Romantic Short Story – Hurry up Ben
Photo credit: godidwlr from morguefile.com
Looking back, it’s hard to believe we have been together over a year; since it took him forever to “officially ask me out.”
I remember the night we met. At this point I would like to say; I remember it well but to be honest it was very hazy (just don’t tell Ben) I was a little tipsy to say the least.
There I was sitting down minding my business, when he walked in and it seemed like he came straight over. Like I said I don’t really remember what was said. All I remember were his long eye lashes, his dark wavy hair and of course his beard
Somehow I had his number (well took it down correctly.) Ben texted me on that night, although I didn’t get it till the next morning as I had fallen asleep. I texted back; within a matter of minutes he replied.
Before long we were meeting up in my car sitting on the beach, chatting about anything and everything. All the time we were meeting up I was longing for him to ask me out properly – three long months later (feeling three years later to myself) it finally happened. Here’s where I should point out is where disaster struck.
So the big day had arrived. Picture the scene I’m busy drying my hair and singing to myself, when I got THE text saying ‘not tonight’. At this point I’m not going to babble on about the few choice words I put in the text to reply. Instead I jumped to going to my friend’s house to have a moan.
My friend couldn’t believe, that he had done this after I had chosen the perfect red, or was it purple then again it might have been a black dress (ok I can’t remember what colour dress, or in fact if I was wearing a dress) The fact of the matter is I spent ages getting ready.
After around half-hour of ignoring texts, Ben finally saw sense and said
“I’ll pick you up in half-hour”.
It was a great first proper date in the end. We’ve been together over a year now.
I knew it was love when the waitress asked
“How would you like your steak?” And Ben replied