Love Short Story – STRANGER’S LOVE
Photo credit: Oleander from morguefile.com
Nobody knows the future. Everything that happens in everybody life is decided by destiny and it is the destiny of Dia and Rajiv that’s why both of them are in a same mall for shopping. Dia came in mall with her sister & Rajiv came in mall with his friend. Dia always carry her diary in her bag because she thinks that nobody knows from where we get some important knowledge so we have to carry a diary and a pen and if we get some knowledgeable information just note it and keep it because you never know in which path of life we need help & then this information will help us. And in other side rajiv is a very lonely boy because he was only 5 years old when he lost his parents and after that he lost his smile he just want to spent time alone but because of the request of his friend he came in the mall he also carry one diary but in his diary he writes about himself life only.
But in this mall one terrorist fit bomb and after knowing that there is the bomb in mall the stampede will occur in the mall and during this stampede dia and rajiv both lost their diary after sometime when the bomb get defused and the crowd of the people become fewer then dia go to the manager of the mall and she ask him about diary she is in hurry, then the manager saw her two diary and both diary look exactly same so she became little confused and in hurry she choose one diary and went to home with her sister and after some time Rajiv also went to the manager and take his diary.
But in night when Dia opens diary to write something she is worried after realizing that her diary is exchange by another one and Rajiv is also in same condition he also realize that his diary is exchanged.
Next day one by one both went to the manager and ask about diary and manager give same answer to both of them that he don’t know anything.
Both of them return back to their home. dia is so sad because she love her diary so much then her sister came in her room and pick the diary and start reading and after reading one page only the tears rolled down on her cheeks she say to dia di just read its once I don’t know whose diary is this but the person who is the owner of this diary has don’t know how to lead life, a very lonely, sad and unhappy guy. And after that she gives diary to dia.
In night when dia went to sleep she saw the diary and she start reading the diary in other side rajiv also start reading diary of dia and it become the daily routine of dia and rajiv to read one page of diary before sleeping. Slowly-slowly dia gets attached to the story of rajiv .rajiv also start following the information which is written in dia’s diary.
One day rajiv’s friends come in his home to meet him and they were so surprised after meet rajiv because rajiv was changed now he is full of life, now he doesn’t want to live alone, now he is smiling. Then his friends ask him about changes in his behavior. Then he tells them that it is a magic, magic of a stranger whose diary is exchanged with my one. Then one of his friend ask him that yaar what is the name of the stranger then he say I don’t know but because of that diary one thing is clear that the stranger is a girl because yesterday I read the one page of diary and the last line of that page is “I am proud that I am a girl”.
It’s a Tuesday night as usually before sleeping dia go for reading diary but the diary is missing dia is tensed she ask her sister about diary but her sister says no, did I don’t know about diary. She ruined her room and after that her mom gives him the diary and she told dia that when in morning I came in your room this diary is lie on the flour and I put it on the book shelf. Then dia say thanks mom.
After that her sister asks her………
di what wrong with you I can’t understand because of this diary only you ruined your room you are so tensed .Di don’t tell me you falling in love with that stranger????….
dia: – No nothing like that yaar (she blushed)
dia’s sister: – really if you not falling in love with that stranger why you blush.
dia: – I am not blushing stop irritating me and live me alone.
dia’s sister: – okk you carry on reading diary good night.
Next day dia went to her sister’s room and tell her that yaar you are right I just fall in love with that stranger.
I know di you are in love but what next no one believe that you fall in love with stranger di you don’t know anything about that guy even you don’t know the name of that guy. Di it is a unique love story
Other side rajiv also tell his friend that he fall in love with that stranger whose diary is exchanged with his one. Then his friend tells him what?? Are you crazy?? How it is possible that without knowing without seeing that stranger girl you fall in love with her. And your grandparents they never believe that you fall in love with one stranger girl and you don’t know anything about that girl you don’t know her name also. Really yaar your love story is totally unique.
rajiv: – I don’t know what is the end of my love story happy or sad. But I want to find her.
rajiv’s friend: – yaar but how????
rajiv: – first I will go in mall where my diary is exchanged.
Next day he and his friend went to that mall and ask the manager about the diary. rajiv ask him that sir please tell me you give my diary to whom. Then the manager tell him that that day one girl came to me and ask me about her diary I saw her both the diary and she was in hurry so in hurry she choose one. Then rajiv ask him that what is the name of that girl then the manager told him that I don’t know her name.
Other side dia’s parent calls one boy at her house for dia’s marriage. But dia refuse and she tell her mom and dad that she love someone then her father ask her ok tell me what is the name of that boy???
dia: – I don’t know
Her father:-ok tell me about his occupation???
dia:- I don’t know
Then her father says if you don’t know anything about that boy how you fall in love with him.
dia: – please papa gives me some time
Her father: – ok I give only 2 days in these 2 days you have to find him and if you are not finding him within these 2 days then after 2 days you have to marry with that boy who is selected by me.
Other side rajiv’s grandparents also force him to get married because they also can’t believe in his love story.
Other side dia tries a lot but she can’t find rajiv. And after 2 days her father asks her where he then dia say I can’t find him.
Her father:-so you ready for the marriage with my selected boy
dia: – yes
rajiv also gets ready for get married with that girl who is selected by his grandparents.
But both rajiv and dia are not happy they do this for their parents both of them feels that their love story never completed and there is a sad ending of their love story.
But destiny decides something else for them.
After some day dia’s dad call one boy and his family for dia’s marriage and luckily the boy is rajiv but because dia and rajiv never meet each other so they don’t know that their love story will going to complete. After some time dia and rajiv get married. dia and rajiv both kept their dairy with them hidely from each other.
And after 3years of marriage one day as usual rajiv get ready for office but his one very important file was missing he ask dia about it and after that dia start finding the file and she got the file and she give file to rajiv and rajiv went to office after that dia arrange the files and put on book shelf. And after that she see one diary on the top of the bookshelf .she get that diary and after seeing the diary she is surprised because it is her diary which is exchanged. Then she realizes that rajiv is the stranger with she loved.
In evening when rajiv return from office she gives him his diary which is exchanged by dia’s diary then he ask her from where you get this diary. Then dia say rajiv your diary is exchange with my one.
rajiv: – it means I fall in love with you.
dia:- yes and I also love you not from now as you fall in love with me through my diary same way I fall in love with you through your diary . I try a lot to find you but I didn’t and for the happiness of my parents I get ready for the marriage.
rajiv:-same here but god or destiny decides to complete our love story. And in unintentionally we get married and now after 3 years we know that our love story is not uncompleted I am so happy.
Then they hug each other tightly and rajiv kiss dia’s forehead. And their love story is complete
And it is the happy ending of their love story….