Romantic Short Story – METRO MEMORY
Photo credit: ChasC from morguefile.com
(Note: Image does not illustrate or has any resemblance with characters depicted in the story)
Hey people. As you start reading this story, keep in mind that you might have already come across a sweet surprise like this. It could have been a shock or a casual incident but it’s always something special if you notice casually. You will soon face it in the future. No one can escape this. Just remember one thing, that if you are struck by something like this, then immediately pour it onto to a paper. Let the genius inside you write it. Let the poet inside you romance with your narration.
Well fine,
Let’s go to the story,
I am Ashwin Muralidharan. Doesn’t this name sound filmy?
OK, chill. I am just trying to make a cool image of myself.
Few years back I visited Mumbai from Chennai. You know sometimes some spots of earth have extra gravitational pull. It pulled my interest and attraction towards it. It became a fantasy for me. At first it was fancy but now it’s my living.
You can imagine what kind of exposure a Chennai boy would get here. I finished my post-graduation; I got a cool set of friends and now am in an awesome job. Even my bachelor phase got inaugurated here.
I live in a capsule accompanied by few doctors and mechanical engineers. Life in this capsule really taught me how to live with rats. Yes, actually they share their room with me. They are really big hearted and big sized fellows who adjust with me.
So soon I will have to say bye to these ratzillas. Sometimes I even wonder,
Are they ancestors of Godzilla?
I work at Digi Republik. It is an AD agency at Sakinaka, Andheri. So to reach there, I travel 30 minutes by local train and then 20 minutes by metro. Metro in Mumbai is a fresh system. It’s just two or three months old. But the local trains are the worst in INDIA. If you survive Mumbai local trains, you can survive anywhere in this world. To add irritation in this rush and frustration, my mobile got robbed. Seriously, I never expected an idiot to flick my idiotic phone.
Whatever, pride will all stick to lions even when they lose everything. Chill another attempt to make myself cool.
What next?
I went to the Air-tel store after working for an entire day. But, before going I got an insight that people advice you especially when you are in a need. What I needed was help and not wrong advice. I would have gone earlier in search of a showroom but my friends said that it will be open till 9 pm. Still I reached the store by 7pm. What I could find was a closed store with a 2 foot lock. This time there was a small difference. My frustration went to my head from heart.
My dad’s words helped to overcome it. “GOOD FOOD AND A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP” will change everything. So, the next morning I left home ASAP.
Then I took the metro. Metro was heavily crowded. It was like the entire Mumbai has come inside metro to cover them from rain. With my woodland shoes, dark jean and a Johnny walker style umbrella, I looked pretty decent in my reflection which was on the window glass.
Was that glass magical or where my eyes hallucinating? I saw a pretty girl’s reflection on the glass. I even saw the girl watching me watching her reflection. Sh*t, that moment of embarrassment gave me a bad feeling. But, there is nothing good and bad or right and wrong. I saw her again. This time she turned and looked at me.
For a second, I froze. One reason is because of her beauty and second reason is because of the sudden look. I just looked away. In Marathi or Hindi people call men as Tharki. It means men who are desperate for women. I was afraid that she should not get an impression like that. But I was lucky, she smiled at me.
Speechless and confused…. what an idiot I am?
I just look away. Few a minutes later she came a bit close to me. Her fresh smell was pulling me away from the waves of my thoughts. I just felt shy and at the same time happy looking at her. Something was blooming all over my face. Looking at my situation she giggled and looked at me again with a big smile.
Women – The main source of men’s confusion.
I did not know how to react. If I give myself in, she might take it wrong. It might have been a coincidence that she was smiling at someone else. But she was too pretty for me to think about other things.
Women – The main solution for men’s confusion.
This time she sat and waved a sign asking me to sit next her. I was sure this time it was for me. I happily moved to sit. But an old lady sat next to her. Even at times of romance, my fate plays football with me. She again giggled.
All these sweet happenings came to an end. My station came and I had to get out of the train. I saw a small fading expression on her face when I got out. Was she upset? Am I that handsome to attract her? Or all these things were just my Imagination?
Sometimes in life, there are many dreams. Those beautiful dreams are like soap bubbles. They are so pure and clear. They inflate first with so much of intense air which is emotion in my case. It passes through many eyes, getting their attention. Finally it pops and dies. This incident of mine popped up soon but it will never fade off.
The main insight behind this is, there are positive things and negative things all around us. But we have never been in a neutral phase. We feel being in such situations makes us incomplete. Here my story was not extreme or low. I did not ignore or follow her. But still I feel incomplete too. And these incomplete things stay more in your life and complete your feelings. They live longer than the short lives happy feelings.
One good thing is, I got my SIM card now.
Every day, this metro memory will make me search for my metro girl while am traveling.
This metro memory is one of my best memories.
Soon, I will catch with some good stories.