Love Short Story – Those Two In Love
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
Look at those two. Sitting there, side by side, thinking about each other even though they are just inches away. A couple in love, thinking they are the luckiest people in the world.
Me? Nah. I am just sitting there beside them observing how they show each other their love. And missing my special person. No. You don’t need to know my name. How does it matter anyway? You’ll read this and then forget about it and go on with your uninteresting and boring lives. I am not being condescending. It’s just that, here, my own life has become so uninteresting in itself that I am forced to condescend other people’s lives so that I don’t die of boredom. When I was with her on the 21st of July, it was probably one of the most beautiful and emotional meetings we had. I still remember her face, looking at me unblinkingly with those eyes watering up; me, with my heart breaking, not being able to control myself and not being able to comfort her in any way either. If you are reading this and you have someone special in your life, I really hope this doesn’t happen to you, because trust me, it hurts. It hurts bad. And now I see these two, sitting inches away from each other. There. Look at him. He’s holding her hand and she’s smiling at him. Now he’s kissing her hand. GOD. Let her be already! Jesus f#*#ing Christ.
Don’t mind me. I am just letting out my emotional frustration of not having her beside me and not being able to do the same things as this jackass sitting right in front of me is doing to his special person. He’s a friend of mine. Don’t worry. I have nothing against him. Except the fact that he can roam around with his special one whenever he wants. He gets to spend time with her whenever he wants and doesn’t need to wait for three months to see her. You know? It kills you sometimes. It kills you inside and you have no one to talk about it to. You can’t talk to her. It will just break her more.
Yes. You can rely on that one room mate who is always there to save your life from these situations but how much will you tell him? The only solution would be to just get one day with her. Just one, fucking day which will make everything alright. Time’s a bi##h. It flies when you are with her, it stops when you aren’t. All I need is one day. One day to tell her everything I wanted to, for the past three months. One day to make her realise that I regret all the times I hurt her and did not learn from my mistakes. One day to tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me and how I want to spend the rest of my life and beyond, with her.
They just left, those two. Probably off to another romantic walk on their own. And here I am, sitting in this cold room writing this down while they are eating each other away in some corner.
Whoa. It’s 8:00 pm already. I didn’t realise that. Sorry. Time to go.
It’s busy out in the streets tonight. That’s odd. It’s 8:00 pm. People should be in their homes, having dinner with their family and friends and watching TV and going to sleep and having sex. Why are there so many cars outside?
Sorry. No time to think. I really wish I hadn’t stopped to do so. Didn’t see the pair of headlights running towards me at high speed. Would have been able to spend a little bit more time with her in a few days.
Is that antiseptic? Yuck. It leaves a weird smell in your mouth. And why are all the lights in a hospital corridor so dim? It’s so depressing. People will die of depression even before they get to the emergency room.
White dressed people. Some of them are putting channels of needles and tubes inside me. Commotion outside the door. A huge light is trying to penetrate the gloominess and my eyes are straining to adjust to it. In all this, I am still thinking about her. I probably won’t meet her again. Imagining her face reduces the pain. Substantially. She won’t know about this before tomorrow or day after tomorrow. I wish I had got a chance to say goodbye. Fuck my life.
Oh look. Those two have returned. Fake concern writ over their faces. Holding hands. Looking at me with pitiful eyes. Go away, morons. I don’t need your pity.I don’t need anything. Just bring her to me. Please.
Oh look. Darkness is setting in. You all are fading away. I can’t hear you.
Do me a favour, will you?
Tell her I love her.