden squeals and rushing into his arms while I avert my gaze. My classmates begin to talk all at once to him cause, well, everybody loves Kenneth…… even me. Anybody who’s known the 3 of us for the past 5 years would know that my story ‘Maybe”, is based on us. But most people don’t know us for that long and Eden is too in love with the male version me, Douglas, to see it.
I’d assumed Kenneth never has and never will read a girly book so I thought I was in the clear. But Kenneth apparently has read the book and I could feel his gaze burn my face.
“Carly,” He called out as he released himself from Eden’s embrace and walked towards me. I looked at him and knew from the look on his face that he knew. Kenneth knew! I think I was trembling by the time he sat himself on d seat next to me.
“So I read you book,” He says
“Uh-huh!” My reply non committal
“Is there something you would like to tell me?” He asks, almost urges.
“No,” I reply faintly.
“So you are ok with this right?” he asks.
“Ok with what?”
“Eden and me…?”
I look at him for a while and ask, “Why wouldn’t I be?” I also manage to put in a laugh there. Why haven’t I tried acting yet? “You guys have been dating for almost 2 months. Why are you asking me about it now?”
“Not about the dating….” He starts slowly.
My heart stops. I look at Eden who’s smiling like she’s won a million dollar lottery. No! No! No! No! He couldn’t have asked her to marry him!! We’re 21!! Who gets married at 21!! Oh God! He’s going to marry her and they’re going to have beautiful kids and I’ll be their favourite aunt cause I will always have time for them cause I will never marry and Kenneth and Eden will never know…..
“About the break up..” He concludes.
I’m free falling. From the highest mountain. I can’t see or feel a thing. I think I also have trouble breathing and when I try to talk, a croak escapes me which Kenneth identifies as “Br..Break up?”
“Yeah Break up,” Eden saying coming towards me and then kneels in front of me. “Turns out Kenneth has always been in love with someone else.”
“He has?” I ask. I dare not hope. I dare not hope.
He takes my hands and makes me look at him. “Carly?” he says softly the question clear in his eyes. I take one cursory look at Eden who looks happier than ever and whisper back, “Yes!”
The entire class goes ‘awwww’ as we hug.