Short Story Romantic – If I was with someone else..!!
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
There are times when I don’t care about anything around me and never take pleasure in knowing what others are doing and how much they care about me..??
Maybe I am not exception in saying so but I have made a habit of it. I regret it but I can’t help it. It is in me and I can’t be able to change it also..!!
So, one incident made me realize that I should make some changes in me regarding this issue. I should make a change to my carefree nature and give importance to those also who makes my life better and beautiful.
The incident is of last to last week only and most unfortunately, of Friday. I was in my office and very much busy with my work and didn’t have any time for anything else. Even if Yamraj would have come and told me to come with him, I would have told him to wait and let me complete my work. I don’t want to give another excuse for not completing my work.
I was preoccupied with my work and I was pretty much busy to get it complete as soon as possible. I was bit self-possessed. Since, the deadline was near.
Suddenly, I realized that its 10 o’ clock at night and desperately required weekend was ahead of me. Definitely, at any point, was not willing to disappoint it. But, I was feeling helpless. Unexpectedly, I was startled by a call on my phone. I picked up my phone even without looking at the phone to check, whose call it was. I heard a familiar voice.
There was “SWEET HELLO” which always melts my heart and takes my breath away. But, I quickly responded with my “don’t matter who you are kind of hello” and continued with my work. It was my girlfriend’s call, like every weekend, she again asked me if she could visit me this weekend also.
These weekdays, as being very busy with my work and disheartened. Since, I also had a beautiful suggestion from my senior that I am not doing my work properly and sincerely..!! Which was always ticking in my mind. Since, quite determined, I decided that I would spend this weekend alone and little more with myself. Just to show, I am busy tantrums, I gave a kind of reluctance to her and said I am busy right now, can’t talk and hanged the phone.
She with heavy heart and love, which matters to her more than anything else in the world, she called again. I was already very much frustrated with my work and I needed someone to get my frustration out on and who can be more eligible for it other than my girlfriend.
I lashed out on her..!!
Why are you calling me again and again..?? You know I am busy right now. I don’t have time for useless things!!
She sweetly asked me. Shall I came this weekend..??
My response was again unbridled. I don’t have money. I can’t book ticket for you this time. Why should I spend all my money on you? My money is not a waste that I should be spending on unnecessary things. What you do for me? You can’t even come on your own money.
I knew that those were very rough words which I had thrown out of my mouth and didn’t make any sense for these precious people of my life.
But, when you are not in your senses. You make biggest mistakes of your life..!!
After hearing those words, she didn’t say anything. She just hang the phone and didn’t call again.
Since, I was very busy with my work and eager to complete my work. I forget everything in a flash of a minute.
When you are busy with something important and adamant to complete it, time runs like bullet train. It was midnight and work was still not complete and with lots of dissatisfaction in my mind. Gradually, at last, my body started accepting the defeat and was not eager to sit there for another minute. I decided to leave office and head for home. I didn’t realize a single second what had happened about an hour back. Being lost in my own thoughts and conclusions of today’s day. I drove home. I reached and straight after dinner I went to sleep.
Next day, I woke at 11 in the morning. I hastily, realized what I did last night. But, I didn’t have the courage to call her. The whole day went in my daily chaos of washing my clothes and other things.
At last, with lots of courage. I decided to call her at around 5 o’ clock in the evening..!!
tring.. tring.. tring..!!(Actually! my ringtone is A Kaleidoscope of Mathematics (James Horner))
Me: hello..!!
She: Haan..!! I am eating Golgappas at Laxmi Nagar Market with pooja..!! How are you..??
Me: (Surprisely) After 2 seconds!! I am!! I am fine!!
She: I will talk to you later. Very busy with my Golgappas..!!
Phone hanged. (We never say bye to each other)
I was shocked. Wohhhhh… No anger!! No shouting!! No rutna!! No manana!! What was that? She was not at all angry. Leave it. With lots of satisfaction in my mind, I was happy. She was normal with all that happened.
Again. At approx. 9 30 PM around. She called me.
She: where are you..??
Me: at my place.
She: are you alone!!??
Me: No!! I am having sex with someone, just finished.
She: seriously. You are with another girl. That’s why you didn’t want me to come there.
Me: yeah. Correct!!
Phone hanged!!
At around 11 o’ clock. Doorbell rang.
I was busy in my phone. I went to check the door.
No one was there..!!
I looked again.
OMG!! Just behind the pillar. There was a girl. She came running to me with a smile on her face and gave a tight hug to me.
Holyshit!! My girlfriend came all the way from Delhi to Jaipur. How can one be so stupid in love..!!
Her smile didn’t have any tension that how difficult it was to come to Jaipur from Delhi on 19th FEB. All the buses went off because of Jat agitations being going on in Haryana. Every bus… Every road… Every vehicle was blocked. Buildings and transportations were buried down by Jat people in and around Haryana. No one was allowed to cross Haryana. Only stupid people can have courage to go from Jaipur to Delhi or vice versa.
And second..!! My Flat is in outskirts of Jaipur. It takes more than one hour to reach there by any means. Even, she lied to me about eating Golgappas. So, that, I didn’t ask her why there was so much of noise around you?? When, she called at 9.30 PM around. She just got off the bus and called me to pick her and my reply to her ignoramus amazing questions made her angrier and without another word. She decided to come the whole way alone by an auto and had only Rs 140 in pocket. Unfortunately, autowala usually takes Rs 200 to come.
Seriously, when she told me the whole story how she convinced the auto guy to take her to my place and how much fear she had while she was travelling the whole distance from Delhi to Jaipur via Mathura (which is in Uttar Pradesh) via Bharatpur (which is in Rajasthan), which takes extra 2-3 hours to reach Jaipur and on another note, by boarding a private bus, whose driver didn’t have any idea how to reach Jaipur. Since, the bus didn’t have to cover Haryana. Again, Even to my place also!! Unfortunately, it lies on Ajmer – Jaipur highway. It remains quiet as dead. No shop… No house exists on the way while coming towards my society area. Not even a single person will be there after 9 o clock, only trucks can be seen occasionally and blindly running on the highway.
The smile present on her face just after that desperate hug always makes me think that how can a girl be so madly in love that she forgot that how tough, it was to come to Jaipur on that kind of situation when people were determined to destroy every public property and hatred was filled in their minds to such an extent that they didn’t care of anything and at the same moment, there was a girl who had a heart which was just filled up with so much of love to meet a guy who never takes her and her things seriously. After all that arguments and anger of why you came when there was no possibility.
The reply was so beautiful made me admit that you can’t win from a girl who is deeply in love with you.
THE REPLY… lying in my arms and eyes stuck straight into my eyes, starts with my name and including NA in it!! That the excitement to meet you, gives me lot of courage that I can cross any state and the love makes me so strong that it takes every bit of fear from me to fight any kind of situation which comes while making my travel to meet you..!!
At that moment, the reply made me think that how valiantly she is trying to convince me that the blunder, she has done was nothing in front of her love she has for me.
But, even after that kind of reply. I made her take a new vow. That, she wouldn’t come without letting me know..!!
And the reply was that “you don’t want me to catch you red handed with anyone else.” O Jess!! How will I win from this girl, but she agreed for the vow.
Now… Sitting in my room on my bed with my head staring at the ceiling, I think. In case If she would have found me with someone else. What would have happened to me? By the way. I don’t even want to dream that kind of situation. Maybe, I wouldn’t be there to write this incident with my hands.
Going back to Delhi is also another good story which I can have next time possible..!!